Hey everyone! We broke 20 reviews! Can we go for more? Please! This is the last chapter so I hope you enjoyed! I will be continuing with NCIS:LA stories that will reference this one. While you wait for the new stories check out my other ones about 7th Heaven, NCIS and Boy Meets World. Thanks! Review and enjoy!
It was about 9:30 am when Deeks started to stir. He woke up first and just layered there watching Kensi. She was so adorable when she was sleeping he thought. He kissed the top of her head and fixed the blankets so her feet were covered. I'm lucky he thought. I can't wait to just relax all day. Deeks was just thinking about the last few weeks and Kensi, mostly Kensi. Speaking of Kensi she was waking up.
"Morning Kens" Deeks said
"ehh" Kensi grunted while hitting his face. It seemed like she thought that he was her alarm clock.
"Kensi it's me Deeks" Deeks said
"Morning Deeks" Kensi said
"How long have you been up" Kensi asked him
"About a half hour, I was watching you sleep. Your so cute when you sleep" Deeks said
"I'm not sure what to say about that" Kensi said
"You should be flattered" Deeks said laughing
"How'd you sleep Kens?" Deeks asked
"Like a baby, I was so tired. How'd you sleep?"
"Also like a baby" Deeks said
"What time is it?" Kensi asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"About 9:30" Deeks said looking at his phone.
"Don't worry we have off today remember?" Deeks said before his partner could freak out
"Oh yea, I forgot" Kensi said giggling.
"How are you feeling?" Deeks asked a little more seriously. She slept through the night so that was good. He thought.
"I feel a lot better, I'm hungry and thirsty" Kensi said
"What should I make for breakfast?" Deeks asked
"Wow, I get dinner and breakfast. What did I do to deserve all this?" Kensi said
"You're you" Deeks said
Deeks leaned in to kiss her but Kensi had a thing about morning breath
"Deeks, not yet. Wait till we brush out teeth" Kensi said
So Deeks gave her a kiss on the top of her head instead.
"So, breakfast?" Deeks said
"Donuts " Kensi said smiling
"I think you need something more nutritious than that" Deeks said smiling knowing they would still end up with the ever popular donuts.
"Fine we eat both" Kensi said. That was the one thing she always kept in her house was donuts.
"Do you like omelets?" Deeks asked her
"Of course, who doesn't?" Kensi said
"What do you want in it?" Deeks asked her
"Ham, cheese and red and green peppers" Kensi said
"I can do that" Deeks said
"Do we have to go to the store?" Kensi asked
"No, I bought the stuff at the store last night. I figured everyone likes ham and cheese in their omelets and we still have the peppers we didn't use last night"
"Sounds good let's go cook" Kensi said
"Who is really going to do the cooking?" Deeks asked
"Me" Kensi said
"Really?" Deeks said. He wasn't even sure she knew how to crack an egg.
"Ok, I can help. I've only made scrambled eggs before never an omelet" Kensi confessed
"I knew it!" Deeks cheered
"Funny" Kensi said getting out of bed.
"Where are you going?" Deeks asked hoping he didn't offend her.
"Bathroom, it's what humans use, but in your case you can use the fire hydrant outside"
"Hey, I told you I was house trained" Deeks said
Now they were both hysterically laughing.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom now, you can start breakfast if you want. I even have milk" Kensi said getting off the bed
Kensi went to the bathroom and Deeks went out to start breakfast. Deeks got out all the ingredients and then started to cook. He was putting a little butter in the pan for the eggs when he burnt himself.
"Oh shit" He yelled
"Deeks are you okay?" Kensi asked. As soon as she heard the yelling she ran out.
"Yea, yea oh my god that hurts" Deeks said, he was still jumping around the kitchen
"Deeks, what did you do?" Kensi asked
"I burnt myself on the pan. The butter like shot out of the pan and onto my hand" Deeks said
"Really" Kensi said imitating Deeks
"YES and it hurts, but you don't cook so you wouldn't know"
"That's why I don't cook" Kensi said laughing
"Yea, that's why" Deeks said
"Do you want to aloe?" Kensi said
"Yes and a bandage" Deeks said looking like a hurt puppy.
"Oh my god Deeks, your such a baby. You're worse than a girl" Kensi said laughing and getting the first aid kit out of the cabinet
"How am I worse than a girl, you never burnt yourself on hot butter"
"True, true but have you ever burnt yourself with a curling iron or straightener. Or for the big one ever had anything waxed?" Kensi said with a smug look on her face
Deeks just stood there and looked at her not really knowing what to say.
"Actually never had any of that. Not planning on it anytime soon either" Deeks said
"Exactly, sit down and put your arm on the table"
"Ok Miss Bossy" now Deeks had a smug look on his face. He sat down and did what he was told.
"OK Deeks this may sting a little" Kensi said laughing, knowing it will sting a lot.
"HOLY SHIT KENSI" Deeks said jumping up and down again
"Deeks, I warned you. Please stop jumping so I can finish it" Kensi said laughing. His reactions were priceless. He's been hit by cars, fallen off bridges, been in more fights than he can count and been shot yet he can take a little burn.
"Now sit back down so I can put the aloe on it then bandage it" Kensi said putting a calming hand on his shoulder.
"OK, ok, then will you kiss it and make it better?" Deeks asked with puppy dog eyes.
"I wanna kiss more than your arm" Kensi said
"That makes two of us" Deeks said leaning in for a kiss.
"Not yet, you need to behave to get a kiss, let me finish" Kensi said pushing his head away.
"Fine" Deeks said pouting. He handed his arm to Kensi so she could wrap it.
"There you go, your all wrapped up" Kensi said kissing his boo-boo
"Was I a good boy?" Deeks asked
Kensi didn't say anything she just kissed him. Deeks broke the kiss first
"Shut up, you talk too much" Kensi said kissing him again.
After they broke their kiss again Deeks went back to making breakfast.
"Want me to make chocolate milk?" Kensi asked
"Are you sure you can handle it?" Deeks asked her
"Come on, I've made it before and it tasted amazing" Kensi said getting the milk and chocolate syrup out.
"Right of course, it has chocolate in it" Deeks said rolling his eyes.
"Did you know that it actually is good for you after a hard work out?"
"Really?" Deeks said
"Yea it rehydrates you very well" Kensi said
"Another reason to drink chocolate milk!" Deeks cheered
"Like either of us need another reason" Kensi said laughing
"So I think we should make breakfast I'm starving" Deeks said
They made breakfast together and now they were cleaning up.
"Can you hand me a cup so I can take my iron" Kensi asked Deeks
"Sure where is it?" Deeks asked
"Cabinet above to the right" Kensi said pointing
"Here you go" Deeks said handing her the glad.
"Thanks" Kensi said swallowing the pills.
"Deeks, just leave it we can take care of it later. I think we need to talk" Kensi said
"You okay Kens?" Deeks asked her.
"Yea, I want to talk about my dad, and us and our so called thing. I'm tired of shutting everyone out especially you. I think if our thing is going to work we need to know about each other. I'm tired of these walls being up" Kensi said. Her voice wavering not knowing if she should divulge this sensitive information to Deeks.
"Kens like I said, I don't want you to tell me anything you're gonna regret. I want you to be able to trust me" Deeks said cupping her face in her hand and staring into her eyes.
"Don't talk me out of it Deeks" Kensi said hugging him.
"Okay, let's go over and sit on the couch" Deeks said pointing to her living room.
Deeks sat down first and put Kensi next to him with her feet on his lap; he wanted her to know that he was always here for her and that she can always feel safe when she's with him.
"Are you ready?" Kensi asked
"Really? You're asking me if I'm ready, I was born ready for everything" Deeks said
"A. you're really's getting annoying and B. I doubt you're ready for anything" Kensi said jokingly
"Haha, make fun of the guy that cooks you amazing food" Deeks said laughing
"Exactly, what else would I do if I didn't make fun of you" Kensi said
"I don't know, maybe back my ass up more" Deeks said
"Hey, I always have your back, you didn't get shot with me did you? Kensi asked jokingly but she still remembers that day where Hetty told them that Deeks had been shot. It was tied for first in the days she hated. A. the day her father died and AB. the day Deeks was shot.
Deeks could see the pained look on her face as she recalled the day. He hated that day and what he hated more was that he almost let Kensi get shot. I don't really wanna talk about that day but if she needs to then I'm here for her, he thought to himself.
"Kens, you want to talk about that day?" Deeks asked with the utmost sympathy.
"Are you okay to talk about it?" Kensi asked not wanting to upset him.
"I mean I don't remember a whole lot. It's not on my list of things to talk about but if you need to or want to talk about it of course I will. I told you, I would do anything for you." Deeks said
"Can we talk about it?" Kensi asked needing to get things off her shoulders.
"Sure, so is this what you girls would call a heart to heart?" Deeks asked her which earned him a playful little punch in the arm.
"Yes of course" Kensi said
"Okay then let's start. So what was going through your mind when Hetty told you"
"Well we were just standing by our desks talking about humble brags, I figured you were just late as usual so I really didn't pay much attention. It was the first nice day that whole week so I just figured that you were surfing not getting shot; but when Hetty told us that you had been shot I could have thrown up, I felt my legs buckle under me and I wanted to fall through the ground but I couldn't because Sam would never have let that happened. All I wanted to do was get to that hospital and be with you, and see with my own two eyes that you were okay. And I also wanted to find the bastard who did this to you. Even Sam and Callen were upset and worried" Kensi said
"I know how worried you were Sam told me, after he taught me how to change up my routine" Deeks said
"I'm sorry I scared you. Did you like me like me at that point more than just as partners?" Deeks asked her .
Kensi didn't answer she just stared at the floor.
"So you did!" Deeks was excited now
"Marty Deeks I have been in love with you from the moment I set eyes on you" Kensi said, hoping he felt the same way
"Kensi, I'm flattered, I liked you ever since I saw you in the gym. You looked drop dead gorgeous in your workout clothes. I was so mad that I had to be an ass to you, but undercover you can never be too careful"
"I know, my eyes kept going back to you but my 'boyfriend' was just murdered so I couldn't really be back on the market just yet" Kensi said
"Okay, I'm glad we both agree that it was love at first sight. So what has this shit been for the last few years? Why didn't we just say so?" Deeks asked
"Maybe because you're a block head and I'm an even bigger block head. Were both pretty stubborn people" Kensi said
"At least according to Sam and Callen" Kensi added
"True, true I have to agree with that" Deeks said
"But I think that we should find out if we really are meant for each other. I mean we both have had our fair share of dates and things over the few years, but did any of yours mean anything to you? Because mine didn't" Deeks said blushing a little
"Honestly? No, nothing. When I was making out with this one guy I only thought about you" Kensi said blushing even more than Deeks.
"Really? I'm flattered" Deeks said flashing his 1000 watt grin
"Don't flatter yourself, this guy wasn't cute"
"So now I'm cute" Deeks said knowing Kensi won't be able to talk her way out of this one
"Yes, how Monty is cute. All shaggy and what not" Kensi said
"Ok, I can live with that. So what else do you want to talk about?" Deeks said
"Deeks, that's not how heart to hearts work" Kensi said
"You'll excuse me if I don't know the protocol for heart to hearts" Deeks said
"Maybe. SO I'm guessing you want to know about my dad" Kensi said looking down again
"I'd love to but only if you're comfortable with it"
"Ok, fair enough" Kensi said
"Want me to start?" She asked. Deeks just nodded his head yes in reply.
"Ok, I will start with the map story" Kensi said
"Good that sounded funny" Deeks said
"So, it was like every other day at the base middle school. We were outside for lunch recess and I had on the standard ugly white wash jeans on the '90s when one of my friends comes up to me and was like 'Kensi there's something on your butt'. I had been playing flag football with the guys right before so I figured it was mud. I was like 'I was just playing flag football, probably just mud' and she's like 'um no Kensi it's more than that, there's red stuff all over your you'. I wasn't really thinking that I had gotten 'it' we had had 'the talk' a few weeks before in class but I never expected it. So she took me inside and we went to the bathroom and when I got in the stall sure enough I got my first period. I had gym next so my friend went and got my sweatpants out of my bag and got a few pads from the nurse and brought everything back to me. The nurse had given me some extras to get me through the day and she said to tell my parents, at that point it was just me and my dad. I was 12, I didn't have any money to buy stuff on my own so I had to tell him" Kensi said
Deeks cut her off "Breath Kensi, we have all day"
"Right" Kensi said
"OK go on" Deeks said
"So I was debating on how to tell him but then at dinner I kinda just blurted it out. He was asking how school was and if I had a god day and my reply was 'dad I got my period today' he sort of chocked on his dinner for a few seconds then he just said that he would take me to the drug store and we would buy a lot and then if I needed more I could just tell him I needed some maps which were the pads and map2s were the tampons. He was really uncomfortable with it all and so was I but he just asked if I was feeling okay and if I needed to talk to anyone could talk to Sarah. She was a close family friend. My dad worked with her and I am still good friends with her kids. So the next day we bout maps and ibuprofen. He wouldn't let me try map2s and I didn't really want to so I just waited till I was older but on the shopping list it always said maps and map2s" Kensi said
"Kens, that's priceless. It's actually really cute" Deeks said
"He didn't want to think that his little girl was growing up so there were code names. I got pretty bitchy in the beginning so he said it was like walking in egg shells. It was definitely an adjustment because if he wanted to go to the lake or whatever I had to tell him and he would usually forget so there was more than one occasion where I yelled at him about it. When I was like 15 we started to laugh about it because he realized that his little girl was growing up and I wasn't so repulsed by the while womanhood thing" Kensi said
"That's pretty funny, yea I remember the girls were so secretive and mean. And there was me the goofball who didn't know anything" Deeks said
"Yea I don't like to relieve those years, they were some awkward times, I was taller than most of the guys, more developed than most of the girls. My arms and legs were like string beans, long and thin. I hadn't grown into my feet yet so I was always tripping. It wasn't pretty. I had the braces and everything. My skin was pretty good expect for that time or if I was overly stressed. So how about you, did you have that awkward phase?" Kensi asked
"Me, please I was a stud from the day I was born" Deeks said laughing
"Really" Kensi said imitating him
"No that's the biggest lie on the face of the earth" Deeks said
"Do tell" Kensi said
"So I had the braces, I was short for a while and then one morning I woke up and none of my clothes fit my pants were like 3inches too short but my dad wouldn't give me money for new ones so guess who had the dorky pants? Me. It was not a good look for me. Then my voice cracked literally every time I talked. I couldn't say more than three words without it cracking. I was really embarrassed by that but it was obviously normal. I turned red every time that happened. My dad would always yell at me to shut the f*** up and stop making it do that, so for some time I thought I was a freak and I was insecure about it. My dad didn't make it easy on me. I played hockey and baseball and it was during baseball season that it kept happening and my coach knew that my dad was a jackass and abused me and stuff so I stayed at his house a lot and he actually paid for most of my education and activities. He is what kept me from becoming like all those other hoodlums I grew up with. He had a trust fund so money wasn't an object to him that's why he worked at my dinky little school. He is the one that got me hooked on surfing, for Christmas one year he bought me my own board, it was bright green and I have fallen in love with it. I still have that board. I hope to pass it on to my kids someday. So that's most of my childhood, I was abused physically and mentally"
"Deeks I'm so sorry. That must have been awful" Kensi said
"It was rough, I always thought it was my fault that I was never good enough, I hated every minute of it and I didn't want it to happen to any other innocent kids"
"Is that why you wanted to be a cop?"
"Yup, pretty much" Deeks said
"Deeks what kind of lawyer were you?"
"Domestic lawyer, I protected kids from their abusive parents or parent. If it was only one parent like my dad I would help the people like my mom get the help they needed to start over again and turn over a new leaf. I really like what I was doing but it was hard to watch those kids come in with bruises and broken limbs, a few were actually paralyzed and I couldn't take it anymore. I was a wrack I was trying to save the world and I couldn't. I would lie awake at night and think of how many kids were being abused by their parents at that moment, it was eating me up and I couldn't take it anymore and that's when I went into law enforcement" Deeks said recalling all those sleepless nights.
"Deeks what you did was amazing, you know how many kids you probably helped. Your my hero" Kensi said kissing him.
"Thanks Kens" Deeks said kissing her back.
"I'm not a fan of these heart to hearts, they bring back things I've been trying to keep away for the last few years" Deeks said
"They suck at first, but they actually help. I promise" Kensi said snuggling closer into him.
"I trust you" Deeks said giving her a hug
"I'm glad, I trust you too" Kensi said. That was all Deeks needed to hear. She trusted him again and that's all that mattered to him.
"Deeks can I tell you more about my dad?"
"Sure" Deeks said
"So I think that you would have liked him. He was funny and charming, he could be scary to everyone but me. I was his best friend and he was mine. I was more of a tom boy growing up so he taught me everything that you would teach a son. But he also let me play with Barbie's. So I was a good balance between a son and a daughter. He always expected the best out of me like every other parent but I never wanted to let him down. He cared about my grades but if a C was my best than he was happy. He just always wanted me to do my best and have fun" Kensi said getting a tear in her eye.
"Kens he sounds like an amazing father" Deeks said. he could tell how much she missed him just from the little bit of information.
"He was, the night he was killed we had had dinner together and he had some work to do so he was going back to his office and I was going to the movies with some of the other kids on base. We wanted to see Titanic but it was no longer playing at the base theater so we had to go off base. One of my friend's parents drove us and later picked us up and when we got to my house NCIS was everywhere. My friend's mom and my two friends stayed with me until they told us what was going on. That's when one of the Agents brought me into the kitchen and told me that someone had found my father dead" Kensi said. She had to stop there because she was crying so much. Deeks moved her so that she was sitting in his lap and he put his arms around her and gently rocked her back and forth and let her cry. She just sat there sobbing replaying that awful night over and over again in her head. It was not until Kensi starting shaking that Deeks knew he had to break her out of her head.
"Kens, it's me Deeks. You're safe" Deeks soothed into her ear.
"Deeks I miss him" Kensi said in between her sobs.
"I know it's okay. Let it out" Deeks said gently.
Kensi continued to sob for a few more minutes and Deeks could hear her breathing return to normal when he start to speak.
"Kens, when was the last time that you talked about your dad?" Deeks asked her
"Openly about the night he was killed?" Deeks asked her
"The day of his funeral" Kensi said
"Kens, it's not good to keep everything in. I'm so sorry you lost your dad. You know you can always talk to me right?" Deeks said
"Yea, now I do. I feel bad because I haven't visited his grave in a while. They also still don't know what happened to him. It's a cold case. That's part of the reason I went to Hawaii was to talk to some of his old buddies but I didn't find anything out that I haven't already heard" Kensi said
"Is that why you didn't want me to come with you" Deeks asked
Kensi didn't say anything she just nodded her head.
"Kens, why? You didn't have to do it alone" Deeks said
"I know, I figured you would just want to stay on the beach and I didn't want this to happen to me" Kensi said. She felt ashamed that she didn't trust her partner enough to let him know what was going on.
"Kens, I would have been there for you no questions asked. I don't like to see you upset. You know sometimes talking about things helps a lot" Deeks said, his heart breaking that she had been keeping this all inside.
"I know, I wanted to tell you, I just didn't want the water works. I don't handle my feelings too well in case you haven't noticed. I just missed him and I didn't know what to do. I just wish they would find the people that did this to him. He deserves it" Kensi said. She let a few tears slip and Deeks wiped them away with his thumb.
"The water works would have been fine with me if that's what would help you. I was they had found those bastards that killed your father and did this to you. Maybe we can ask Hetty about reopening the case it work is slow" Deeks said
"I don't know, I don't wanna cry in front of the others again. I'm not ready to tell them all this. I know they would act like you and be supportive but I'm not ready yet. Soon though. I want answers" Kensi said
"We don't think any less of you since you cried" Deeks said
"Good" was all Kensi replied.
"You know you will always be my wonder woman" Deeks said kissing her.
"I know" Kensi said
"Let's talk about us know" Kensi said
"What about us?" Deeks asked
"Can we finally admit that were right for each other and that we should see if our thing is going to be more?" Kensi asked
"Kensi Blye, will you go out on a date with me?" Deeks asked
"Of course Marty Deeks" Kensi said
"You look tired, let's take a nap and then we can go to the beach" Deeks said
"Sounds nice. I love you Marty, I have loved you from the time that Hetty announced you would be my partner. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, I wish I had"
"I love you too Kensi. Now close your eyes"
Kensi and Deeks both fell asleep. Deeks still had his arms around Kensi and she felt safe. This is the most relaxed she has been in a while. They can't wait to start their new relationship.
So, did everyone like it? There will be more stories based off of this one. I want to finish some of my other stories. So read my other stories while you wait. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Review please!