Hello again everybody, sorry for being away for so long, I went back and updated my chapters, I hope they are better than ever. Some of you MIGHT be asking about all these things I threw into the mix, the explanation is simple, in this story Majora was a goddess and NOT a god.

Majora=the mother of demise

those who favorited and are following, you might want to check back on the updated chapters and see what you think.

Chapter 9:

Prison cell under clock tower

Zeldas POV

I growled as I hit my cuffs against the bars, "When the bloody hell did they have prison cell UNDER a structure!?" I said before a guard came in with a plate.

"Eat up, Princess" scoffed one of the guards as he put down some soup...outside of the cell just beyond my reach. you have GOT to be kidding me!

"Lord Ghirahim will be with you shortly." said the guard as he walked out. Tch, Ghirahim, I only knew about him from Hyrule Historia, it said that he was Demises right hand sword.

I eyed the soup and tried to read for it, but my cuffed hands wouldn't let me go any further. Try as I might I couldn't get it. I just hope Malon is alright.

"Hmmph, so was I long forgotten?" Dark Link asked me suddenly coming up from my shadow outside of the cell.

"No Dark Link, but I need your help to escape." I told him before I heard the doors to the clock tower open.

"Quick, Hide! it's Ghirahim!" I told Dark Link who only scoffed.

"Screw that, I'm wanting to see some blood drip" he said before charging up the stair case toward Ghirahim.

Termina Field

Tael's POV

Me and Skull Kid ran/flew as fast as we could back to Termina Field, we didn't look back, I hope Pamela will be all right...

"What are we going to do Skull Kid?" I asked a bit scared.

"I'll tell you what we are going to do, we are going to Find Tatl and De-possess her." he responded to me in an as a matter-of-factually voice.

"De...possess? was that even Hylian or English?" I asked with a sweat drop.

"I'd like to see your come up with a better name them." said Skull Kid which got me wondering, "Come to think of it, why aren't We possesed?" I asked curiously which caused Skull Kid to think.

"Hmmm... it could be because after my possession from Majora's Mask it no longer had any affect on me." said Skull Kid which made me give a quizzical look before we saw Link ride Epona back to Romani's Ranch, he seemed to wave nonchalantly at us before speeding off. Tatl followed him but turned to look at Skull kid and Me, what's strange was, we didn't see a Yellow glow in her eyes,

"Skull Kid...d-did you see her eyes?" I asked with a gulp.

"I'm glad I wasn't the only one, she didn't seem possessed." Skull Kid told me.

"if she wasn't possessed...then we should try and talk with her." I said, Skull Kid nodded before we followed link to Romani Ranch.

Romani Ranch

Link's POV

I stopped Epona just near the Farm House before getting off and giving her a carrot. I entered the house to see Cremia filling up a milk bottle with a Milker strapped to her breasts.

"Oh hello link." she told me with a smile. I eyed the Milk almost feeling thirsty, "Oh would you like a taste of MY milk?" she asked with a smile, Just say no, Just say no, JUST SAY NO!

"Sure." I said licking my Lips. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID! I'm acting like a Child...well more like a child who was raised by somebody else and NOT by...um...who was I raised by before? Ko...Kok...Kokair? I can't remember what the name was. Cremia smilled before she just finished filling the bottle before taking the milker off, she was still lactating a bit however.

"Don't be shy Link, come here and let me nurse you~" she said to me, the milk WAS tantalising, maybe just a quick suckle...NO NO NO! STOP THINKING THESE THINGS! IT'S BAD ENOGUH I'M STUCK WITHOUT MY OLD MEMORIES BUT NOW IT'S JUST GETTING TO BIZZARE!.

"Yes, Mahm." I said before going up to her then put my mouth on one of her nipples and started sucking, this cream tasted Delicious, I just can't stop!

"Sister." said Romani as she entered the house and saw her sister apparently nursing Me.

"oh, Hello Romani." she greeted with a smile, "the Terminian police managed to catch Princess Zelda of Hyrule and have put her in a prison cell under clock tower." Romani told her sister before she herself looked at Cremia's other lactiating breast.

"do you wwant some Cream as well?" she asked Romani who nodded without a second thought. I could get used to this, maybe I'll just forget my old memories all together, I mean, it's not like they were improtant or any-wait, Princess Zelda! the Princess of Hyrule I remember her! I just need to lead this body to "GAH!" I shouted rubbing my head.

"Oh what's wrong? are you suffering another migraine?" Cremia asked me, I only responded with holding my head in pain.

"Romani, Let's get him to bed fast." Cremia told her sister before they both rushed me up to one of their beds. I blacked out after I was placed on the bed.

Romani Ranch

Skull Kids POV

Me and Tael ran into the Ranch just as Link got off of his horse. We watched him walk into the house before we watched throguh a window. Tael gasped at what was going on, I gasped when Link seemed to catch a headache.

"What's going on?" asked Tael.

"I have no idea really, let's sneak in and see what we can over hear." I said.

"are you sure that's a smart idea skull kid?" Tael asked me with a concernedl ook.

"of course, we might need ALL the information that we can." I told him before me and Tael opened the window and crept inside then headed upstairs to listen in, but not before being stopped by tatl.

"What are you two doing here?" she asked us annoyed.

I am sorry to keep EVERYBODY waiting. I went back to all the old chapters and updated them. I hope they actually look decent enough. If you're wondering where Kafei is, He's going to show up next chapter. will he be brainwashed or possessed just like almost everybody else? why are Skull kid and Tael not effected by the apparent possession? answers will arrive when I feel the time is right.

Link is pretty much having an inter-conflict with himself. and isn't link just adorable in Romani's dress?