First, thanks to ALL the reviewers XD

Okay everyone, I'm afraid this will probably be the last chapter, because I'm working on my other fic, another inheritance story called The Promise, about MurtaghxNasuada, and I really want to concentrate on that. Plus, I feel that this story is drawing to a close anyway, because he is back now and that was kinda the plot thing from the start. Anyway, here's this to enjoy (hopefully)

Eragon POV

She was shooting arrows at a phenomenal speed, outranking any other elf in the field. Every second or so, there would be another thud, and another bullseye. It reminded me of all the times I had seen her fight during the way. How back then I had been so impressed by her grace and beauty, even in the heat of battle.

And what am I? An overgrown lizard?



Sorry Saphira

From across the field, I could see Saphira let out a small wisp of smoke, startling a nearby elf. She then proceeded to lick her talons, taking great care to show off her scales in the sunlight as she did so.

Do not worry, your beauty outshines any living mortal, or immortal for that matter. You are unique.

Mollified, Saphira's mouth turned upwards in what I knew was a smile.

Little One...

Not so little anymore

Saphira snorted again, To me, Eragon, you are always going to be tiny

I suppose

Saphira turned her head towards where Arya was still shooting arrows.

It seems your pointed-ears friend is trying to impress you... What did happen between the two of you when you went to her room? Another...clearing episode?

No! Yet again, I felt my ears go red, I was comforting her was all. She...had a nightmare

A nightmare?

About her imprisonment at Gil'ead. I think it was Durza hurting her

That would explain the number of arrows in the archery field then.

Thought she was trying to impress me?

My opinion is re-evaluated. Look at how she is shooting.

I turned back to look at Arya. She looked formidable, shooting violently with a passion that almost scared me. It was as if the archery target was a person, that she was intent on destroying.

She's angry said Saphira, but the words didn't ring true as I looked at Arya. The more and more I looked, the more I realised something was wrong. Walking to a nearby elf, I asked him how long the Queen had been practising for.

"Nearly two hours Shadeslayer, with no sign of stopping," he replied, looking proud at having such a strong Queen.

Two hours? I exclaimed in my mind, and I returned my gaze to Arya. Something was now going off in her aim. Repeatedly, she missed the target, as if she could no longer see. I noticed her frame was shaking slightly, and that was all the encouragement I needed. My legs propelled me to her side within barely a second. I noticed at once that her face was wet from tears, which had gone unnoticed under the long tresses of her hair, and her eyes were glassy, staring.

"Arya?" I said uncertainly, drawing nearer to her. She looked at me, as if a shadow had been lifted, and suddenly, smiled. It scared me. "Arya, come with me," I said quietly, holding out my hand to her. She took it readily, and carefully I led her away from the practice grounds.

Finally, we reached the Crags of Telnaer. Gently, I led her to the cusp of the ridge, and sat down, pulling her with me.

"What are we doing?" she asked, confused.

"You, are going to relax, and then you are going to tell me every petty worry you have, until they are all gone and you can simply lay back and look up at the sky with me." I replied, taking her hand.

She laughed, but I could tell she was more guarded. I looked straight at her, and after checking no-one was nearby, whispered first mine, and then hers, true name.

"We are two halves of a whole Arya. You can tell me anything." I whispered, and she nodded, and began her story.

It was hours later when she had finished, and then she sat there and stared into the distance.

"Better?" I asked, turning her face to look at me. She smiled.

"Yes," she said, "I did not think it would work, but-"

She broke off as she saw my outstretched hand and the gift inside it.


"Wiol ono," I said, offering her the lily. She took it and held it to her nose, smelling the wonderful scent. "Now everytime you think something awful, or a memory crosses you mind that you wish to forget, imagine this lily, and know that I will always, always be ready to hear you. I will always be here for you Arya. I promise."

"Eragon, thank you" she said, her voice wavering a little,

"For what?" I replied

"For saving me when no one else could," she answered, and she leaned towards me as I leaned to her. Then, our lips met, and we kissed even as the rain started to fall.

Well, I guess that's the end for now... Firstly, Arya is more mellow than we knew her because she has dealt with years of no Eragon and recovering from the war, and has changed after admitting she loves him. Secondly, it really would be awesome if you guys pressed the little button below this text and REVIEWED my little story...please...*begs hysterically...I like the warm fuzzy feeling inside that I get when I open my emails and see reviews waiting...XD