1,072 words here and this is the last chapter. C'est triste. Oh well read on and enjoy.


When Italy opened his eyes in the morning the bed next to him was cold from a long time of emptiness. The clock on the bedside table read seven in the morning so Germany had already been up for a few hours probably with breakfast on the table. The brunette grumbled and ran a hand through unruly morning hair and then wiped the sleep from his eyes. He sat up but kept his eyes to the white washed ceiling. He felt great that morning from a night with the blonde man. Images flashed through his mind of the previous evening and a blush spread across his face despite the intimate privacy of it all. They were the only ones who knew of it, but it was still shocking that he had actually gone all the way with someone, even if it was with Ludwig.

He stood up, knowing that if he did not get his shower before going downstairs the German would scold him, but he would not have minded either way. Feli wavered a bit before he stumbled to the bathroom, turning on the water and sliding the lacy panties down his legs. Panties? Why was he-? Then it hit him, he was again a man, no more breasts or curvy hips, but his hair was still long and wavy.

He felt a bit desperate at this new information as all kinds of thoughts flew through his head. He was not a girl anymore! What would Ludwig do when he found out!? Would he hate him now!? Oh my god, he could not do this, and he felt his heart begin to thud in his chest. Blood roared through his ears, and he wanted to scream. He held it down, though, knowing that it would do him no good. Instead, he just stepped in the shower to try and clear his head.

Breakfast . . .

Ludwig sat at the breakfast table, looking over the German newspaper as he waited for the Italian to come down from her shower. His wurst had already gone cold and his coffee had all been consumed. She was the best thing that has ever happened to him, and he was so happy after the previous night. He could hear the water of the shower running from upstairs, soon turning off and quiet as she was most likely getting dressed. Then, he heard a tentative and strangely low call from the top of the stairs, "L-ludi?"

He sighed and called back, "What is it?"

"Can you come here?" Came the response

He let out another exasperated puff of air before standing and walking to the stairs where Feli stood. But it was different. While his hair was still long, tied back quickly, but his face was again the angularity a man and no mounds of flesh from his chest. His shoulders were now muscled and broader and skin no longer supple. The thing that threw Germany off the most was the depressed shine in his eyes as he looked down desperately at him. His face softened and he slowly walked up the stairs to wrap his arms around the slight man.

"It's okay Feli, it's okay." He tilted the Italian's head up and gave him a light kiss on the lips, "I still love you, any way you are."

"Bu-but . . ." He cried but he was cut off by another soft kiss.

"Don't be upset," Ludwig commanded gently, holding him closer. "I cannot stand seeing you sad, Feli."

"You still love me?" He looked up hopefully.

"Of course I do. How could I ever stop loving you, you little pasta eater", he threw in the playful insult to help lift the Italian's spirits.

It worked well because he was soon chipper and energetic like before. As he looked on, Ludwig found himself wanting to celebrate for Italy, but for now he had to call and thank England, who had obviously found a reverse. He began digging in his pockets for his cell, but, when he found it to not be there, he was perplexed. He was sure that he had it yesterday at the meeting. Now, he had no idea where he had left the little device, so he went to the landline, pulling the address book from the drawer. However, when he was about to dial, the phone rang shrill in the now quiet house.

"Hello?" he picked it up after a few rings.

"Germany?" the happy child-like voice of Russia came through the line.

"Yeah", he said cautiously, "What do you want?"

"I found your phone, and come to England's." Was all the Russian said before he hung up.

Strange, Germany thought, Usually, conversations with Russia were laced with sickly sweet threats.

"Feli!" He called, "Get ready, we're going to England's house!"

At England's house. . .

When Feliciano knocked on the door, it was instantly flung open by England and they were greeted by a small group of cheering people. There was of course England, but also America, Russia, a very sulky France (who Germany glared at), Romano, and Spain. They all instantly focused on Italy and crowded around him, except France and Russia. Romano was scolding, England was relieved, Spain just curious, and America was shouting something like, "Cool dude!" The whole time Italy was all smiles and polite words. France shook his head and Germany could barely hear him say, "Il etais plus belle quand il etais un femme." He was more beautiful when he was a woman.

The blonde could not help the anger that flared at this, nobody ever doubted his love's beauty! Even at hearing this, he managed to calm himself because he had a feeling that that frog would not be trouble to them anymore. He watched as Arthur uncorked a bottle of fine Italian wine and Feliciano bounced happily from person to person, all the while managing to keep the red liquid in the glass. Soon, he was handing a glass to Ludwig with a confident, little smile that caused the German to grin himself. And they stood by each other's side for the rest of the night, not having to exchange a word to know there was nothing that could ever tear them apart. Between them passed a silent I love you with every sneaking glance they passed to each other, and there was no place they would rather be at that moment.


I'm sorry i you were looking for gay lemon but i haven't been able to write it anymore . . . not since i started reading the fluffy stuff, but if you really want you can review or PM me about it . . . But now i'm starting a new story now that all of mine are Ferme okay A beintot