"You suck!"

"You suck!"

Rachel had done it again, she had fooled Santana yet again and the girl was not going to stand for it anymore.

"You're cheating Berry! I know you are because there is no way... NO fucking way... that you could beat me! Ever!" Santana huffed, throwing her cards across the table and hitting her girlfriend with them.

Rachel just sat there in stunned silence. Sure, that had been about the fifth time cards had hit her in the face. She just couldn't understand how someone could be so terrible at a card game... And it wasn't even that hard! It was Go Fish!

"Santana.." Rachel paused. "Its Go fish.. How are you so bad at this? My five year old cousin could beat me." Wrong words as Rachel found the rest of the cards being thrown at her and an angry Latina glaring at her.

"Then I guess your five year old cousin can please you at night too.." She grumbled, not really taking in how wrong that statement was. She just wanted to hit back with anything but her fists.

"First off.. Gross. And secondly, its a kids game, stop acting like one or I might just find someone for tonight." Rachel had her arms crossed, ignoring the fact that she was covered in cards.

She had had enough with the way her girlfriend had been acting. It was just a kids game but for some reason it seemed like more than that to Santana and Rachel was determined to figure out why. Plus she had been pissy all week, but she knew that was from lack of sex.. and kissing.. and okay... Rachel may have pushed her too far by not exactly putting out. And she knew her girlfriend hated card games...

Her face dropped.. She didn't need to figure it out. It was all her fault and this was just making it worse. Shaking the cards from her body, Rachel reached across the table and pulled Santana in for a long and slow kiss. One that both of them had been missing. Santana instantly relaxing into her, she pulled the girl clear across the table and into her lap, earning a squeal. Rachel pulled back.

"Good thing we replaced the glass table, I don't think I could take more glass to the legs." She chuckled, remembering the last time Santana had done the same thing, breaking the table under Rachel and sending her to the hospital for the night.

"Rach.." Santana sighed. "Shut up and lets go play another game. Maybe you can Go fish three knuckles deep."
