
I do not own Sailor Moon. I don't own Michiru nor :weep: Haruka.

Authors Notes:

Hello everyone - This was my first real serious attempt at a chapter story which involves fighting, war, adventure, action and such. I'm best at romantic stuff I think. Anyway I wrote this story back in..oh.. 01? 02?.. its not 04 and I can see I need to go through and edit this story. So think of it as re-released.. Like a VHS movie released on DVD. lol.

Looking back on it now after enough time to view it as a first time reader (as I have forgotten most of what I wrote) I can see where it needs some tweaking. Anyway regardless, I know you all liked it 65 reviews is nothing to sneeze at!!.. Thank you to all the people who read this token from my heart. I don't think I have written anything since as powerful or meaningful. And I am very proud of this story. The hardest thing was beating up on Haruka then, and the hardest thing now will be remembering all the feelings I had when I wrote it. looking back at how idealistic I was. (I am a changed person. but hopefully not forever)

Throughout the story you'll see links after certain parts in the story. That is because I have illustrated certain scenes so feel free to look at them.

Dedicated to the dream which started it all that one day, and the wonderful couple of Haruka And (coverpg)


The waves echoed and churned, crashing around the thrashing Uranian knight who had been swallowed and captured by the rage of the sea. Salt water filled Uranus's mouth and stung her eyes. It was as though she was being pulled down and fought hard to break for the surface again. She struggled with all her might, ripping off all her armor, anything that might help her float up and breath the air her lungs burned for. Coming finally to the surfice came to the surface sputtering and coughing, she was soon dunked under again by another unforgiving wave.

'I can't keep fighting this way for much longer. I'm going to die in this bitter angry sea.'

Her lungs burned, every part of her being screamed for air, but there was no relieve much longer then precious seconds. Her eye lids felt heavy and her vision speckled with colors and distortion, until she could no longer distinguish the surface from the sea floor. It was as if she was suspended in a thick smoldering blanket of icy aquamarine and foamy black velvet. In a way it was almost comforting. Maybe she had been wrong all along. Maybe some sleep would help, if she only just slept. She no longer felt her limbs. Suddenly relaxed, she stopped fighting as if to sleep. Uranus was not going to give the sea the satisfaction of her fear. She had seen death so many times before; it was nothing new for her; even if she was the person dying. She was dying for her cause and lost the battle.

Her last comprehension, as she drifted into unconsciousness, was a pair of warm loving arms wrapping around her waist and upward toward the sky, her home. And away from the cold pitiless grip of death. . .

Two elements

One wind

And one sea

Meeting for the first time

Their destiny

Freedom is their only wish

For birds can not swim

And fish can not fly

But love like theirs

It shall revolutionize -

And bring two elements as one

The waves need wind as a gentle push and strong embrace

A whispering voice to carry its song

And for the wind. .

The sea to calm

And bring peace to its harsh and motion torn soul

They need each other

Maiden of the depths of the Sea

And the Noble born winged warrior of the Heavens

Do you believe?

In a love so deep

In which two souls,

Live only within each other?

From ballad to song

A long ago legend is foretold:

The lore of wind and sea

And how the two worlds came together

Joining as one forever

.. On That Fateful day ..

Chapter 1

The wind howled and raged high above the horizon, blowing and tearing the thundering clouds, too dry and spent to make rain, into a restless torrent of rage and bitter wickedness. The whole appearance of this world above the clouds was one of deserts now. It was a world which had little vegetation, and hardly any pure water. But it wasn't always this way. Uranus had been abundant with snowy broad mountains, crystal streams, fields of valleys and nothing but an endless stretch of sky, clouds and the refreshing rush of Wind..

But during the long, blood soaked years of war, the land had changed. And its people were torn from treachery, destruction and civil wars. All that could be heard was the clang of blades and metal, the helpless moan of wounded men and battle cries of warriors not yet vanquished. It was once a proud shining land, now torn through ancient disputes caused seeded from greed and power. This fateful battle had been sparked by the execution Uranus's king and from that, the shattering of a once prosperous realm.

The heavens roared and churned in bitterness and blood soaked clouds. The blood of many rested on the King's only Daughter's shoulders: The one and only royal left.

The group of knights held back waiting for the signal from their commander, regardless of the fact that she was female and a born 'Princess'. She was a knight just like they were. Her rulings were just, her causes noble, and they were proud to follow the Kings wishes. Most of the men were older then she was. But they had loyalties to the King, as a friend and as another comrade. And that was deeper then pride or gold.

Gleaming in dark blue armor crested with the golden emblem of Uranus, Haruka reflected all the things she was born to do, brining justice and truth. Born into grace and molded through hardship into a leader and fighter. She was handsomely beautiful with short wind blown wisps of golden blonde hair and brilliant sea gray sky colored eyes; this warrior had been chosen to right the wrong and bring peace to an abandoned cause. She was the Princess of Uranus, entity of the Sky and winds.

Blood stained hilt griped tight, the Warrior of Uranus prepared her self for, hopefully, the last battle that their land would see for decades to come, before there was absolutely no hope left. With a signal, the group of men under her command charged loyally, swords thrashing. They held back the dark knights of her enemy, some of her men had been gifted by her, with some of the magic left of the Sky and they needed it. These dark knights were sent out by a corrupted and powerful war lord. She wasn't aware then, how exactly it would effect not only her world of the Sky, but also if not stopped, all lands known to the gods or humanity; More importantly to her whole being, the realm of the Sea.

She was about to join her men when she saw a previous squire who was only just knighted, cowering behind the remains of the town wall which had protected them momentarily before the attack just outside the village. He was pale and unhurt physically save a busted lip and a nasty gash along his face.

Though he clenched his arms, cradling them as if broken or from fear, he was only yet a boy, the age of ten and six years. He looked to Uranus, his commander, with wild fear crazed eyes. Like one of a cornered animal, snarling in defense.

"Get up!" she hissed angrily and when he didn't she dragged him to his feet.

"How dare you cower in fear, when all around you fellow men and helpless victims are dead or dying?" The young man wrenched out of her grip crying out to the Gods and she hit him hard across the face, letting him stagger back from the force of the hit.

He seemed dazed and looked at her hard, blinking as if waking up. The young knight turned his head hearing a scream of pain and took to the war scene occurring all around him, as if out of the momentary trance. Uranus then left him and ran ahead, hearing the necessity of her blade in their cries and joined her fellow knights once again blocking and swinging.

As long as they held the enemy back from entering the protection of the kingdom walls, then maybe there was some hope. Without the village and market place, the central and strongest part of Uranus, even those most loyal to her father and the crown, would leave or out of bitterness or fear, pledge to the enemy. That's why she fought, to protect them. To protect the people, who had only hope left.

Uranus had just enough time to dodge a blow, when right behind her the blade of a battle ax grazed the muscle of her shoulder blade, breaking one of her wings. The jolt of the impact shocked her momentarily, making her grimace and scream bitterly in rage. Without a moment's hesitation, she turned to give her attacker a savage death. She was aware of her own blood draining in a slow and continuous trickle down her back and shoulder from the wound, staining her armor and tunic, matting the feathers of her reddish gold hued wings, matching the roaring sky. Her wounds contents tainted the golden Uranian crest; A life flow of bright red, mixing with the rust color of old blood. Not to mention, sweat and tears of the men -enemies and allies- which died or prayed around her.

"It's not over yet! I'll be damned if It is!" Due to her unexpected wound, the determined knight dropped her broad sword needing two arms to wield it, and drew her other blade in a motion natural as breathing. She ran through the tangles of bodies, of knights and warriors fighting one on one with each other. She killed anything and everything that got in her way till she found what she was searching for.

"Is this what you wanted? You God damned bastard!? What kingdom is this now? How did starting this war advantage you at all in the end, or did you just start this war to make everyone die, regardless of if you won or not?!"

She lunged for the cloaked man in question who leaped back and into the air, shielded himself in a wall of coppery red flames, like the color of wicked blood. The war lord snickered evilly, as the metal of her blade, gleaming from navy blue light, screeched in response from the tainted magic he used.

"Your father was a fool for a King. A ruler cannot govern its people with justice alone. A king is a symbol of absolute power, a god to those below him, the one factor of their life and death. I saved him a life of blunder and stepped up to a task he could not handle, and did a favor by killing him." Grinning his red eyes gleamed as if by their own fire within, stirring from all the restless souls he captured or killed. Their lives, hardships, blood and tears gave him power.

"How was I to know his backward excuse for a daughter was to take his place. Like a whimpering helpless mutt in a pack of wolves. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, or who you're up against, Wench. You will soon join him in the under world along with this kingdom, where it belongs!"

Her anger soared, mixing with adrenaline and the over powering will to rip apart the object apart before her like nothing else she had ever wanted more in her life. Shattering through the walls of flame with her own magic channeled through her blade, the symbol of her birth glowed strongly on her forehead.

"Come down here, and fight me like a man!"

The two locked in bitter combat. A knight of the winged world of heavens, and the other a war lord of dark magic and the previous adviser and once trusted ally of his victim: Haruka's father.

"Give up?" The Lord asked, after knocking her sword free form her hand, spraining her wrist. The threatened knight watched as the dimming metal slid across the barren earth, stirring up dust and disappearing deftly. Her hopes followed the blade, over the edge and into infinity. She had been backed against nothingness, just the cool wind whipping at her back and making her wound sting, sticky from blood and feathers.

It chilled her to the core, feeling how it led off into nothingness, just endless miles of sky, clouds and atmosphere; and her without working wings, to fly.

Uranus glared at the man, staring into his eyes with bitter revulsion; Jaws clenched and sweat beading against her brow. The loss of blood was one thing, and her faltering strength was another. She knew she didn't have many options left. The war lord grinned darkly believing he had the Uranian creature of the wind captured and cornered. And to gloat, he reached out to touch her cheek, sliding his dirty stained hand in her wind tousled hair. She clenched her hands into tight fists, biting her lip so hard it bled. Mentally, she closed off the world, putting up a shield of inner protection from mind and body, which turned her eyes a bitter cold gray. She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he had gotten to her, and she waited for an opening to attack again, ignoring the sluggish feeling of her body, crying for rest. The fact that this evil man had ripped apart the only known world she ever knew and took away everything in her life, gave her a new furiously to fight.

Waiting, a deep growl forming in her throat, Haruka looked off in the distance behind him, staring at something unseen. Part of her was prepared for death, wanting death, but if she left she vowed to take her with him.

She wanted anything but his touch on her skin. He brought his face close to hers, and she could smell the sourness of ale and pure rottenness of his breath. She felt a wave of nausea pour over, sick anyway from her wounds. But his contact was something that made her tremble with fury, she didn't realize how much hatred a being could have for another, except at that moment.

In the corner of her eye she saw a dagger in his belt. And at their close range, it would only take a matter of one specially placed thrust, to end his life forever. Letting him feeling comfortable in his capture, the war lord let his greed overwhelm him. Not only did he want this prize, he would take hers. Letting his lust conquer his better sense, he let his sword drop and held her tightly in place. She winced as his fingers dug into her wounded shoulder limp from uselessness, while the other hand groped for the buckle of his britches.

"Though I might not have full court left to rule over, I think in the end I have won a much greater prize. I'll show you what you've been missing out on all those years you hid from me at the palace when I came to you. Don't think I didn't know your secret. The whole kingdom knew! Hell, even your own father knew. You were a joke, a disgrace, to the castle and even your brother, all those years!"

When she closed her eyes and denied him the satisfaction of seeing the pain in her eyes from his words, he shook her violently forcing her to look at him before continuing. Her icy glare made him smile.

"Don't think your sinful ways were not to go unpunished. Your father was planning for your exile as soon as you returned as a knight with your shield. It would have been a shame though, to let a women with a body like yours go without bedding first. It seems like this is my chance, right before the spirit of your father and the ruins of his disgrace!"

Losing her self control, Uranus grabbed the jeweled hilt dagger she had seen earlier and with a quick swipe, slashed at him wildly before kneeling the man hard in the groin. He swore clutching his wounded flesh with one hand and crumbling slightly to his knees while extending his other arm, magic throwing her back against the rock scattered surface of the barren desert land. She forced herself up to her knees, new nicks and scratches from the rocks, not stinging as bad as her eyes did fighting tears. She felt his magic trying to seep into aura, trying to break her down, he was a lord of manipulation and considered human emotion a tool to use.

"Lies! You speak of nothing but lies, you arrogant bastard!" She yelled angrily enraged, his words had lashed and cut at her heart though she didn't show it.

"I am no mans property! Not to you or to anyone! I would rather slit my throat, than let you have your way with me!"

Crouched over in pain and dripping blood, the warlord collected dark energy using the souls of the dead around him and lifted his hand towards her. Waves of dark red magic poured out in powerful vibrations, the ground began to tremor violently. She clutched the dusty unstable ground with her fingers, trying to keep herself up right and balanced. Like a perched bird, desperately holding on to a breaking limb.

"It's a shame you're tossing your life away. I might have let you live as my lady. We could have ruled the new realm together."

The ground behind her began to crumble away quickly behind her, falling into the seemingly never ending sky.

"But unfortunately for you, it's too late for that!" Uranus gasped as the earth trembled dangerously under her and fell suddenly back as the ground crumbled and gave way. The once chosen warrior and crowned heir of the heavens plummeted down ward, into the unknown and out of the realm of the sky.

Seemingly forever...