A/N: Hello there, and thanks for reading up to chapter two. Hopefully that means that you enjoyed chapter one! I'll probably be posting these about once a week, and if I miss a week I'll try to get two updates done the next week. I warn you that Alex is a bit of an idiot in this chapter. Enjoy!


Alex would be lying if he said that he wasn't thinking about Sean as he woke up that morning. Heck, he'd be lying if he said that he hadn't been dreaming about Sean all of last night. It seemed that since their outing (Alex knew he really shouldn't call it a date) thoughts of the red-head had been pervading his mind more often than he had previously thought possible.

Everything seemed to bring his mind back to thoughts of Sean. The rush of water from the adjacent bathroom where he knew Sean must be showering. The vague smell of toast that was present in the air around the dining room. The sight of the pre-emptively placed toast rack that sat in the centre of the table even though nobody but Sean ate enough toast for it to be necessary.

Taking a seat at the table, Alex returned the small nod that Charles offered him from across the table. From what Alex could tell the professor and Hank got up earlier than he and Sean did, though he didn't know if it was through habit, the fact that Hank didn't even seem to sleep most nights or simply because they always had a lot to talk about.

At the moment Hank was explaining something to Charles who was interjecting with an occasional "I see" or "Indeed". From what Alex could gather, they were talking about Cerebro (though he couldn't be sure, he wasn't stupid by any means but very few people understood what Hank was talking about once he really started going).

Starting to eat a slice of toast, Alex resigned himself to listening to Hank's long-winded explanation. If he paid very close attention he could understand some of it, though the blue boy would usually follow what he understood up with an elaboration that just made it all twice as mind-boggling.

After about five minutes and two slices of toast with jam, Alex heard bounding footsteps coming towards the dining room. There was only one person it could be but the blonde still smiled when he saw Sean at the door.

"Morning!" the ginger beamed as he moved to sit down next to Alex. He could swear that the smile Sean flashed him was a little wider than usual, but he supposed he must just be imagining it. As the red-head took a seat, Alex frowned a little. Sean definitely didn't usually sit so close to him, next to him sure, but any closer and the other teenager would be sat on his lap. The blonde groaned, he really didn't need those mental images right now.

Watching Sean out of the corner of his eye as he poured himself some cereal, Alex smiled again as the red-head immediately burst into conversation. It was almost as if he remembered everything that strayed into his mind overnight and then released all of the pent up information and ideas the next morning. Reaching over to grab another slice of toast, Sean's hand brushed against Alex's, immediately sending what felt like an electrical current up his arm and taking him straight back to his dream last night.

He had Sean pinned against the wall, his arms in the air and his lips parted in a breathy moan as Alex ran his lips down the side of the red-head's freckled neck. Making sure he'd left a dark red mark behind, Alex pressed his lips once more against Sean's and grinding himself against the panting red-head, forcing another gasp and moan of pleasure out of his kiss-swollen lips.

Alex shook his head, forcing himself to supress the thoughts. That was easier said than done with Sean sitting right beside him, leg pressed against Alex's as he giggled and explained to the blonde a joke he'd thought of, leaning in to whisper the end part into Alex's ear because it was likely to offend Hank.

At this point Alex couldn't have explained why as he was using every last one of his brain cells to try to distract himself from the sensation of Sean's lips moving against his ear.

Sean's lips were wrapped around the base of Alex's erection, his cheeks hollowed out as he sucked the blonde boy, looking up with an attempted grin on his face. He slid his tongue along Alex's length and it was all Alex could do not to cum in the red-head's teasing mouth right there. He wrapped his hand in the ginger's wavy hair and gasped out as Sean moaned around his swollen cock.

Once again, Alex forced the recollection from his dream into the back of his mind. He really hoped he wasn't 'projecting' or whatever it was the professor called it, because if he was he was royally screwed.

"Alex, is something wrong?" Sean asked, looking him in the eye. What he really meant was 'why are you drooling instead of laughing at my fantastic joke'. Alex cleared his throat.

"Yeah, fine. You know what? I'm not really that hungry. I'll just go take a shower," he said, hurriedly rushing from his seat and ignoring Sean's reply. Something about seeing him later for training.

Alex groaned, it had taken all of the resistance he could muster not to just pin Sean to the breakfast table and kiss him there and then.

He'd actually like to see how Hank and the professor would respond to that.

Stifling a chuckle, Alex rushed to his room.


That morning had been painful, in every aspect of the word.

Focusing himself on blasting some mannequins in the grounds, Alex had really spent most of the morning watching Sean swoop around in the sky.

It was thanks to his observations that Alex had noticed Sean's landing go, well, not quite as intended. The red-head had attempted a last-minute flip in mid-air and lost control, ending up hitting Alex (who had barely stopped his power in time) full force and rolling them both through the grass for a few feet until they slowed to an eventual stop with Alex on top of Sean.

Abruptly getting up off of the red-head, despite his body protesting rather adamantly that it wanted to stay in that position, Alex had assured Sean that he was fine as the red-head panicked and apologised so profusely that after the umpteenth 'I'm so sorry' the words were barely identifiable. Once Sean was absolutely certain that his mistake hadn't had any major repercussions he had burst out into laughter. Alex, blood pumping with adrenaline, had laughed too, unable to stop from sharing in the red-head's bizarre mirth.

Of course, once the laughter stopped Alex was rather abruptly reminded of the facts that not only were bruises starting to show, but also that he had only minutes ago been lying on top of Sean.

Alex had managed to get away saying that he was going to grab a drink, and had spent the rest of the afternoon in his room, silently berating himself for being unable to be around Sean without thinking something totally inappropriate.

After a couple of hours, boredom had started to kick in and Alex decided that the best option would be to go downstairs and watch some TV. The news would be on soon and there was no point in doing any more training as it would be dark soon. Changing out of his sweats, Alex made his way down to the living room where the TV was situated.

As he neared the slightly ajar doorway, he could hear that the TV was already on. It must be either Sean or Charles, as he had passed Hank's lab on the way down and had heard Beast muttering to himself about something. Alex had hoped it was a way of figuring something out and not a sign that his friend was descending into insanity. In a house of mutants they really didn't need a mad scientist.

Entering the room, Alex found himself for the second time that week being stunned momentarily by what lay before him.

Sean was lying on his back, occupying the full length of the two-seater couch with his legs bent and spread slightly so that they were supported by the arm rest. He was wearing shorts, which really did look like boxer shorts, and a vest that had rolled back slightly to expose a small expanse of the red-head's stomach.

Alex tried to compose himself, but couldn't. Did Sean even realise what he was doing to him? Of course not, they lived in a house occupied entirely by guys, Sean was just wearing whatever was comfortable. He turned and left the room, ignoring Sean's voice as he re-ascended the staircase to his bedroom, collapsing onto his bed.

Alex couldn't bring himself to turn up for dinner that night, knowing Sean would be there and knowing there was no way that he could stop from thinking about the other boy in such a way.

At five past seven he heard a hesitant knock on his door. It would be Sean asking him why he wasn't coming down to dinner. He ignored it, the door was locked and he couldn't face Sean like this. Sean would hate him if he knew what went through Alex's mind, it was a betrayal of his friend's trust.

"Alex? Are you in there?" he heard Sean's voice ask through the door. There was another knock. Alex stayed still. "Are you feeling okay?" came the voice again; it pained Alex to hear the tinge of worry in Sean's voice. He continued to ignore it and eventually he heard Sean leave.

Alex pressed his face into his pillow, his curses muffled by the soft fabric. Later that evening the professor came up to his room, Alex opened the door this time. He explained that he hadn't been feeling well since hitting his head when he and Sean fell earlier, Alex couldn't tell whether or not the professor was reading his mind to find out the truth but either way he left, a slight frown on his face. As Alex was closing the door he spotted Sean standing just down the corridor, a hurt look in his blue eyes. Alex looked away and locked the door as it closed.

Later on he heard the sound of the shower but forced himself to ignore it.


Two weeks passed and Alex succeeded in avoiding Sean. He trained in the underground bunker instead of outside, he skipped meals or turned up late and took the furthest seat possible from Sean, he kept his door locked and if he accidentally walked into a room with Sean in it he quickly left. He couldn't have uttered more than a couple of brief sentences to the red-head for the whole fortnight.

Unfortunately, it was doing little to help. Every night he still dreamt about the red-head. Every time he saw Sean he felt a little happier, especially now that he was barely seeing the red-head at all.

It was one thirty and Alex knew that by now everybody would have eaten lunch. He pulled on a shirt, unlocked his door and opened it to head down to the kitchen. What came next surprised him to say the least. Sean was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the corridor, staring pointedly at the door.

As soon as Sean spotted Alex at the door he practically charged at him, forcing himself into Alex bedroom despite Alex's attempt to close him out. He looked Alex in the eye and pointed an accusing finger forward so that it was pressed against Alex's chest.

"You," he began angrily, "You have been avoiding me for two weeks! I thought we were friends and then you just ignore me!" he cried. It was only then that Alex realised how upset Sean looked. His face was flushed with frustration, his mouth set in a straight line and his eyebrows turning up towards the centre of his forehead. Alex could swear the red-head looked teary eyed.

"I-" Alex began, but was cut off.

"And don't try to give me some bullshit explanation. I know it's not because you don't feel well. I've seen you talking to Hank, you talk to the professor all the time so why are you suddenly avoiding me?" he demanded, looking Alex in the eye and daring him to make up an excuse.

Alex began to stutter out a response, wanting desperately to assure Sean that he was his friend. Sean was looking away from Alex now, visibly hurt.

"Do you not like me or something?"

The question was so unexpected, and the concept behind it so blatantly wrong that Alex was almost shocked. Sean looked up at him, pain shimmering in his eyes with unshed tears of frustration and at that moment Alex didn't think. He just acted on instinct.

Surging forward Alex pressed Sean against the wall, crushing their lips together in a rough and sloppy kiss that conveyed all of the raw emotion he had been keeping bottled up for months. Had Alex's eyes been open he would have seen the shocked expression on Sean's face turn to one of want.

As quickly as it had started the kiss was over. Alex, realising what he was doing, had pulled away. He stared at Sean, who was panting slightly and supporting himself against the wall, with an expression of abject horror as what he had just done and the implications of it hit him.

Sean just continued to stare dumbfounded at Alex as the other boy's face turned pale. The red-head would later admit that at that moment he didn't know what was going through his own mind as he lunged forward. In one swift movement he flung his arms over Alex's shoulders to hang loosely around his neck and pressed their lips together. Just as rushed and needy as the last kiss, but gentler at the same time.

Still a little stunned at the sudden turn of events, Alex let Sean kiss him and press their tongues together, moaning a little before pulling away for air.

"How long have you been waiting to do that?" Sean asked, taking in a gulp of air and blushing fiercely.

"About seven months, you?"

"About seven seconds, but I don't know why I never thought if it sooner," Sean chuckled breathlessly, running a hand through his hair. He allowed Alex to lean in and kiss him again.

Glancing at the clock, Sean pulled back and cursed loudly.

"Shit, I said I'd go see Hank at ten to two," he explained, smiling apologetically.

"It's fine," Alex replied, pretty sure he would have fainted with happiness if they had kissed for too much longer anyway. They shared one last chaste kiss before Sean rushed off. Alex merely flopped down onto his bed, a lopsided grin making its way onto his face and all thoughts of lunch forgotten.

He had kissed Sean Cassidy.

He had kissed Sean Cassidy four times and he was pretty sure that later he'd get to do it a fifth time.

He grinned to himself again.


A/N: And this is what I did instead of studying. Updates won't always be this frequent but I had this scene in my head all day and just had to write it out. That last scene was far too fun to write than it should have been. I always appreciate reviews, watches and favourites, and if you liked this you might like my other Havshee fanfiction.