Fandom: Lost Girl
Pairing: Bo/Lauren, Kenzi/? (because the poor girl needs to get some)
Disclaimer: These are not my characters, well, most of them aren't. I'm borrowing them for a good time, because my imagination won't rest until I do.
Rating: R with maybe NC-17 later
Summary: It's been three years since Nadia "woke up". Things have changed for everyone. And some things never do. Four dead bodies and a mystery for our girls to solve. Some spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen the latest episode.
Author's Note: I've never written a fanfic before but there is just so much about LG that I love and I couldn't not do this. I hope it turns out as well on paper as it does in my head. I just want to stay true to the characters. Part II will be coming as soon as I can find time.

Working Title: It All Starts With...

Part I: Some Things Never Change

"Would you just relax and enjoy the ride?" Kenzi ordered Bo in exasperation. She had been counting the number of times that her friend twitched in her seat and looked longingly at the exit of the luxury jet they were ensconced in. Six times since the plane had left the ground; even Kenzi, who had grown up wealthy was impressed by their posh ride and she could not understand Bo's fear.

Bo was not impressed.

The dark-haired, dark-eyed, normally calm succubus was acting as though she was being tortured by being belted into the seat. She had tried to back out at the last moment - the very last moment, refusing to actually enter the craft. Who would have thought that someone who had faced down monsters of every notion would turn phobic at a little plane ride?

At least it was a private jet, nobody but Kenzi, Bo, a pair of pilots, and one tasty-looking man wearing a a tailored black suit, were in attendance. Kenzi had been trying, for an hour, to engage yummy-man in a conversation - or at least some eye-sex - but he seemed oblivious to anything but a direct request. He didn't even seem to notice Bo or her 'assets', which rarely happened. She was starting to think that he was gay...or better yet, a robot.

Bo started to fidget with the buckle of her seat belt and looked at the exit again. Kenzi sighed and laid one of her small hands over her friend's, stilling them. Bo glanced at her sheepishly, but took Kenzi's hand between both of hers in a death grip. Kenzi grunted at the pain, but said nothing. She raised her free hand and snapped her fingers. Robo-steward glided forward and bowed just a little, saying nothing. Kenzi gave him a tight smile and said, "Hi. Do happen to have anything that might calm my friend's nerves?" And save my hand from being crushed, she added silently. The guy stared intently at her, pretty blue eyes looking absolutely vacant, showing no signs of emotion whatsoever. Then he gave another tiny bow and moved purposefully towards the back of the plane, disappearing behind a curtain.

Kenzi turned her attention back to Bo. The succubus had reverted to squeezing her eyes shut and was muttering some kind of mantra under her breath.

"Why did you take this case? You knew from the beginning that they wanted us in Zurich. If you are afraid to fly, why did you agree to go?" Kenzi asked her friend and partner. She had no qualms about taking a case when the promised pay-out for both of them had extra zeros. She also didn't mind the travel; she loved to fly! When she was young, a cousin had convinced her to make cardboard wings, tie them to her arms, and jump off the second-story balcony of her parents' home, believing that she could fly. It hadn't ended pretty. Besides a broken arm, neither Kenzi nor cousin Niko had been able to sit comfortably for a week afterwards.

Now, the steady muted roar of the engines and smoothness of the ride was entirely enjoyable, as was the homey, informal setting of the cabin, including a sofa, a couple plush chairs, a coffee table, a giant TV, a private full-sized bathroom, and a pair of built-in niche-bunks. Everything was done with a sort of earthy feel to it, which was oddly soothing for a craft that routinely spent its time high above ground. There was probably even a kitchen in the back, wherever it was that Robo-steward had disappeared to. Screw first-class; this was the only way to fly.

"Didn't know." Bo replied through clenched teeth.

"You've never flown? How is that even possible?" Kenzi exclaimed. Bo's hands clamped down even harder on her one and it was her turn to grind her teeth. Just then, without a word or any other sound, Robo-steward was back at her side, proffering a metal tray. On the tray were two short glasses with three ice cubes each in them. Beside one of the cups was a little plastic cup holding two small yellow pills; the second glass shared room with a small bar of mini-bottles, a small bottle of orange juice, two bottles of Swiss water, and a baby-sized jar of pickles.

Kenzi couldn't help but grin at the strange man. "Oh you are almost as good as a brownie!" She exclaimed. No reaction, of course, so Kenzi took one glass and emptied about half a bottle of some very expensive-looking vodka into one cup and added orange juice. She poured the rest into the other glass and added a full bottle of something Swiss. She added just enough orange juice to give it some colour. She took both glasses and set them on the little coffee table; the metal tray was next, though the only response she got from Robo-steward was another tiny bow before he returned to his post in the back of the plane.

With some difficulty, Kenzi extricated her hand from between Bo's, flexing her fingers slowly to try to get circulation back, wincing a little. Then she pried Bo's hands apart and put the glass in one and the cup with the pills in another.

"Take these." She ordered the succubus. "They'll help." She hoped. It was a gamble, but the client had no reason to try to kill Bo. Kenzi's spidey-sense wasn't tingling, so she was relatively certain the pills were okay. To her credit, the succubus didn't hesitate in taking the pills and washing them down with the alcohol. Bo trusted Kenzi's instincts, too.

The human took the cup and glass and replaced it with a bottle of water. Bo didn't even ask, she just put the bottle to her lips and drank half the bottle in one quaff. She gave her friend a tight, but grateful smile, still not opening her eyes.

It didn't take long for the cocktail and pills to do their work. Kenzi sipped at her own drink and waited as patiently as she could for Bo, who finally let out a slow sigh and opened her eyes. They looked a little glassy and unfocussed, but at least she wasn't clenching her teeth and shaking anymore.

"Thanks, Kenz. I feel...better." The succubus finally said. Her voice only sounded a little slurred. "And no, I've never flown before."

"Maybe that's a good thing. But why not? You ran for all those years, how did you not try to flee the country on a plane?" Kenzi wanted to know.

"No...passport. Too afraid of getting caught. Mmm, this is nice." Bo waved her hand in front of her face as though it was the best thing in the world. Kenzi rolled her eyes and wondered if the booze had been a good idea. Too late now.

"Yeah. You okay?" Kenzi asked, concerned when her friend's head suddenly lolled forward and Bo started to chuckle to herself.

"Yeah..." Bo's voice sounded kind of dreamy even as she kept up her laugh-track.

"What's so funny?"

"Zurich." Bo drew the word out and then snorted and renewed her chuckling.

Kenzi rolled her eyes. Great. Just what a six hour flight to Switzerland needed: a giggling succubus. Well, at least she stopped trying to jump out of an airborne vehicle, Kenzi rationalised. It wasn't like they could turn back now, not that Kenzi wanted to in the least.

Taking a job like this felt at long last as though all of their hard work over the years had finally paid off. Together, she and Bo had made a very formidable private investigator team; that wasn't something most best friends could say. Of course most people didn't have a besty that was a supernaturally hot, chi-sucking Fae with a huge heart and metric tonnes of stubbornness and guts. Except when it comes to flying. It surprised Kenzi that after nearly four years as partners, friends, and roommates, there was still something new to learn about Bo.

Beside her, Bo's chuckling had trailed off and was replaced by a gentle snore. Asleep. Thank god!

Sighing, Kenzi unbuckled herself and did the same for her friend. Very gently she eased Bo onto her side on the little couch they had been sitting on; a blanket and a little pillow had magically appeared on the little table next to the tray o' booze; for a possible robot, that guy moved like a ninja!

After Bo was safely tucked up - looking kind of adorable with a goofy, drugged up smile on her face - Kenzi decided to explore the plane just a little more. Giving Bo's hair a pat, she walked up to the ginormous television anchored to the wall in front of a comfortable arm-chair, and pushed the power button. As the TV turned on, the wall underneath the set slid open and revealed a state of the art entertainment selection; there was a multi-disc Blu-ray player, a selection of movie discs, the very newest video game consoles with controllers and games, and an array of pre-packaged snack foods. There was also a tiny refrigerated shelf that held soda, water, and some sort of Swiss juice.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!" Kenzi exclaimed with a grin. She perused the games and found one she liked. That decided, she put it in the game console of her choice, picked a few snacks, and a bottle of purple Swiss juice, and settled herself in one of the comfy chairs in front of the TV with a controller. Not that she wasn't happy with Bo and their home, but really, this is the life! Five hours wasn't enough time to save the world from the Zombie Robot Hookers, but she could at least try.

It took all of Bo's self control not to fall to her hands and knees and kiss the tarmac. Only her need to save a little face in front of Kenzi and the two people waiting to meet them as they stepped off of the plane kept her on her feet. God it was good to be on solid ground again! Whoever decided that people should fly in metal death machines should be shot, she thought, although she knew it was an ungracious sentiment.

She had woken from her drug-induced nap about 45 minutes before they landed in Zurich. It was just enough time for the drug-stupor to wear off and her nerves to kick in again. And the landing...Bo had thought taking off was bad, but landing was worse! Despite Kenzi's assurances that it was the smoothest landing she had ever experienced, Bo's hands had gripped her seat hard enough to tear holes in its upholstry. She hoped that their host wouldn't be too upset.

As she and Kenzi walked across the blacktop, Bo did her best to make herself look a little less sleep rumpled. She had chosen her outfit carefully, wanting to make a good impression; black slacks and ankle-high flat boots, a black tank under a long sleeved crimson button up blouse. It wasn't her normal attire, but this wasn't her normal type of client. She hoped that she looked professional enough, because a suit was out of the question.

Kenzi was wearing a typical Kenzi outfit - and rocking it with style, as usual. Bo had managed to convince her friend to leave the wigs at home only after pointing out that the young woman could probably find something new and interesting while in Switzerland. Not for the first time, Bo wondered at Kenzi's ability to put on a hair-piece and blend in just about anywhere she went.

They crossed the pavement on foot, towards where Bo had spotted two people standing next to a silver Rolls limo not far away from the plane. The car was old and both women had exclaimed over it when they spied it from the jet. It was better than a lambourgini; it was like sex on wheels. Bo couldn't believe it had been sent to take them to meet the client. Several hundred feet from the car was a helecopter, being prepped for lift off, and Bo had to suppress a shudder. Whoever that was for, could have it. She didn't plan on doing anymor flying. In fact, she was consdering finding a boat to take herself and Kenzi home when this was all over.

Two people, a man and a woman, met Bo and Kenzi a few yards from the Rolls. The man was short, stocky, and the amount of muscle he carried was evident in the way it stretched the expensive suit he wore. He had dark hair cut in a flattop, no neck, and beady dark eyes under a heavy brow. He was obviously the muscle of the two; the woman was taller than Bo and thin as a reed. She had hair that Bo would have thought dyed, because nobody could possibly have pale purple hair with blueish highlites, but on closer inspection, decided it must be natural. Fae, then; Bo wondered what kind of Fae she was and whether it would be polite to ask. The woman also wore an expensive looking suit, but fit into it better than her companion. When she saw Bo and Kenzi approach, she waved and smiled. Bo raised her hand in greeting and Kenzi did the same, looking a little awed.

"Hullo!" The Fae woman greeted them when they were within ear-shot. "Bo, isn't it?" She had a soft voice, like warm honey, and a lyrical Welsh accent. Bo liked her immediately, then caught herself. Just because she was pretty, had a great accent, and knew who she was didn't mean she worked for the client.

"Who's asking," Bo queried, keeping her voice even and friendly, but still being cautious. The client had said that she would have her people meet Bo and Kenzi at the air strip; she had also said that she had concerns about some of her people. She didn't know who she could trust.

"Of course, where are my manners?" The fae woman said with another bright smile. Her teeth, Bo noticed, were so white that if the light hit them just right, it could blind a person. "My name is Cendtra Awbrey of the Clan Ynyscedwin. My companion is Pallas Gaitanis of the Clan Au. We are here to escort you and your human to the Facility to meet with Ms. Lozac'h." She smiled again and held out her hand for Bo to shake.

A lot of names had just been thrown out to her and Bo frowned. Had she missed anything important? What had the client said about who to trust? Oh, right!

"I'm Bo. This is Kenzi," she gestured to her friend who seemed to be staring at the car where it idled. Hearing her name, Kenzi's attention shifted back to the conversation at hand. Her icy blue eyes narrowed at the male Fae as he glowered at both of them with ill concealed suspicion. "I have no Clan, but am here as an emissary of Fitzpatrick MacCorrigan." Bo didn't give Trick's clan at his behest, but then, everyone in Faedom seemed to know his name and it had come in handy more than once to be known as his friend.

"Excellent. You and your - er, Kenzi - have our pledge - and that of Ms. Lozac'h - of safe conduct while you remain here."

Those were the words that Bo was listening for. According to Trick, any Fae who offered a pledge of safe conduct was bound to honour it or be disgraced. It was one of the oldest known Fae laws, along with blood oaths, and the rights of guests. If the person to whom the pledge of safe conduct was made was harmed, that person had the right to ask for the life of either the being responsible for the harm or the person(s) who had given the pledge. With three bodies already in evidence in this case, Trick had warned Bo to make sure the pledge was given before agreeing to anything.

Now that the formalities were out of the way, Bo took Cendtra's hand and traded grips with the Fae woman; Cendtra had long fingers and a firm grasp, though her hands were ice-cold. Following Bo's lead, Kenzi extended her hand to Pallas, but the man ignored her, like she wasn't there. That irked Bo; she had never figured out why some Fae coexisted with humans, even took them as lovers, while others of her kind treated humans as nothing more than pets. She hoped that their client was one of the former, otherwise it was going to make this job much, much harder.

"It is a real pleasure to meet you, Bo." Cendtra said, releasing the succubus' hand and actually shaking Kenzi's hand as well, which surprised them both. They exchanged a look but then turned their attention back to Cendtra.

"Likewise," Bo replied, setting a smile on her face. Kenzi nodded, though her expression was a little more mild than Bo's.

Pallas turned his head to Cendtra and rumbled something in a basso growl in a language that Bo didn't know. The Fae woman gave him an indulgent smile and patted his shoulder.

"Well, Pallas is correct. I was instructed to bring you directly to the Facility, Bo. We probably should go. The helecopter is waiting for us. Pallas will take your luggage and y- er, Kenzi, to the motel where you'll be staying."

Bo bristled at that, partly because of the talk of splitting her and Kenzi up, but mostly at the mention of the helecopter. She glanced over at the other metal death machine and couldn't supress a shudder. Luckily, a chill wind chose that moment to spring up and since her jacket was with her luggage, she hoped it would pass for a shiver of cold.

She was about to protest when Kenzi put a hand on her shoulder and said loudly, "I hate to put a wrench in your plans, but where Bo goes, I go." She didn't even look to Bo for confirmation.

She didn't have to. "That's right," Bo agreed quickly, "I'm not going anywhere without Kenzi." And she sure as hell wasn't getting on that helecopter! "And I've had enough flying for one day, thank you very much." Kenzi squeezed her shoulder, but when Bo looked at her, she could see the laughter in her friend's pale eyes. Damn it, she was never going to hear the end of this now, was she; Kenzi would mock her for years to come for this.

Cendtra and Pallas exchanged a look and he said something in not-English. Cendtra replied in a similar language and shook her head. Another gusty breeze sprang up and this time Bo really did shiver from the cold. Kenzi stepped closer to Bo - probably to use Bo to block the wind - but the succubus took comfort from her warm presence just the same. Cendtra and Pallas exchanged more words, then the fae woman turned her attention back to them.

"Very well. I understand your need to be cautious, given the circumstances. Please, get in the car and we will be off as soon as your luggage is stowed." Cendtra said with a tight smile that didn't reach her deep grey eyes.

"I'm sorry if it disrupts your plans, but, as you said, this situation requires caution." Bo said, trying to be diplomatic. Trick had warned her to be careful with how she acted. Bo was well aware that she could be abbrasive to other Fae; part of that was her human upbringing and part of that was her inability to put up with most Fae bullshit. But she didn't want to offend the first people she met.

"No, you are quite right. I hadn't figured on that is all. Ms. Lozac'h will understand as well. Please," she gestured at the car. Pallas tromped over and opened the door, glowering at all of them. "Don't mind him," Cendtra said in a low voice, "he is always like this."

Bo rolled her eyes and started towards the car, Kenzi on her heels. She flashed Pallas a smile as she slid into the car. Kenzi came next, quipping, "I really dig the cro-magnon thing you have going. It suits you." Bo grabbed her arm and yanked Kenzi into the vehicle before he could slam the door on her.

Inside the car was just as nice as the outside; black leather and shining stainless steele were predominant features. There was a short seat, long enough to fit three people comfortably along the back and another longer seat along the far side. On the opposite wall was a dark tinted window and an actual bar made of steele with a mini-fridge underneath, also steele. On either side of the fridge were metal racks that held various types of snacks, from chips to gummy bears to candy bars, all with Swiss names.

Upon spying the food, Kenzi made a grab for it, but Bo stopped her, grabbing her arm and pulling her onto the seat beside her. Kenzi turned a shocked/hurt expression on her face.

"Hey!" She protested, glaring at her friend.

"Don't 'hey' me." Bo retorted, "I saw how much you ate on the plane. You can't possibly be hungry again." Knowing Kenzi it was possible, but Bo was suddenly wary about eating or drinking anything until they had met with the client. Once she had a pledge directly from the client's mouth, she would feel a whole lot better about this situation.

"But it's Swiss chocolate." Kenzi protested.

"Kenzi, we're in Switzerland. I'm sure there will be more." Bo said, but she couldn't help smiling. Kenzi sighed and sat back against the oddly comfortable seat, folding her arms across her chest, a pout on her lips. Bo reached over and put an arm across her friend's shoulders. "Did you catch anything they said to one another?"

"Nope, not a word. I think they were speaking German, or maybe Dutch." Kenzi reported, making a face. "Or Swissese? Anyways, I didn't need to know what they were saying to understand them. They're scared." She looked up at Bo who nodded her agreement.

"Yeah, I caught that, too. I think that maybe something more than three dead bodies is going on here, Kenz. Something strange."

"You worried, Mama-bear? We've dealt with strange and dead before."

"Not worried, exactly. But, we – I am – still relatively new to the whole Fae deal. Five years in and I still have to go to Trick for information." Bo replied with a frown.

"Well, you may be a super-charged she-demon with sexy powers, but Trick is old. Old wins over super powers every time. Or so the comic books tell me." Kenzi leaned against Bo and they took comfort in each other for a few minutes. "And anyway, we bad. Just because we don't know every kind of Fae out there doesn't mean we aren't good at what we do, right? She wouldn't have asked us here if we were incompetent." The young woman gave Bo one of her wolfish grins. "Or she could have finally decided that she wants a little, you know, bow chica wow wow."

Bo gave Kenzi's leg a playful slap. "Somehow, I doubt that three dead people are an excuse for an international booty call." Bo sighed and closed her eyes, trying to think. It was easier now that they were on the ground and she wasn't being eaten alive by mind-numbing fear. "We are pretty good at what we do, aren't we?"

"Five years in and you're just now getting that?" Kenzi rolled her eyes. She never ceased to wonder how Bo could be so blind to just how much good she actually did for people. It might have something to do with still living in the crack-shack, but then, the place had actually grown on Kenzi and she almost couldn't imagine living anywhere else. She knew Bo felt the same way since it was the first home the succubus had lived in since she had run away at 18. Home always meant something more to people who hadn't had one for a while.

Bo smiled. She loved Kenzi more than anyone else, pretty much ever. She was like the sister that Bo had never had, but had always wanted. She always knew just want to say to make Bo feel better about whatever was going on. "Okay, fine, we bad. I just don't want to disappoint –"

"- You won't! We won't." Kenzi interrupted. "And look, she just called us here to consult. I don't think that she expects us to actually solve the case, just wants a fresh, seasoned, new pair of eyes. But hey, we've pulled off bigger miracles before. Remember the Nain Rouge's predictions? We beat it practically with our hands tied behind our backs."

"True." Bo mused. She shook her head, trying to dispel the sense of unease that seemed stuck with her. It didn't work. Maybe it was just leftover fear from the jet ride or the beginnings of jet lag. "But we are never flying again."

Kenzi snorted. "Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, ya big succubust." Bo poked Kenzi in the side for the slight rib.

There was the sound of something being opened and the thump of something else being put into the back of the car, followed by a loud bang that made the car rock a little on its springs. A few moments later, they began to move. Finally.

"We will be at the Facility in approximately 30 minutes." Cendtra's voice suddenly announced from a speaker somewhere on the ceiling of the car. "Ms. Lozac'h is aware that we are coming by car, instead of helicopter."

Bo looked around for some way to respond, but she couldn't see anything in the darkened interior of the car. Kenzi, on the other hand, leaned forward and reached up, pushing against the side of a black box that Bo hadn't even noticed was there. Then, she gestured at Bo and mouthed Say something.

"Um, thank you." Was all the succubus could think of to say. Kenzi rolled her eyes and let go of the button.

"You are so pathetic sometimes," she said. Bo shot her a glare, but it was half-hearted. She knew that she had a long way to go with Fae interaction. Oddly, Kenzi was sometimes better suited to it with her blunt speech and street smarts. The Fae – the ones who didn't ignore her for being human anyway – seemed to appreciate her directness. Bo tried, but being Fae herself, she was expected to know and interact in a different way, a way that she was still struggling to learn, despite Trick's best efforts to teach her.

"Well, better than being human all the time." Bo teased and Kenzi rolled her eyes again.

"Oh please, sistah, you wish you could be as cool as me."

That made Bo laugh and it made her feel a little better to do it. "This is going to be an interesting case, I think. Stranger than anything else we've done." She said, getting the conversation back on topic.

"Bo, this is the Fae we are talking about. Every case we have is strange to most people. When was it that that strange became normal?" Kenzi wondered.

Bo gave it a thought and then said, "After you got kidnapped by Baba Yaga."

Kenzi shuddered, but shook her head. "Naw. I think it was before that…Maybe when I ate foot soup."

"A little Basilisk poison and you're ready to call weird normal?" Bo teased her friend. Bo openly admitted that the several times Kenzi's life had been in danger were scarier than anything else had ever been. She didn't know what she'd do if anything ever happened to her human.

"Basilisk, hell. I ate soup made from a human foot. That is weirder than anything else, including the Russian Hag. And she ate whole people." Kenzi grinned and it made Bo laugh again. It was good to know that no matter where they went, Kenzi was still Kenzi. Nothing, not even weirdness or the passage of time had changed her. She was the one constant in Bo's life, something the succubus never forgot. "And anyway, we can still call Trickster if we get into any trouble. I wish he would have let me bring at least one of those Trick-o-pedia books with me."

"Me too. But he hoards books like other people hoard…well, other stuff. And besides, he hasn't let a book out of his sight with you around in ages." Even after five years, some of Kenzi's old habits died hard.

"Well, such are the wonders of technology," Kenzi replied, nonplussed by the comment. She took her phone out of her pocket and turned it on. Bo followed suit and was not surprised to find a single message, from Trick, on her voicemail.

"Bo. I just want to make sure you arrived in Zurich without any problems. Call me when you get in. Bye."

"Aww," Kenzi said, turning off her phone and grinning up at Bo. "Trick loves me."

"Me, too." Bo told her, smiling. Ever since the Nain Rouge, since Bo had been the one to stop the war between Light and Dark, she and Trick had grown much closer. He was like her surrogate father, always there when she needed to talk, and full of all kinds of worldly wisdom. He and Kenzi were close, too, but then, he had always had a soft spot for Bo's human. He recognised that Kenzi, while often uncouth and a little abrasive, had her own kind of wisdom and he added to it whenever he could.

"I think he's just jealous that he's stuck minding The Dal while we visit the old country." Kenzi said. She was probably right. The only one of their little group who hadn't been sorry not to go was Dyson; his reason was just a little more personal.

"Well," Bo began, "we will have to get him a souvenir. Or something."

"I vote moldy old book. Or maybe a pipe."

"Trick doesn't smoke a pipe, Kenz. He doesn't smoke at all." Bo reminded her.

"Well maybe he should start. I mean couldn't you just see him kicking back, puffing on an old school pipe? Like Bilbo Baggins!" Kenzi replied with enthusiasm.

Bo rolled her eyes, though she couldn't keep an image of Trick with big hairy feet out of her mind. She started laughing despite herself and Kenzi joined in. Leave it to Kenzi!

When they both sobered, Bo said, "I just hope the money she's paying us for this is worth it." Bo hated accepting money if she felt they hadn't earned it.

"Bo, she has billions of dollars. A few grand for us isn't going to beggar her. And besides, we are worth our weight in gold." Kenzi told her. "Stop worrying, Bo-Bo! This case is just like any other, okay? We can do this." She patted Bo on the shoulder. "Trust me."

Bo shook her head at her friend's boundless enthusiasm and confidence. She wished that she could feel the same way, but she was nervous and wanted to impress their client, but she couldn't say why exactly.

Come on, Bo, lighten up, she ordered herself. Forget about the flying death machine and focus on this case. You can do this! The mental pep-talk didn't help any more than Kenzi's had so Bo resigned herself to her nerves.

Seeing her friend was still pensive, Kenz just shook her head and opened a game app on her phone. They rode in silence for awhile.

Finally, Bo said, "Ciara was a little vague on the details she gave Trick. Just 'three dead bodies'."

"So?" Kenzi didn't look up from her game.

"So...I'm wondering what could possibly be so bad that she went over the local police and called Trick. It must be pretty bad if she thinks that she can't trust her own people and the ones she did send for us are scared."

Kenzi paused her game and looked up, brow furrowing. "Yeah…You have a point. Maybe the local cops just aren't prepared for something like this? Maybe they aren't as good as Dyson and Hale are?"

"I doubt they're incompetent, Kenz." Bo replied evenly.

"I'm not saying that they are. But, Bo, just because they are Fae-cops, doesn't mean they have dealt with something like this before. And if whatever has happened is happening to the Dark as well as the Light, they may need a neutral third party. Enter, us." Kenzi explained.

Bo hmm'd at that. It was true. They could enter both Light and Dark Fae territory and people actually talked to them. And Bo's name was known by both sides, could get them in doors that were usually locked. "I wish I knew more about this Facility that we are going to." She finally said.

"I'm sure we will get all of the info we need when we get there. Relax for god's sake!" Kenzi went back to her game.

"This isn't a vacation, Kenzi." Bo admonished her friend sternly.

"I'm not saying it is. But you're putting me on edge and if I can sense your nervousness, then other people will too. So. Stop. It." She raised her head and gave Bo an inscrutable look. Bo sighed. Kenzi was right.

"Okay, okay, okay. Fine. I'm going to try to relax."

"Ata' girl. Go to your happy place." Kenzi smiled and then turned her attention once more to whatever it was she was doing on her phone.

Bo closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest of the seat. They really were comfortable seats. She wasn't sure what her happy place was, but the least she could do was practice the meditation techniques that Trick had been trying to teach her, systematically shutting out the niggling voices of doubt in her head. If she couldn't be happy, at least she could be calm. It would have to do.

And then the car suddenly accelerated. Kenzi was knocked off balance and fell into Bo who nearly lost her own balance.

"What the hell?" Kenzi exclaimed as she sat up and away from Bo? Bo opened her mouth to respond, but was cut off by the speaker in the roof of the car.

"Hello? I'm sorry about that," Cendtra's voice said, "but I was just contacted by Ms. Lozac'h. There's been another murder."