
Jackie POV

Moving day came around faster than I thought it would. Maya came over that morning to help me pack the last of the boxes. "So, you are leaving the Sun for the Point Place Gazette." She said with a laugh. "Instead of covering the Cubs you will be covering the high school baseball team." She said as she looked at me.

"The Vikings." I said with a smile.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked me as we checked every last cabinet and drawer in the kitchen to make sure nothing got left behind.

"Yeah, I am. I just hope that I get to cover the volleyball and softball games. My step-daughter is on those teams." I said as I looked at her.

"Sportsy. You two will get along." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, well she is also brainy and artsy." I said as I looked at her.

"One of those girls." She said with a smile.

"Okay, we have everything." Alex said as she carried the last box out of her and Maxi's room. "When is the truck getting here?" She asked.

"Soon sweets." I said as I looked at her. It was an hour later that Steven showed up with a moving truck.

"I brought someone to help." He said as he came in the apartment. I was surprised to see Donna walking into the apartment.

"Miss me?" She asked before she hugged me.

"Of course." I said as I hugged her.

"Well, I just wanted to greet my neighbor." She said with a smile.

"Maya this is Donna Pin…" I said.

"Forman." Donna said as she cut me off. "I am Donna Forman."

"I thought I told you." Steven said with a laugh.

"You might have there has just been so much going on lately." I said as I looked at him.

"Can we just get this show on the road?" Max asked him.

"Yes we can. Burkhart Children grab a box and head down to the truck." Hyde said as he looked at Maxi. "If we hurry we can still catch dinner with the Forman's." He said. It was hard looking around a completely empty apartment. I just left four keys on the counter and said goodbye to Chicago. Of course that was easier than saying goodbye to Maya.

"You better send me an invite." She said as she hugged me.

"I will." I said as I looked at her. The kids were packed into two cars. The motors were running. "I have to go." I said as I looked at her.

"Good luck." She said in place of goodbye.

"Are you ready to go home Jacks?" Hyde asked me as I took the passenger seat in his … well Donna's car. He was still driving the Cameo and it just was not suitable for this trip. We followed Donna who was in my car all the way to Point Place.

"Yes." I answered as he pulled away. When we passed the 'Welcome to Point Place' sign Steven honked. "We are here." I said as I looked at Maxi and Jason who rode with us. They seemed happy enough.

"What happened to Fatso burger?" I asked Steven as we passed the remodeled Fatso burger.

"The new owner made some new improvements." He said with a smile.

"My dad used to own that place." I said to Maxi.

"Well, now their soon to be step-dad does." He said as he smiled at me.

"You own the Fatso Burger?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He said with a smile. Ellie had told me that he had bought up most the town, but I didn't believe her.

"Remember when Eric got his first job there?" I asked him.

"And we had that party at Donna's. Yeah those were the days." He said with a smile as we pulled into the driveway. "Welcome home." He said as he smiled back at the kids. They practically ran into the house. "Grab a box on your way in!" He yelled after them.

"Ellie picked out the furniture." He said as he led me into the house. Our apartment came furnished so we had to leave everything, but one bed behind. So, it was nice to know I didn't have to worry about furniture.

"She did a great job." I said as I looked around the beautiful home.

"Jackie!" Ellie said as she came running down the stairs. She met me in a hug. "You like it?"

"I love it." I said as I looked at her. It took forever to get all the boxes in the house and in the rooms they belonged. "We are going to be unpacking boxes for months I feel." I said to Alex as she helped me unpack the kitchen stuff.

"Well, you have to take a break for now." Steven said as he came in. "It's family dinner night at the Forman's." He said with a smile.

"I don't know if they have enough room." I said as I looked at him.

"Kitty will make room." He said as he took my hand.

Steven POV

I haven't seen the Forman house so full in years. Everyone was there, even Leo. Ellie had taken the kids down to the basement, which hasn't changed since the days we used to hang out down there. "So, how do you like the house?" Kitty asked all the big kids sat in the kitchen.

"It is great." She said as she smiled at me.

"I am just so happy you are back." She said as she smiled at her. "You two are just so perfect for each other."

"That they are." Brooke said as she looked at us.

"So, I have to ask this are those kids Porto Rican or what?" Kelso asked her.

"Native American." She replied.

"I can see it." He said as he looked at her.

"So, Hyde told me you were a sports writer." Red said as he looked at her. "Ever go see a Packers game."

"I haven't been to a Packers home game since the seventies." She said with a laugh. "But, we should go sometime." She said sweetly.

"Yeah, we should. We would have to take Ellie. She loves to watch the Packers." He said as he looked her.

"That she does. All because of her Paw here." I said referring him to what she called him when she was little.

"They watched just about every game there was. He got her into sports." Kitty told Jackie.

"Well, she is more of a man than Eric." Jackie said with a laugh.

"Burn!" Kelso yelled.

"Something's just never change." I said as I looked around.

"Go bring the children up." Kitty said as she looked at me. I just took Jackie's hand and led her down to the basement. We stood there on the stairs for a minute watching the children. Ellie was sitting in my chair talking to Alex, Betsy, and Jason. The younger kids were in the games trying to find something to entertain their time.

"You got rid of all you stash, right?" She asked as she watched Katherine (Kit-Kat) start to open up the Candyland game.

"A long time ago." I said as I looked at her.

"Dinner time!" She said causing every one of them to look at us. "Now run they will stampede." She said with a laugh as she pulled me up the stairs. Everyone just carried around plates and talked like we used too. Everything was perfect. Now I just had to make her mine forever.