HalfafanD: A man of hypnosis, who goes by the name Magic Magician, comes to Amity Park and everyone is excited. Everyone except Danny, that is. He doesn't trust the magician and the fact that he can hypnotize people. But things take a turn for the worst when he gets captured by the Fentons during one of the Magician's performance. And what happens when he becomes a volunteer, as Phantom? Can our favorite halfa escape this magic mayhem?

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. If I did, there would be a lot more episodes and the third season wouldn't suck so badly.

Mysterious Magician

It was just another day in good old Amity Park. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the flowers were in full bloom. And the park was looking a beautiful as ever. That is unless you count the famous or infamous depending on your opinion, Danny Phantom in an iron lock battle with a large mechanical ghost with a green flaming mohawk who the ghost teen knew as Skulker.

The two had been exchanging blows for some time now and Danny, surprisingly enough, was getting bored; unbearably bored. Since when do you get bored in the middle of a ghost fight?

But nonetheless, neither ghost noticed the crowd below of reporters, fan, and news cameras.

"Look, this fight is starting to get a little long so why don't you just give up and go back to the Ghost Zone." Danny drawled out, fake yawning as he dodged another blast.

Skulker merely recharged his gun and aimed it at the ghost boy. "Negative Ghost Child; I won't give up until I have your pelt resting at the foot of my bed."

The robot ghost then activated his gun, releasing a blast right towards Danny. The halfa charged right at the blast and at the last second, moved slightly toward the side spinning himself as he narrowly skimmed the ectoblast. (HFD: I don't know if I described it well or not. If you can't picture this move in your head just look up this Pokémon battle between Pikachu and Onix… or is it Steelix? I don't remember, but I definitely know it was in the Sinnoh series.)

This not only allowed Danny to dodge Skulker's attack, but also build up his momentum from the spinning and draw a mild portion of energy from the blast. Charging up ectoplasm in his fist, Danny rocketed right to Skulker and decked his daylights out with sheer strength and momentum. The impact sent the hunter back a few feet in recoil which gave Danny enough time to fish out the thermos.

"You know if you keep saying your motives, I'm going to end up assuming that you've been spending way too much time with Technus." And with that, the ghost teen pressed the button; releasing the all too familiar bright blue energy beam, sucking Skulker right into the device.

Once the ghost was gone, Danny quickly closed the cap on it and hooked it to his belt; taking off in an instant without a single question answered to any reporter.

After about a minute in the air, Danny flew up higher above the clouds and flipped onto his back, closing his eyes. The sun rays hit his body at just the right angle, warming up his entire body; not to mention the nice breeze blowing through his hair.

Danny had always loved this part of being a ghost; the ability to fly and enjoy the sky. He always found it addicting to go for a soothing flight in the sky. The breeze and the feeling of deifying gravity always seemed to leave a mesmerizing effect on him and his mind.

A while longer passed by with Danny relaxing among the clouds before his phone buzzed. Snapping out of his daze, the white haired teen opened his eyes and reached for his phone. He got a text message, from Tucker. Danny opened the message.

Tucker: 'Have something awesome to show you. Meet me at Nasty Burger.'

What could be so important for Tucker to text him to show up? Danny only hoped it wasn't a new addition to their menu; that place's new foods were starting to get nastier.

Repressing a grossed out shiver at that last thought, Danny flew back through the clouds to get a look at where he was. Taking a look around, he finally spotted something that was familiar; only for that familiar place to sport a faint blush upon his cheeks.

It was Sam's house.

Danny immediately turned invisible before anyone could spot him and flew down by to Sam's door while transforming. He turned visible, now Danny Fenton, and raised a hand to knock on the door. That is until Sam opened the door.

"Danny?" She questioned in acknowledgement. "What're you doing here?"

Danny lowered his hand, not knowing how to respond. Well, this was awkward.

So he simply pulled out the thermos and gave it a brief shake. "Caught Skulker today; but I also got a text from Tuck saying for me to meet him at the Nasty Burger."

"Well I got a call from Tucker." Sam said; closing the door behind her before the two walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. "He said that he couldn't get a hold of you so he sent a text."

"Yeah, said something about wanting to show us something." Danny replied. They continued the walk a little further toward their destination before he turned to Sam. "I don't suppose you know what it is."

Sam shook her head. "No, said something about it 'being a surprise'. Luckily he also said is has nothing to do with the new additions to their menu."

Thank Clockwork. Danny thought. "I wonder what it is then."

"Only one way to find out." Sam simply replied as the two walked to the Nasty Burger.

0000000Line Break0000000

Once the ghost and the goth reached the prime hangout of Casper High, they could make out their friend, Tucker, near the entrance. He was tapping his foot impatiently with his arms crossed and a pout adorning his expression.

"Took you guys long enough." The techno geek complained.

Danny cocked his head to the side. Was Tucker waiting long? But he just sent that text to him. "How long were you waiting."

"Four minutes." Tucker responded. He then suddenly noticed the glares now on both Danny and Sam's face. "What?"

"You sent that text no more than what, four to five minutes ago and you're complaining to have been waiting that long?"

"Well I can understand you taking that long." Tucker addressed to Sam before turning to Danny. "But Danny? You can fly; what's your excuse?"

Danny deadpanned. "Well excuse me for wanting to keep a low profile."

Sam sighed. "Bickering over something trivial aside; you said you have something to show us?"

Tucker nodded eagerly forgetting their pointless argument. "Ladies and gentlemen, goths and ghosts of all ages." Tucker quipped and stepped to the side where as the other two walked up to get a better view.

It was a poster, on the wall outside the Nasty Burger.

The Magic Magician

See famous hypnotized visiting Amity Park.

Performance at City Hall

Tuesday 2:00pm-3:30pm

"A hypnotist; that's you big surprise?" Sam didn't understand what was so important that Tucker had the get all excited about.

"Come on Sam; besides ghosts, barely anything exciting happens in this town. It'll be fun to go see a bunch of people unknowingly make fools of themselves." Tucker answered with a big grin on his face.

Sam merely raised an eyebrow, but eventually sighed and gave in. "Fine, I'll go."

Tucker pumped up his fists in victory. "Yes!" He turned to Danny. "What about you dude; you in?"

Danny meanwhile looked at the poster warily. "I don't think we should go."

"Come on Danny; why not!"

"Well I don't trust this 'Magic Magician'. I mean what kind of hypnotist is identified as a magician. Plus if I get called on, I might mistake a command while hypnotized and transform or something."

Tucker pouted. "But it wouldn't be the same without you there."

Danny put his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry Tuck. But it just doesn't sit right to go see a man and let him take my free will away."

"Kind of like what Freakshow did to you with the crystal ball?" Sam asked her eyes softening.

Danny winced, having been caught on his real reason in denying to go; but soon nodded.

People of the controlling or hypnotizing part of the spectrum, weather good or bad, never appealed to him. Ever since his first encounter with Freakshow, he never wanted to go through that feeling again.

"Oh dude, why didn't you just say that?" Tucker asked. "If that's the real reason you don't want to go then I won't force you."

"Well I'm not saying it won't be fun; but I just…" Danny trailed off. "You guys won't be mad if I don't go?"

"We're you friends Danny." Sam said placing a hand on Danny's shoulder. "If you don't want to go then we won't go either."

Danny sighed. "But I don't want you to not go because of me. I just don't want to take any risks."

"Don't worry man. You've got until Tuesday anyway. I'm sure we'll figure something out by then."

Danny laughed and put his arms around each of his two friends. "Thanks; you guys are the best."

"Of course we are." Tucker replied, puffing out his chest. "Well, I am anyway."

The techno geek then noticed the deadpanned looks he received. "What?"

0000000Line Break0000000

Finally reaching home after his friends spent the rest of the day goofing off, Danny passed the entry to the kitchen to soon go up the stairs. That is until the sound of a door slamming open against the wall and the feeling of being grabbed reached Danny's attention.

"Hey Danny; you're home! Check this baby out!" It was his dad. In his hand laid a small gadget with the familiar Fenton logo on it just like all of their equipment. "I call it the Fenton Mind Sweep!"

Danny eyed the device. "Uhhh…what does it do?" Though a part of him didn't really want to know.

"It completely wipes a ghost's memory so that they can't remember how to be a ghost and attack people. That way it'll be easier to catch them."

Danny paled; he couldn't imagine losing his memory. "Uhhh…that's great. Where are Mom and Jazz?"

"Their out doing mother and daughter bonding or something." Jack said; his smile widened more as he looked at his son. "So since we have the house to ourselves, you want to help your old man out down in the lab? I need a set of extra hands to pour anti-ghost matter into our new ecto-guns."

Danny didn't know if it was possible or not; but he felt himself pale more at the thought of the anti-ghost matter touching him.

"Uhhh…thanks Dad; I would love to, but I…have…uhhh…homework! Yeah, I still have homework to do so…I'll be upstairs."

Jack watch his son retreat up the stairs and out of sight before a sudden thought entered his mind.

"Wait, but isn't it Sunday?" The large ghost hunter asked out loud as he scratched his head, trying to make sense of it.

HalfafanD: Yeah what do you think? I might just merge a chapter or two to each other to lengthen them but other than that, I'm just simply revising and that's it. Please review, no flames.