Well, this is it, y'all. Sorry for the long wait. I've been planning my wedding (October 27th) and working like crazy. But here you go. The twentieth and final installment of Pulchritudinous Wreckage. This is actually a crowning achievement for me. I've never finished a story like this. So, yay me.
Warning: Lemon
Three Months Later
"Penny! Hurry up or we're going to be late!" Bernadette yelled through Penny's bathroom door.
"We've got plenty of time!" came Penny's voice through the door. "Even I'm not dense enough to arrive at the People's Choice Awards late!"
"I'll bet that Leonard and the guys are already waiting!" Bernadette huffed irritably.
"Okay, alright, I'm done!" Penny called out, flinging open the door and stomping from the bathroom.
Amy, who had been sitting on the bed, finally piped in, "Careful. If you stomp too hard in those heels, the adhesive holding the heel to the shoe could come undone. It would be a shame to see you face plant the red carpet your first time ever being there. However, I'm sure you could go shoeless and no one would care because you look absolutely stunning in that dress."
"Yeah, Penny," Bernadette agreed. "You look incredible. I hope you win an award just so everyone will see how great you look. Leonard is going to pass out when he sees you."
"Good," Penny says affirmatively, smiling with her quick nod. "That's the desired effect."
In the three long months since Leonard had been shot, Penny only grew closer to him by staying by his side every moment she wasn't sleeping or working. It took a month and a half for him to go back to work, which gave him and Penny ample time to get closer. She decided that staying the night in their apartment like Leonard had done with her was a little too much for both of them, though. Sheldon was a complete pain about her sleeping on the couch, and she was too worried she might accidentally hurt Leonard in her sleep if they slept in the same bed. Not to mention, the sexual tension could be cut with a knife and she refused to do anything like that while he was still hurt (it didn't stop her from taking birth control, though). They actually had a silent agreement going where they didn't discuss their relationship or the declarations they had made in the hospital. They both wanted to focus on Leonard getting better, first.
Penny had received the news two months after Leonard had left the hospital that she and her show were nominated for the Peoples' Choice Awards, which she promptly made sure that she could get her friends in, too. Her growing celebrity status was developing its uses.
A knock resounded on the front door, to which Penny gave herself one more quick once-over in the mirror. Satisfied, she strode quickly to the door and opened it wide.
Penny was taken back by how amazing Leonard looked. He was wearing a red button-down long-sleeved shirt covered in a black sports coat. The sleeves and jacket were fitted well enough to show his still toned body, compliments of physical therapy.
Leonard found himself stunned when Penny had flung open the door. She was wearing a knee-length sleeveless black dress that flared slightly at the bottom. A vibrant red sash was tied around her midsection, forming an elegant bow in the back. Her hair was down and flowing in a few large ringlets, and her feet were adorned in low red strappy heels.
"Uh... Ahem, um, wow. You look... Just, wow," Leonard managed to stumble out.
Penny smiled brightly at this. "Thanks. You look... Incredible, too." With a nervous smile and a wink, she turned and called into her apartment, "Come on, girls! The limo is waiting!"
Penny, Leonard, Amy, Sheldon, Bernadette and Howard all had managed to get themselves settled in the back of the limousine with little conflict, though the battle had just begun between the driver and Sheldon.
"Sir, I need to see your credentials and accident history before we go anywhere with you. And I need to see that your cell phone is turned off. Tonight is very important for me. I refuse to be led to an early demise because you had to update your Facebook status, careening us off a bridge."
"Important for you?" Howard asked, eyebrows slightly raised.
"I will meet George Lucas tonight. Penny promised, didn't you, Penny?" Sheldon looked expectantly at Penny, daring her to disagree with him.
"I promised I would try, Sheldon," Penny sighed. Sheldon turned his back and continued to pester the driver.
"He's a busy man," Penny continued, knowing that Sheldon would hear her. "And his T.V. show has been nominated for almost everything. I will do whatever I can, though." She repressed the urge to roll her eyes.
Sheldon had apparently come to an agreement with the driver, because the limo began to move.
"Wait!" Bernadette said suddenly. "Where's Raj?"
"Oh," Penny smirked, "He's actually escorting Aastha, tonight."
"She asked him to go with her?" Amy asked incredulously.
"Yeah, somehow, she really likes Raj. Like, really likes him."
"Well, good for him," Bernadette said, nodding her head approvingly. "And her being Indian must really make their family lives easier."
Howard laughed out loud at that. "It's hilarious, actually. His parents have tried bribing him into marrying the girl, pronto. So far they've tried a Lamborghini, a GT-R, a Rolls Royce or his choice of any Penthouse apartment in the area."
"Oooh, wow," Amy said. "Did he take any of it?"
"No," Howard snorted. "He actually wants this relationship to survive."
They all laughed at this.
Turning to Leonard, Penny straightened his collar a little bit, "Are you okay? You've been kind of quiet."
Leonard grinned at her, a genuine smile, "I'm fine. My shoulder is aching a bit, but at least I don't have to wear that sling anymore.'
"I'm glad," Penny smiled. She leaned in closer to Leonard, wanting to feel the warmth from him. Her dress drew her chest together to create ample cleavage, which Leonard couldn't help but notice. She smelled of black cherry, which had his mouth watering. It took everything in him to not reach out and grab her.
Penny could feel his heated gaze and it sent chills throughout her body, suddenly wishing there was no one else in the back of the limo with them. She silently decided to make arrangements for each individual couple to get their own limos home.
Penny waved goodbye to all the reporters and photographers shouting at her as she entered the back of the limo with Leonard holding her hand tight. Just as the door shut, Penny let out a laugh, tossing herself back in the seat and kicking her shoes off.
"Five awards! I can't believe we got five awards! That's incredible!"
"I'm so proud of you!" Leonard said excitedly. "You deserved them, though. Your show really is awesome. Sheldon loves it."
"Does he? He just shrugs when I ask him what he thinks about it."
"Mmhm," Leonard nodded. "So, you didn't have too much champagne, did you?"
"Um," Penny giggled, "Like, three glasses. So, no. Why? What's up?"
Before she could fully turn to look at Leonard, he had already grabbed her quickly and pulled her to him. It had been so long since she and Leonard had actually embraced (because of his injury), so she was surprised all over again by the firm muscles underneath his nerd chic facade. Without hesitation, she turned her head to face Leonard fully. Not waiting any longer, Leonard pulled Penny's lips to his, kissing her with a restrained fiery passion. Penny moaned into his mouth, reveling in the taste and feel of him. It had taken everything she had to keep her hands to herself during the months that he was healing – not to mention, they still hadn't discussed their relationship status.
Penny felt Leonard tangle his right hand in her hair to pull her mouth closer to his as his left hand snaked down her spine and pressed on her lower back, bringing her body closer to his. Even through her dress, his touch burned her and created a burning need within her. Not wanting him to get ahead of her, Penny grabbed her own handful of hair as her other hand slipped inside his shirt and explored his firm chest. Leonard's lips left hers and trailed softly down her chin and to the side of her neck. Penny was almost straddling him at this point, trying to get as close as possible to him. Abruptly, Leonard broke away from her, straightening his glasses and shirt.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Penny exclaimed at the rejection. "What does it take with you?"
At this, Leonard laughed and pulled her forward, placing a quick peck on her lips. "I don't think the driver will appreciate us getting it on back here. Especially since we're already home."
Sure enough, they were pulling up in front of the apartment building. Penny didn't realize how long she and Leonard had been locked together in their embrace.
The driver suddenly opened the door, motioning for Leonard and Penny to get out. Leonard got out first and assisted Penny in getting out, her shoes being M.I.A. Leonard quickly tipped the driver and pulled Penny along to the front of the building. It seemed to take centuries, but the two finally made it to Penny's door. She hadn't even gotten her keys out before Leonard's hands were back on her, hungrily feeling every inch of her as his lips attacked her neck. Penny managed to get the door unlocked finally during his assault, immediately leading the both of them back to her bedroom. As soon as they walked through her bedroom's threshold, Leonard's arms wrapped tightly around her as she felt the two of them fall on her bed, Leonard on top of her. He moved his mouth from her neck to her mouth as he tried to devour her. His knee came up between her legs, spreading her knees slightly and enjoying the warmth building there.
Penny was in ecstasy. His mouth moving on hers was so skilled, so calculated, and his hands, which were currently massaging her breasts, felt so strong and adept. Needing air, Penny finally pulled from him momentarily.
"God, Penny," Leonard groaned, looking down at her with adoration in his eyes. In a husky voice, he spoke, "You're wonderful. Absolutely perfect. I meant what I said, in the hospital. I want you to be mine. I love you." Suddenly pulling her hips hard against his, she gasped as she felt his excitement, hot and hard against her. "I need you."
Penny could barely contain a moan as she looked at him, her eyes smoldering, "I love you too, Leonard. I've wanted you so badly..." She ground her hips against his, eliciting a groan from him.
She felt Leonard's hands resume their exploration of her body, across her peaks, down her belly, around the smooth contour of her backside. Penny began making quick work of the buttons on Leonard's shirt. "You were always the one," she tried explaining between sucking on his neck and nipping at his ear. "You stayed by me when I was hurt and scared... You never once gave up on me... Even after I freaked out and rejected you the first time we... tried... You took a bullet for me."
"Oh, God," Leonard shuddered out as Penny finished undoing his buttons and her hands shot inside, feeling up his smooth, bare skin. Leonard moved his hands behind her and untied the bow in the back of her dress. He then grabbed the zipper and pulled it down almost agonizingly slow. Penny moved around and helped him remove the dress, leaving her completely nude.
He raised an eyebrow at her. "Going commando?"
Penny smirked at him. "Well, I had hoped that things would go this well." Quickly reaching up, Penny grasped the buckle of Leonard's belt and began undoing it while Leonard's mouth lowered to one of her hardened peaks. She moaned out at the luxurious feel of his mouth as she tried to undo his pants as fast as she could. Once she had completed her mission, he helped her pull his pants away and flung his shirt and coat to the side, leaving them both completely naked and pressed against each other. Leonard moved his mouth from one breast to the other, one hand massaging her backside as the other slowly dipped between her legs. Every touch sent flames shooting through her, her need becoming unbearable. When his hand finally reached her center, she almost toppled over the edge. Forcing him to bring his mouth back to hers, Penny reached down and grasped his hardness, marveling at the endowment she hadn't been expecting. She began stroking him slowly, causing his ministrations on her to falter as he had to use both hands to hold himself up. Pulling his lips away from hers, he hissed, "Fuck..."
Penny couldn't handle it anymore. She had waited too long. Letting go of him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close, spreading her legs wider and pressing against him. "Please, show me how much you love me."
Leonard didn't need anymore encouragement than that and quickly positioned himself at her entrance, his mouth once again finding hers. One arm wrapping around her waist and the other holding himself up, Leonard slowly made his way inside her, moaning loudly into her mouth at the exquisite feeling. Penny trembled and moaned as she felt him move inside her, savoring the feeling. Sure, she had had sex before (more than she cared to admit), but making love was a totally new experience for her. She could feel all the love and care Leonard had for her pouring off of him in waves, making her ecstasy go even higher. Once he was completely inside her, she knew that he was her One. No one had ever made her feel so good, so beautiful, so loved... Until Leonard.
He began moving, and Penny found herself moving with him eagerly, their mouths still locked together, her hands in his hair. Every now and again, Leonard would shift her slightly, and she could suddenly feel even more pleasure, though she had no clue how. Every time he adjusted her, it was a totally new feeling. The amazing stimulus had her moaning loudly into Leonard's mouth, declarations of love and encouragement slipping from both their lips as they moved in perfect synchronization. After almost an hour, she began to feel it build, that intense state that she was reaching for, that he was reaching for. It wound tighter and tighter in her belly, threatening to consume her. Leonard must have known the signs because he shifted her one last time and she crumbled, an earth-shattering pleasure rushing through her, blinding her to everything but the man holding her. She trembled and shook, crying out as Leonard kept stroking in and out of her, grunting as he let go of the last of his restraints. With an intense shudder, he locked their hips together and spilled himself inside of her, his mouth covering hers as he pulsed strongly.
When their orgasms finally subsided, he collapsed next to her and pulled her closely, spooning her nude body to his. "I love you, Penny."
With a content sigh, Penny whispered, "I love you, too, Leonard."
"Mr. Lucas! Mr. Lucas!"
Sheldon's frantic yelling could be heard throughout the whole backstage as he ran after the silhouette of George Lucas disappearing around a corner.
"Mr. Lucas! Please come back! I must speak with you!" he begged, rounding the corner a little too quickly. Sheldon hadn't been expecting the man to still be standing right around the corner, so he almost collided with him. "Oh, dear Lord, I almost ran over George Lucas! I'm... I'm..."
Before Sheldon could apologize, he tapered off, gawking in aw of his hero before him. "It's... You're... Oh, God, you're George Lucas!"
Before George could even extend his hand for a handshake, Sheldon's eyes drooped as he collapsed to the ground, out cold.
"Ha," George chuckled. "Another fainter."
The End.
There you have it folks. I would like to thank everyone that reviewed this story. It always lifted my spirits to see reviews from fans wanting to read more. It really meant a lot. I'll only be working on my HP story after this, and then on to my novels. Again, thank you everyone. I love you all.