Location: An apartment in Boston.

"I'm here to take your soul. OOOOOOOOH!" Sally flailed around dramatically.

"What the hell is she doing?" Josh leaned over to Aidan and whispered.

"She's a ghost." Aidan whispered back.

"Wait? You guys can see me?" Sally beamed. "Hi I'm Sally!"

She immediately disappeared.

"Sorry." She appeared. "I could never get the hang of this whole ghost thing. Is anybody hungry? I am. Or I think I am. Wait I'm dead what I do I care."

Josh rolled his eyes while Aidan took in a deep breath. "Hi Sally, I'm Aidan and this is my friend Josh."

"Vampire. Werewolf. Ghost." Sally said "Makes for a good bar joke."

"How did she?" Josh began.

"Relax." Sally replied. She was glad for the company. In fact she would even take Hannibal as a roommate once he cleaned up after his massacres but haunting an empty house wasn't much fun. "We're all supernatural so who am I to judge really."

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Josh said, leaving Aidan and Sally to catch up.

"Coming!" Josh said as he ran down the stairs and opened the front door. Standing in front of him was a young woman, about his age, with green eyes and short blonde hair with her bangs swept from the left side of her face. "Hi, can I help you?"

"Oh sorry to bother you, but I'm a reporter for the Daily Planet." she said. "I'm Chloe Sullivan by the way."

Josh stood silently.

"And you are?" Chloe prompted.

"Oh sorry I'm Josh Levison." Josh replied. "How can I help you Chloe?"

"Oh I just arrived from Metropolis a week ago. And I noticed that Boston isn't as different from home as I would have hoped."

"How.. so?" Josh began to feel on edge.

"Oh well, it seems regular enough." Chloe said then began rambling apologetically. "Oh I'm not saying it's not as exciting as Metropolis or Smallville – small town, you wouldn't even think of the stuff that happens there, but you can never tell with surface appearances. So I've been noticing some weird unusual stuff happening... animal attacks, blood loss from the neck, stuff like that. Have you ever come across situations like that?"

"Yeah, well. I'm a nurse." Josh said. "I see that every day."

"It must be hard." Chloe empathised.

"Yeah, it is."

"I've been interviewing people from the neighbourhood." Chloe said. "They all seem helpful but non could really give anything really."

"Is the story for your paper.. The Daily...?"

"Planet? Yeah." Chloe tucked a strand of hair behind her right ear. "But it's more of a research piece into the weird and unexplained. I can't help the obsession."

"Must be a fun job."

"It's my baby. But it has it's ups and downs." Chloe smiled. "Anyways, it was nice to meet you Josh. Hope to see you around."

"You too Ms Sullivan."

"Call me Chloe." she replied and left.

As Chloe walked down the stairs, Aidan was already coming down the indoor staircase.

"Who was that?"

"Oh just some reporter who came in from Metropolis asking questions." Josh said as he began to close the door.

Chloe turned around as soon as she heard someone speaking to Josh. But as soon as she faced the house, the door was already closed.


Four weeks earlier

"Dead end after dead end after flipping dead end."

Chloe fumed as she scrolled through her computer. She couldn't find any information on Davis.

Have you seen this man?

Chloe had posted his picture on various networking sites. She only joined them just to get Davis's photo out there. She even went around the neighbourhood and thought of going international but realized she was being silly. Davis wouldn't be that far.

It was almost like he disappeared off the face of the earth.

Seeing how stressed out she was Oliver came by with coffee to cheer her up.

"It's been a month Chloe."

"Yeah." she took a sip "Damn this coffee is so good. I missed it."

"You? Miss coffee, oh please." Oliver said then chuckled. "How many days did you go without?"




"You aren't going to go overboard and drink like ten after this are you?"

"Nah, you're safe." Chloe replied. "Even smelling coffee can give me a fix."

Chloe sighed and shut down her laptop. She went over to the sofa, coffee cup in hand and lay down, her feet up.

"Chloe." Oliver said "You need a vacation."

"I am relaxing." Chloe said "I told my other boss Tess that I would take some time off too."

"You're not relaxing." Oliver said. "You're sitting here cooped up in this apartment, stressing over something that may never come to fruition."

"Anyways, I told Tess I would only take 2 weeks off." Chloe sighed "She'll expect me back tomorrow."

"Well, I spoke to Tess." Oliver began "And she said it's okay if you took a vacation."

Chloe looked at Oliver. Her two bosses conspiring against her. This will not do. Her workaholic side disapproved immensely. She frowned, sat up and put the coffee cup on the table. It was already cold.

"Oliver and Tess sitting in a tree."



"Shut up."

Chloe giggled and looked at her coffee. "Okay fine, I'll take a vacation. Just give me like a few days to get the airline ticket ready."

"No need for that." Oliver got up. "You're taking the company jet."

"Get out."

"I know right."

"And where will this company jet be taking me? Paris? Italy? Seychelles?"

"Anywhere you like really."

Chloe sighed and went over to the globe on her work desk. She takes her right hand and gives it a spin. She closes her eyes and presses her right index finger to a spot.

"Boston" she stated as soon as she saw where it was.

"Boring." Oliver complained. "Try again."

"No, Boston it is."


PRESENT DAY: Interior of the apartment where Aidan, Josh and Nora live. Two months after Chloe's first meeting with Josh.

Sally's brother was going to sell the house. Luckily they were able to scrape through the threads in their pockets to gain buy the house and gain a new tenant for the time being. Instead of Josh and Nora leaving, Aidan left because he thought the newlyweds needed the place more than he did. In the meantime he crashed over at Kenny's. Kenny was a good kid and he had secured Aidan an apartment space free of charge in his little mini kingdom.

So Chloe was Nora and Josh's new tenant. By the time she arrived, Aidan had already moved out. While Nora and Josh were away at work, Chloe was already settled into her room and working as an online blogger from home.

Sally liked observing her. She was colourful and smart and respectful of other people's space. Sally noticed that Chloe also seemed curious. She came across Nora's diary by accident and while she looked interested in reading it she didn't.

She even decided to google her landlords.

"Curiousity complex huh." Sally said.

"Chloe you have got to tone down that curiousity complex." Chloe said afterwards which made Sally a bit stunned.

Sally felt lonely. She wanted someone other than her three best friends to see her. So she decided to recite a spell.

It didn't work.

Sally felt herself being transported back into an office like room.

She saw someone helping a young woman change a lightbulb. They were talking about helping some girl named Bette. The man helped the woman down the table and held her hand a bit. Sally saw it was Chloe and Aidan.

"Aidan. Look who's being all smooth with the handholding." Sally teased as she walked around them.

Chloe blushed. They spoke about Isis and helping some people called meteor victims. Sally had no idea what that was.

"Ask her out. Go ahead. Ask her." Sally nudged even though she knew he couldn't hear her.

"And I'm engaged."

"Awww crap." Sally sighed "Better luck next time buddy."

Suddenly Sally was back in her apartment and Chloe had left by that time. Sally sat in her spot and decided to do some snooping. Even as a ghost she could get corporeal and didn't have to concentrate as much. She needed to know this Chloe Sullivan person a bit more.

She wondered why Aidan never talked about her.