
Back to school was never my thing waking up early after sleeping late so many times it was hard to get back into the early state of mind. I was sitting on the step of the school with Sango, Inuyasha and Miroku there with me, I was whining about that I couldn't sleep in anymore and that it was such a pain to be back at school. The bell rang and everyone started to go to homeroom, I sat down with my head in my arms listening to others talk about their break, I smiled at the memory of the beach, I wasn't going to forget that anytime soon. An announcement came over the intercom and my head perked up just enough for me to listened.

"In three weeks from now will be the Summer Dance, hope you guys can make it." the voice said before there was nothing but static for awhile.

"And one, two, three…" I didn't finish because the new talk of day was about the dance.

I sighed I can't wait to go back on vacation again, I really need my bed. The bell rang again and headed off to History, I sat in the back away from the others who were still talking about the coming dance-well no big surprise there no idea why that thought pooped up in my head…oh yeah it's because they're annoying me with it, it's not even a formal dance, it's going to be outside the school in the courtyard and you'll get to wear what ever you want-so I slumped against my desk and prayed that the teacher would soon up in. The class quieted down and I guess the teacher was in the classroom and I went I looked up the teacher was there reading to start the lesson, I sighed and sat up and got out everything before he had my head on a plate.

"Read chapter thirteen in your text book you're getting a test net class." our Business Studies teacher said before the bell rang and she dismissed up for lunch.

I went outside and sat at my normal seat by the table the boys had practice for the whole lunch time so they won't be here when Sango arrives and her she comes.

"You're gonna live long." I mumbled to her.

I look up to see her smiling at sit next to me.

"hat's got you in such a happy mood? Last time I checked Miroku still groped your ass." I said to her.

She blushed but her smile didn't falter.

"He asked me to the dance and I said yes!" she said giggling like the school girl she was.

I smiled at her the two of them were happy just like Inuyasha and I.

Hearing the bass and making it match the words that I was reading would make the notes stick in my head a lot easier, and music always did that for me, I don't know why but when I had to revise and did it in silence it was horrible it didn't seem like nothing stuck and the silence itself would make you go insane. I was at the last page in the chapter and my eyes were begging me to shut them so they could rest. I fell flat n my back after I had finish read the chapter and wanted to sleep but I still had my project to do on Art so I had to get right on that besides it was due tomorrow and I hadn't even started it given that I had all Spring Break to do it.

I sat at my computer desk and took out a big piece of white paper and put it on the stand, I eyed my room the carpet was too white and fluffy for me to mess it up, if a drop of paint slip so I took everything outside even a stool to sit on. I started on my masterpiece ideas flowing into my had as I started off with the sky, it was dark around midnight a lake in the centre around it trees and flowers blowing in the night wind, on the lake were blurry dark shadows every shadow making another move to the dance that I was painting. The idea came alive I my head that very second and I smiled this was going to be a masterpiece that I could be proud of which I slowly was, the moon shined over the last step I painted and it was a full body nothing blurry, nude in the water, long black hair, eyes closed one leg firmly on the ground the other in the air, her body bent forward one arm in front the other in the air just like her foot, and there she stood beautiful and magnificent for everyone to see.

I put the piece to dry so it faced the sun on my balcony hoping it wouldn't tumble over, I had ran downstairs for something to eat before I came back up and watched as the sun set on the horizon, I absolutely loved this time and in the morning too waking up to the glistening orange glow on the water and seeing it set in the evening breathtaking is what it was for me and I truly did love it.

It was night time now my painting was safely secured it its bag and ready for tomorrow I laid on my bed listening to my music when my phone vibrated on the bed, I looked at it and answered.

"Hey." I said.

"Didn't get to see you for the whole evening and I need to be relieved." Inuyasha whined to me but I also knew he was teasing.

I felt hot all over from my face to my core to the very tips of my toes.

"W-what?" I asked.

"You know what I mean when I say that." Inuyasha said to me in a husky voice.

"You would think you were gonna asked me to the dance." I said.

I could see the grin on his face.

"Who else would I asked to go with me?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"Don't know." I answered.

"Do I need to come over there get on one knee and asked you to the dance?" Inuyasha asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's for when you want someone to marry you." I tell him.

"I know that, but it'll be so stupid since I already know I want to marry you and only you." he said.

"Why is that?" I asked blushing as red as a cherry now, I've gone pass the state of tomato ever since he said he'd get down on one knee.

"Because you're my Mate and I knew it ever since we kissed at the party from then I couldn't help myself." he said.

I can't believe we're having this conversation over the phone-but still it was a good thing because then he wouldn't be able to see my face and how terribly red it was, it would also explain the reason towards my feelings for him and how they started , I had to smile, me and Inuyasha together forever didn't sound like a bad idea knowing that it wasn't one of those fairytale things, so it wasn't going to be all good all the time but other than that I don't think anything bad will happen-I had to get my word in order now.

"Really?" I asked it was all I could come up with.

I heard Inuyasha low chuckle and I smiled.

"Yeah. So you see me going after another girl is highly out of the question." he said.

I smiled.

"I like the sound of that." I tell him.

Inuyasha chuckled again.

"I knew you would. Love you bye." he said.

"I love you. Bye." I told him before I hung up.

I smiled to myself as I laid my head on my pillow and with a smile I fell asleep.

I woke up and got ready like I normally did and headed downstairs for something to eat with my mom and she was smiling brightly at me when I came inside.

"Aren't you a little old to be ease dropping on my conversations?" I asked her.

Mom shook her head.

"I couldn't help if I heard it from standing outside your door hon." she said sitting down and taking some toast.

"Mom you're acting like a little sister than my mom." I told her.

"I love you too sweetie." she said before coming over to me and giving me a kiss on my cheek.

My face burnt a little as I smiled at her, I love my mom to bits and I was glad she was easygoing on some things not like other parents.

"Im not going to be home until later. So I'll like you to stay with a friend." Mom said.

I nodded my head before I looked at the time and got up.

"Bye mom." I saidas I gave her a kiss grabbed my bag and headed to my car.

At school, I sat on Inuyasha's lap inside the classroom and listened to what Sango was saying about the drama class and how they needed help so we could stay late this afternoon.

"Well mom said she wasn't going to be home so I have to stay by one of you guys and since Sango wants to help I'm gonna stay." I said.

Sango squealed and clapped her hands.

"Cool now will you guys please stay?" she pleaded with the boys.

Inuyasha groaned and Miroku sighed.

"Fine." they said.

Sango squealed again and the bell rang for the start of class, I got off Inuyasha lap to slide into my seat next to him while the others left for their own classes, Maths was not as bad as I thought it would have been today, and this evening was going to be long since we were going to stay after school to help the drama club. I looked around our classroom and it hadn't hit me before Kikiyo was no where in sight ever since the inccident her face was no where to be found.

"I heard she moved." Inuyasha whispered into my ear.

I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth slightly opened.

"Yeah I wonder why?" he says sarcasticly.

I giggled softly. I turned back to face the teacher and listened to what was being said.

When I had gotten to Art class-I couldn't tell you anything else until I told you this-and gave my work to the teacher she looked stunned at what I had paint, she seemed to adore it and when she told me I had gotten an A plus, my heart jumped right out of my chest and I did a Japaneses traditional bow to here while I replied a Thank You in English.

"Finally you guys got here." Sango said when me Inuyasha, and Miroku walked in.

"Well I kinda had to stay in a few minutes after class because of a certain idiot." I said.

Miroku smirked but it wasn't him.

Sango giggled, seeing her happy was great she ran over to Miroku and gave him a peck on the cheeks.

We started to get to work on what we had to do, it seemed that we were to set up the stage for a play that was being held tomorrow. It was Romeo and Juilet the classic tale of love and suicide plus drama by the infamous William Shakespear. Inuyasha had put me on his neck as to get me higher up so I could help Sango with the decorations for the tower, Miroku would hand them to Inuyasha, he would hand them to me and I would hand them to Sango so you pretty much got the picture of how the activity went.

We had started to get going with the painting and I was the first one with the brush in my hand, then everyone elsed followed, I had to paint carefully to make sure i didn't get any paint on my school clothes, if it didn't come out i would have to get a whole new outfit. When everything was over and we could leave the four of us headed outside to our cars.

"See you guys tomorrow." I said before I got in my car.

When I said see you later I actually meant Sango and Miroku since I was spending the evening with Inuyasha wanting to leave the other two alone with each other. As I parked at Iuyasha house and got out I latched myself until his arm and we walked into his house.

"Guess mom, dad nor Sesshomaru are home." he said.

I just nodded my head and made my way up the stairs to his room.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"To take a bath. Can you get me some clothes?" I asked as I walked into his bathroom.

I could have gone into the room I slept in the last time I was here but I just wanted to use his because I knew it was much larger than mine at my home or in his home. I took off my clothes and stepped into his shower and I was right it was bigger than mine, his was all white, snowy looking at not one bit of soap scum or dirt anywhere to be seen, on the little windowsill was his shampoo, conditioner and soap. I turned on the water and let it hit my body before I took up the soap and started to lather my skin.

Just then I heard the radio in the corner my the sink turned on and Jerimih ft 50 Cent Put It Down On Me started to play-I loved this song-and I heard the shower curtain moved so I turned to see who it was. I gasped Inuyasha was naked and stepping into the shower with me, I felt his hands on me the very second he was fully in with the shower curtains pulled across. His lips found my neck and he placed a kiss on them.

"I thought I'd shower with you to save some water. Don't worry the door's locked both of them." he said.

"Pervert." I whispered.

Inuyasha slapped my ass.

"I'm horny is that so wrong for a teenage boy, especaily when his girlfriend is in his shower naked." he murmured in my ear.

He gave my butt a good squeezed and I leaned back on him. Inuyasha washed me off and when he got down to my legs he parted them and with a glint in his eyes I knew what he was going todo next.

"Don't!" was all I got to say before he licked me and I cryied out. My mind went blank not before I realised what music he was doing this to, my moans and screams were the only thing that were being heard except for the music and it seemed Inuyasha was enjoying himself. I held onto his head just incase I felt like I was going to fall.

"Inu." I panted out.

Inuyasha stopped his actions and looked up at me, I heard him growl before I was pushed up against the wall and Inuyasha inserted a finger into me.

"Tell me what you want." he coaxed out to me.

I moaned trying to find words to come to my mouth.

Inuyasha took one of my breast into his mouth and started flicking his tongue over it.

"You." I said.

I heard him grunt against my breast and his fingeres started to move faster, I started to scream loudly it was too much at the moment, Inuyasha's mouth suddenly moved from my breast and crashed against my mouth to muffle my screams, his tongue clashed with mine as we fought, Inuyasha to be the winner of course and he proceeded to explore my mouth sucking on my tongue and swirling around my gum. Inuyaqsha pulled away from me and i was able to catch my breath, my hands came up to cover my breasts, Inuyasha eyed my hands and his came to cover mine over and made me pinch my nipples, I cried, he made my rubbed them with my palms,UI moaned, he tok my first finger and thumb and made my rubb my nipples between them roughly.

"Ah...Inuyasha." I cried, I couldn't hold it in any longer.

He dropped his hands and mine followed going limb at my sides.

Inuyasha palmed my breasts hiself now and started to rub them, before he dropped again to his knees. Inuyasha squeezed them before one he began sucing on my left one flicking his tongue over it and swirling around and he was making my head dizzy, he gave my right one a good squeeze before he started to rub it.

"The other one too." I moaned out.

He complied leaving my left nipple swollen.

"Ahhhhhh." I screamed Inuyasha bit down on my nipple and grazed over it before soothing it with his hot tongue.

He stopped attacking my breast and licked my nable before he licked me again, this time I bent over I couldn't stand anymore and Inuyasha just kept at it, his canine tongue lashing over my folds every five second, berfore he plunged inot my core and swirled his tongue around on the inside. Inuyasha stopped again and stood up and wrapped my legs around his waist and placed his dick at the entrance of my core.

"Kagome...I." was all he said before I captured his lips.

"I need it now." I told him.

I heard him grunt before I cried out in pleasure, oh gosh he's so fucking big. Inuyasha started thursting inside me at an alarming rate and I couldn't help but cry out in pure pleasure.

"Take my cock Kagome I know you want it." he mumured in my ear.

I blushed as he kept up his speed.

"Deeper." I groaned out.

He complied some what.

"Deeper." I cried out this time.

Inuyasha growled as he went deeper and one of his hands coming up to play with my cilt and the other with my breast. My arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled him in for a kiss. His hands moved again to grabb both cheeks of my ass and pulled me closer to him as he started to go faster and deeper inside me hitting that wonderful spot that sent a jolt of pleasure through my body. My legs were then lifted above my head and onto his shoulders as he rammed me just a few more thrusts and I cried limb against him. He took me down slwly riding me out of my pleasure before my legs were down and I was turned to back him. He entered again and started to move slowly this time, we were going at the pace he set and not what I wanted it to be.

Every thrust was slow and easy nothing to rough and not at all fast but it was deep everything he would decease completely before re-entering, and I would cry out each time, but after that it was soft pleasurable moans and the pleasure itself that filled my body. We were slowly coming to the end together when my breathing started to get strangled and my innerwalls started to clutch at him.

"Inuyasha!" I coaxed out.

I heard him grunt in response. Just a few more and I felt Inuyasha jerk inside me which mde me joined him, I felt him pulled out and I almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for him catching me.

"Let's get cleaned up." he mumured to me.

After a proper bath with no more interruptions we got out of the shower and proceeded to get dress. I laid on Inuyasha bed with one of his shirts on with my bra-so what if it needs washing I'll do that when I get home-and a boxer with Inuyasha laying beside me with hs arms snaked around my side, tired from our activities so I closed my eyes and fell to sleep. I woke up some time later and it seemed to be night time and I sat up in Inuyasha's bed and looked around but their was no Inuyasha. I heard the bedroom door clicked and saw my boyfriend walking in with something in his that looked like a trey with food.

"I figured you should be up by now so I brought you something so eat." he told me.

I smiled that was sweet of him.

"Thanks." I said as I greatfully took the food.

After I ate my mom called-great timing-she said she was home and that I could come home so Inuyasha after I gave Inuyasha a kissed goodbye and got my dirty school clothes and headed home.

The next day it was calm and simply, Inuyasha giving me a kiss in the morning and Miroku and Sango getting cozy together.

I was listening to my music just drowning out everything, I was kinda of sore from yesterday and Inuyasha laughed at me for that saying that it was nothing which made me blush a little even though I was mad at him. Right now I need an old timish song but what the kids in class were still talking about the dance and I really need to drown out the unwanted chatter.

Hmmmm. Take A Bow sounds just right. I thought as I pressed play.


How about a round of applause


A standing ovation



Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

You look so dumb right now

Standing outside my house

Trying to apologize

You're so ugly when you cry


Just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show

You really had me going

But now it's time to go

Curtains finally closing

That was quite a show

Very entertaining

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone

(Get gone)

You better hurry up

Before the sprinklers come on

Talkin' bout girl I love you

You're the one

This is just like a re-run


What else is on

And don't tell me you're sorry cuz you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show

You really had me going

But now it's time to go

Curtains finally closing

That's was quite a show

Very entertaining

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

And the award for

The best liar goes to you

For making me believe

That you could be

Faithful to me

Let's hear your speech out

How about around of applause

A standing ovation

But you put on quite a show

Really had me going

But now it's time to go

Curtains finally closing

That was quite a show

Very Entertaining

But it's over now

(But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

But it's over now

I felt someone shaking me, I yawned and looked up must have fallen asleep during the soung because I can't remember anything after it.

"It's lunch." Inuyasha told me.

I yawned again and got up and followed him outside just to lay my head on the table again and fall asleep.

"So what are you wearing to the dance." Sango asked sitting at the edge of my bed.

I sighed the dance was in a days time, three weeks went along fast, either doing work, or helping the school out with dance or something but the days went fasr and now after tomorrow we were going to be dancing our buts off, but at least tomorrow we won't be doing anywork since everyone some how will be pitching in helping get the last final touches together.

"I don't know maybe a skirt but then I hhave to look for the perfect top to go with it and don't forget the shoes which means that the skirt would eith have to be frilly or stuck out from my body in some sort of way." I told her.

Sango nodded her head in agreement with me.

"So you should probably start looking." she told me.

I sat up from my laying position to look at her leaning my head to the side as I studied her facial expression.

"Have you picked out an outfit yet?" I asked.

She turned to look at me and smile one of those smiles she had on her face since you know what happened with her and Miroku.

"Actually I have." she stated.

I waited for her to continue.

"It's a purple tank top with a white frillu skirt and a pair of ballerinas, my hair is going to be worn up and curled at the ends, I wear the chain that Miroku bought for me and you know how my make-up will effect my outfit with the eyeshawdow a little bit of mascara and lipgloss. That's simply it." he told me.

My mind went blank as I process what she just said to me, my lips moved but no sound came out but what was Sango smiled wider and my facial expression and turned back to what she was doing.

When my mind started to work properly again and found myself going to my closet and searching through all those clothes in there to find an outfit to work, I didn't care if Sango out-classed me in some what on the night of the dance I just wanted to find something that looked alright to wear. Frig it...I can't find nothing good to wear. I thought. After I rampaged the closet for another half an hour I finally found something that I could wear. the dress was simple and I liked it it was a royal blue dress that was one strapped and stuck to my hips and with a pair of flat sneaker boots it would look perfect on me.

"Found it." I said pulling the outfit out and showing Sango with a smile on my face.

"You really like going simple don't you?" she asked.

"That's how I like it." I told her with a pout.

Sango laughed at me.

"I never said anything bad." she countered.

I strugged it of with a grin as I put the outfit back into the closet and walking back over to her and sat on my bed with her.

I placed my head on her shoulder and she placed her head on mine we stayed like that for a little while before we actually began to talk again.

"You know Miroku said that when we got into College he was going to purpose to me if we were still together." she said softly.

I looked up at her slightly not being able to look fully well because her head was still on top of mine.

"Inuyasha said he was going to marry me because we're mates." I told her.

Like as she usually did when I told her something about me and Inuyasha her head shot up ad she was shocked it was written all over her face and her eyes and mouth showed it the most.

"Mates huh?" she said smirking.

I nodded my head a faint blush on my cheeks I'm sure of it!

"That's means you guys are together for life." she said.

"I know.' I said in a whisper to hard for me to speak.

Sango squealed and I was in one of her bone crushing hugs.

"Ok how did the talk get from you and Miroku to me and Inuyasha?" I asked.

She let got of me and started to blush, good, this was her moment and talking about Inuyasha I and I were not going to ruin it.

"So if he does purpose and you guys are still together...will you say yes?" I asked her.

"Yes." she answered her blush becoming deeper by the second.

I smiled.

"Cool. So I'll be you're Maid of Honor and you'll be pampered in everyway I can think off." I told her.

Sango just smiled at me and I knew she was jumping up on the insides.

"If you pamper me then I'll have to do the same for you." she said.

I shrugged.

"We could start now. I have a make-up set mummy bought me but never used it." I said going back into my closet and searching on the highest shelf for the set.

I took it down and placed it on my drawer were the mirror looked at me if I was laying on my bed, I rolled the computer chair over there and turned to face Sango.

"Come here." I commanded pointed at her and then at the chair.

Sango complied and sat down and I spun her around just for a few seconds, she laughed just alittle.

"Ok darling how do you want your hair done?" I asked in a french accent and ending up laughing because of how I sounding.

"Uh up and rolled around like a princess madam." Sango said.

"Ah very nice, will do." I answered.

I had placed her hair in a tight high one, her hair braided at the end and rolled around until it was puffed out and larged, I pinned it in place so it wouldn't fall out, her bangs were combed and flowery clips were placed all over to make her look like a princess. Her make-up was simple pink eyeshawdow, mascara to define her already jet black long eyelashes, slight blush to compliment her already natural ones since I kept teasing her about Miroku and red lipgloss that showed of her lips.

"Wow." Sango said.

"I know." I said staring at her from the mirror her smile was gorgeous. "Now only if this was how you wanted your hair on Saturday." I told her.

"But the way you're gonna do it with my instrauctions is going to look way better." she tells me.

"I know. But fir you're wedding what I say goes." I say to her.

"Yes ma'am." she said taking my order with a smile.

"Sleepover tomorrow night?" I asked her.

"I'll be here five sharp." she answered.

I smiled tomorrow night was going to be fun.

"Kag get over here!" Sango called to me.

It was going to be movie night with the two of us and reluctantly I let Sango win with watching a horror movie, she was sleeping with me tonight.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed as I clutched to her.

Sango's eyes were glued to the TV watching with excitment as the woman stayed and watch the vampire come to eat her. I closed my eyes and I heard the woman screamed just like I did, now if she had since she would have ran away instead of stayed there to be sucked dried and left to rot but guess the terror got to her and made her stay in place sometimes it did happen.

"Sango you're not leaving me tomight." I told her clutching onto her for my dear life.

"Yeah I know now shush!" she told me a little irritated that I was interrupting her scream and blood fest.

"So cool." she mumbled.

I looked up at her and then at the movie for a split second or half of that if there was such a thing before I hid underneath my covers again no way I was goingunderneath the bed- four year old, five year old, six year old seven year old stuff, I know, but that's how much I don't like horror movies-so I tried hard not to hear but I had my Ipod and it was fully charged! Goodbye screams of terror. I smiled maybe now I wouldn't have so much nightmares in one night.

I finally fell asleep after Sango's movies were finish and she pushed to the right side of my ed and really liked that side but most of the time I'd wake up who knows how-I sleep really bad-I did have a nightmare and I wouldn't even go into details of it, it sent a shiver down my spine as I stared up at the dark ceiling and looked over to my left to see Sango still there dreaming what looked like to be peacefully I sighed in relief at least I wouldn't have to crawl into mummy's bed tonight like I did when I was younger. I got back to sleep after listening to my music again and didn't get up until late morning around 11:00.

I went down stairs and got some cereal to eat and ate it slowly as I looked out the window at nothing in particular just letting my mind wonder to anywhere it wanted no set destination.

Night came fast and before we knew it the doorbell rang and two boys dressed in button down shirts one red the other purple two babby pants and sneakers to go back with the shirts stood before us.

"Hey." we said.

"Hey." they answered.

"Ready to go?" Inuyasha asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Been waiting all day." Sango replied with a smile.

The boys came in one car since Sango was going to spend the weekend by me we didn't need to carry her back home. At the dance we spent more time on the dancefloor than sitting down talking with any of our other friends but since theywere on the dancefloor too it wasn't a problem.

"You're very quiet." Inuyasha whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him and saw him smile and smiled back before I rested my head on his chest as he moved us arround effortlessly to the slow song that was being played.

"Nothing just thinking." I murmur.

"Thinking bout what?" he asked again.

"Something that Sango and I talked about." I told him.

"So it's a girl thing." he says.

I nodded my head and Inuyasha sighes but understands.

"You know I will purose to you someday." he says.

"Yeah." I stated softly maybe it was just a whisper but I know he heard it.

"And when I do, we'll be standing near the beach watching the sun go down.." I hit him.

"It's not going to be romantic if you tell be now." I tell him.

"But who's say's you'll remember." he teased.

"I won't forget something like that in a long while." I said to him.

"Hmmm so maybe I'll have to change it up." he says.

"Just don't make it as simple as you were telling me."

Inuyasha chuckle.

"I can do that." he says before we stopped talking and started dancing again.

I looked over at Sango and Miroku and I could see Sango smiling as Miroku whisper things into her ear, I could see her laugh and I smile she was happy. My smile widen as I thought about the things in my life right now, I had great friends each and everyone of them, my family was awesome if you take out my annoying aunt, husband and two devil twins, I had the mest boyfriend/mate and my bestfriend and his bestfriend were happy. This is the life of a school girl and that school girl is me.