"I'm going to go lay down. I don't feel very well," he excused himself. Shinigami nodded in response, allowing his son to escape the conversation of exactly what happened next for now. As he exited the room, Kidd saw that Liz, Patti, Maka, and Spirit had left. Soul was still slouched against the wall across from the doors, and Kidd grabbed his hand and pulled him to his room with him. Soul didn't protest or even ask questions not ready to leave Kidd alone after the events of that day.

"Do you need me to help you clean up?" Soul offered as they reached the top of the stairs. Kidd nodded, leading Soul to the doorway of his room.

"If it's not too much trouble. There's dried blood all over my arms, I might need help trying to get my sweatshirt off." Soul argued that it was no trouble at all, but he really was dreading the sight of Kidd's blood, even dried as it was. Besides, there was a large chance that the deeper wounds which had scabbed over rather than sealing themselves would reopen, and then the blood would definitely be very much not dry. But the wounds really needed to be disinfected if they hadn't sealed themselves already, and Soul was going to help Kidd make sure it got done right.

Kidd and Soul walked into Kidd's bathroom where Soul rummaged through the drawers for disinfectant and bandages, presumably stored there in case Liz or Patti got hurt and needed to be tended to. He also pulled out a pair of scissors that made him refuse to think about the reason they were there. After struggling to get Kidd's sweatshirt off and reopening several wounds in the process, he set about disinfecting the wounds and very determinedly notlookingatKidd'sexposedchest.

No. He definitely wasn't looking at his chest at all.

He didn't even peek.

Well, maybe a little.

"Soul, will you stop gawking and help me here?" Kidd's annoyed voice sounded.

Soul snapped out of his daze quickly enough as he knew he was caught.

Even though he really wasn't ogling Kidd's chest.

No, really. He wasn't.

Okay, so he was, but he was still going to help him.


"Helping! I'm helping!"

Both boys missed the sound of Liz and Patty's snickering on the other side of the door.