Nine months pregnant. Fi is due any day now, and we are out to dinner. I've been trying to get her to settle down, but she is doing the opposite. She has taken to going to five mile runs, and things like that to try and induce labor.
We just finished eating our food, "Why don't we go for a short run after this?" she suggested as I gave our waiter some cash to pay for our food.
"Fi, we've ran every night this week. Maybe the baby just wants you to rest before she decides to come. So why don't we just take a hot bath? Doesn't that sound good?" I suggested to her. I just trying to get her to settle down, everyday she is driving me more and more crazy with her crazy ideas.
She smiled, "Well, that does sound good but you know that I read that exercising will help induce labor." she stated.
"That can wait until morning can't it?" I asked her. I am fine with her trying to find way's to let us see our daughter again, and preferably soon, but I also want her to rest. Besides the point, she makes me do everything she is doing, and keeping me up all night to do it. Then during the day I'm working jobs with Pierce.
She looked down at her huge belly. Her belly is almost bigger than she is. "Fine. I am tired. But in the morning I am going for a run, and you are coming with me." she stated with determination.
We got home and got into the bath with each other. "See, aren't you enjoying this way more than going out side to constantly run in the Miami heat?" I asked her once we got settled.
She smiled, "I guess you're right- for once. I do feel pretty good right now." she informed me. I couldn't help at laugh when she said 'for once' I don't mean to sound full of myself, but I think I've been right well more than once. If that were the case then I would have been dead a long time ago.
We enjoyed each others company, and after we were finished with our bath we slowly made our way to bed. I went to sleep right away, but knowing Fiona her mind is probably wondering off, and she probably isn't going ot really sleep for another hour.
"Michael…. Michael… Michael! Wake up!" I heard Fi say as she started to punch me in the back as hard as she could.
I looked over at the clock. "Fi, it's three in the morning. What do you possibly need?" I asked her wanting to go back to sleep.
Rolling over to look at her I could see pain on her face. "I think I'm having contractions." she stated with both hands clutched on her belly.
"Ok, alright. I'll go get my watch so we can start timing them." I said jumping out of bed.
"Already done. They are a minute apart. They started about five minutes after you fell asleep. Let me tell you it's all I've been able to do to not scream." she informed me.
"Ok so we're going to have a baby any time now. Alright. Let me make a few phone calls real fast." I said grabbing my phone. Right off the bat I called Sam, then my mom, then Jesse. Mom said that she would give Nate a call. Sam and my mom said that they're on their way. Jesse said that he would come later in the morning.
An hour and a half later Clair Madeline Westen came into this world. She is the most beautiful person that I have ever seen. Right now mom and Sam are taking turns holding her while I am taking care of Fi, trying to make her comfortable enough to take a nap. She has already gotten to hold Clair so that is good.
Finally she got to sleep, and I sat down and mom placed my daughter into my arms. "Now support her head… there you go. See knows that you're her daddy." she said taking a step back after she saw that I had a good hold on her.
This is what made those nine stressful months all worth it. Fiona and I love our daughter and would take her back worth anything. Pierce gave me six weeks off to help with Clair, and I am going to enjoy every second.
The End.
A/N Well this was the last chapter! I hope that you all liked it! Please review and tell me what you think!