I am bored, so I wrote this. Now Cas is bored. And Dean is irritated to the point of snapping. Rated T for a bit of foul-mouth Dean XD

Disclaimer: SPN's Kripke's, not mine. :(

R&R! :D

"I am experiencing a strange feeling, Dean."

"That's boredom, Cas."


A brief silence.

"Why am I bored, Dean?"

"Because we haven't done anything in the past eight days!" Dean yelled.




"I'm bored."

Dean gritted his teeth. "Then do something, genius."

"Like what?"

"Like something. Go zap yourself to Rome or somewhere. Just leave me alone."

Cas blinked. And again. "Are you irritated at me?"

"Yes Cas, I'm fucking irritated."


"Because you're being irritating!" Dean exploded. "You just won't shut up!"

"Oh. I'm sorry, Dean. I'm just bored. I want to talk to someone."

"Then go find Sam. Talk to him."

"Sam is sleeping. It would be rude to wake him."

"Then sneak into his dream, Cas, like the sneaking bastard you are."

"Oh. This is about yesterday, isn't it?"

"Yes Cas, it's about yesterday." Dean's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "You snuck into my dream like some sort of . . . of . . ."


Dean smashed his fists onto the desk. "Is that even a word?"

A pause. "Sam wears sneakers."

"Ugh. You're in a really annoying mood today, aren't you?"

Cas opened his mouth to reply, but Dean held up his palm to silence him. "Don't. Answer that."

"'Don't answer that' or 'don't. Answer that'?"

"Don't you have some angel stuff to do upstairs? I'm busy."

"You said you were bored, Dean."

"No, you said you were bored. I am working."

Silence. "Oh. In that case, I am bored. What do you want to do?"

"I want to work! I don't want to do anything, especially with you! Just fly away, Cas! Go fucking home!"

Pause. Two. Three. Four. "What are you working on?"

Ah, that Cas! ;)