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Writers note: This story is based on the character of Cate Tiernan, Author of the Sweep Series. I do not own any of the characters. Cate Tiernan does. It is a fan fiction. I am a fan. Please respect my writing. All of these ideas come from my head and not from other fan fictions. If there is a similarity if purely coincidental. I hope you enjoy the fan fictions!

This book is dedicated to all the Sweep fans and my Buddies!!!!! Thanks for the inspiration Mic2..hehe

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** I often wondered how I could love someone I just met. A person I barely know or even barely talked to. A person I know is destined to be with me? My soul's other half. The one I know I will be with forevermore. To protect. To admire. To love for always. Ohh…Goddess! When will you let her see that I am the one for her? I loose control of my emotions every time she is around. I have never felt this way before. What is it about her that does this to me? Sometimes I hate being vulnerable which is an effect she does that to me. Her pain breaks my heart, and all for that stupid bastard. The bastard who tried to kill her. Thank Goddess she is all right. I held her and she cried. I couldn't help loving her then and there. She wore her heart in here sleeves for everyone to see. I love her innocence and I vowed to protect it for always. All I can think about is holding her and making all her fears and pains go away. To be the one in her arms and to be the one to hold her tight. I wonder if she feels the same for me. My love, how I long for you…

H.N. ***

Fire. How I love the fire. I love the way it made me feel as I looked into it…looking for answer to untold questions. It welcomed me, whispering for me to look deeper. And I did. I saw myself looking back… my reflection. The cloud came and the fire showed me something different, something awful. I saw myself running from something. I knew it was something dark…something evil…and it wanted me. It told me that I couldn't escape my destiny. I ran as fast as I could, trying not to look back. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw someone at the end of my path. Then everything stopped…

Again, it was dark. But this time, I didn't feel scared. The beach. I felt the warm grainy sand beneath my toes. I heard the waves, encircling me and splashing against the wall of rocks that began to surround me. I knew that it was the earth and water barrier. I heard the howling of the wind as it circled me, making the protection around me even stronger. Then light. I was surrounded by light…and I knew it was the fire. It grew bigger and brighter. I was in the middle of a circle of fire and I didn't feel scared, I felt safe. My senses tingled knowing that someone is near.

Then he came. He always did. He walked through all the barriers. The water parted as he passed. The earth lowered its walls. The wind made way for him. The fire embraced him as walked through. Only he can break through the barriers of the elements. He has come for me. My love. We shared a connection. He walked towards me and I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness. Of contentment. And even more…of love. He took me into his arm and we danced to music that only he and I can hear. I felt like I was floating , watching it with the stars. I was filled with emotions. I saw us, bathed in silver light, wrapped together with a silver cord that hummed with energy. I looked at him and soon I was swimming in an endless pool of green light that was his eyes. He kissed me and I kissed him back. He pulled away and looked into my eyes. Then he whispered in my ear, " I have found you…..my love…my muirn beatha dan…."

Please Review….It will be greatly appreciated! Next chapter will be up soon!