Hey so I got some positive feedback from the one-shot I wrote and I have to say I'm really glad you all liked it. This will be the first multi chapter story for MBAV so I hope you all enjoy it as much as my one-shot. Enjoy : )
It had been 3 month's since the event's at the school dance, and everything seemed to have gone back to normal. Well as normal as it can get in Whitechapel.
"No way, the X-Men are way better than the Fantastic Four.", Benny argued to Rory.
"The Fantastic Four took down Doom dude the are totally better than the X-Dorks.", Rory retorted. Benny was ticked by that statement and attempted to tackle the blonde vampire, and catching him off guard they both went down. Meanwhile Ethan was watching the two "morons" try to kill each other in irritation.
"Guys can you please shut up, there are people who can hear you.", Ethan gestured to the courtyard they were in at school. Benny scowled but, sat down next to Ethan, as Rory walked off to do whatever it is Rory does.
"So whatcha looking at?", Benny asked looking at the thick, old looking book in his friends hands. Ethan sighed, closing the book realizing he would get nothing accomplished with Benny there.
"I'm looking for this symbol.", he told him producing a piece of scratch paper with a crudely drawn star shaped symbol.
Benny took the paper looking it over as Ethan continued, "I had a vision of it with Jesse, I know it has something to do with why he came back and what he's planning."
Benny handed him back the paper, "It's not something I've ever seen in my spell book, maybe Gran knows something. We can ask her after school." Ethan stood, along with Benny as they headed back into the death trap of a school.
Inside the school Sarah was at her locker when Erica came by, "Hey girl, wanna come with me tonight. We can go to the movies than get some 'dinner' on the way home." Erica smiled, her friend was a full vampire now, but try as she might Sarah still refused to drink human blood. That didn't stop Erica from trying though.
Sarah shut her locker books in hand, "No thanks Erica it's Friday I have to baby-sit, and anyways you know we disagree when it comes to what to eat, you know it's much easier to just get blood bags instead of people." She walked off leaving an slightly frustrated Erica behind. As she walked down the hall Sarah paid a glance back to her friend and when she turned back she ran straight into Ethan and Benny.
She smiled, "Oh hey guys, sorry about that Erica was trying to get me to, well you know. Anyway what's up on the agenda tonight, any ghost's trying to make you play sports again?" Ethan opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by none other than Benny.
"Well E here saw Mr. Bite & Run rocking some weird symbol, he thinks it might have to do with why he came back."
She frowned, "Let me see."
Ethan handed her the paper and she looked over it. "Oh no, she said worried, This is the Daemoniacus Lamia."
Ethan furrowed his eyebrows, " What does that mean?"
"It's a resurrection symbol for the worlds first and most powerful vampire." Sarah explained.
"So some big scary vampire's coming and Jesse's bringing him here?" Benny asked.
Ethan and Sarah nodded.
"Well I'd say we are now sufficiently screwed!"
Oh Benny you never cease to amaze me with your stupidity. None the less you are adorable so I'll let it slide. So what do you guys think? This was just a prologue so we know what's going on the chapter's will get longer I promise.