Hello my darlings! Inusgirl here to bring you a one-shot…(please don't hate me for not updating…:/ this'll probably help me…)

I do not own Harry Potter or Matilda; they belong to J.k. Rowling and Roald Dahl respectively.

Please do enjoy!


"An old silent pond…a frog jumps into the pond. Splash! Silence again," Ms Honey read out of the book in front of her. Harry listened and watched as though enthralled by her every word. "This is an example of a Haiku, which is a type of poem developed in Japan. This particular one was made by Basho Matsoo, who most consider to be the first great poet of Haiku. So, can anyone tell me how to write a Haiku? Ah, Yes Harry?" Ms Honey smiled as the little boy's hand went up immediately.

"A Haiku is in a five, seven, five format; meaning five syllables, seven syllables, and then five syllables again. Usually it's written with nature in mind," Harry said carefully, staring at his shoes with self-consciousness.

She nodded and asked him, quite kindly, "Do you think you might be able to give us an example Harry?" He flushed and shook his head. "That's alright Harry," she told him softly.

With a smile Ms Honey took a glance at the clock in surprise. "Well gosh kids, it's time to pick up!" she exclaimed. "Please practice your three times tables this weekend. Ms Trunchbull plans to quiz you on Monday. Be ready."

She watched with fondness as the children raced around cheerfully as they got ready to go home…all the children, but one that is. Quietly, Ms Honey made her way over to Harry's desk, where he still sat. "Harry," she chided softly. "It's time to go home. Why aren't you packing up?" He flushed.

"Oh! Um…I, I was wondering whether I might be able to stay after again," he mumbled quietly. Ms Honey felt a rush of pity for the boy as she explained, "Harry, I'm terribly sorry. I have a staff meeting today. You know I adore spending time with you, but I can't today." He slumped, but Ms Honey saw him nod.

She watched without a word as he scurried out the door and sighed, trailing her eyes across the floor. She did this every Friday to save trouble for the custodians (who, frankly, scared her quite a bit). Today, there was just a single slip if paper.

Thinking it might have been a forgotten homework assignment or something of the sort, she picked it up but did not immediately throw it away. Right off the mark, Ms Honey could tell that the handwriting was Harry's. she scanned through it, her eyes widening.

A haiku by Harry Potter

Ms Honey, so sweet,

So very much like her name,

Fills me with such joy.

Ms Honey let out a silent gasp, a flush rising on her pale face; smiling, Ms Honey smoothed out the paper and stuck it in her folder.

…Oh Harry…

Word count: 455

So how was it? Love it? Hate it? Want to MARRY it? Wanna tear it up into little pieces and stomp on it?

Leave me a review…they make me happy.