First chapter is a standalone songfic, the rest is a normal story. Because Legend of Korra hasn't come out, I've taken a few liberties with the storytelling of post-war canon. In this story, the destruction of all life hinges on the choices Ozai makes. I plan on attempting to blur the line between right and wrong, and good and evil, much like the show did. I put in backstory of my own for why Ozai is such an evil jerk.
Except for Ozai and Ursa, Hakoda and Kya, other parental relationships, and Smellerbee and Longshot, there are no canon pairings.
End A/N

(The song begins WAH-ing)

By the time the ex-Fire Lord Ozai passed away in his prison cell, people had more important things to worry about than a long-forgotten war. Such as the new war between the faction of so-called 'Equalists' and Benders. Even the current Fire Lord had more important things to worry about than the passing of his father.

The Avatar was assassinated by one of the equalists at the young age of sixty-five. His wife and children were moved around the world to stay in protective custody, but eventually, only Tenzin remained. The air nomad culture was again in danger of extinction.

The Water tribes fell into chaos when no one was left eligible to rule them, and the societies crumbled. Waterbending became a lost art, remembered only in fairy tales that were desperately created to keep up even the smallest bit of hope that it wasn't gone forever.

Tensions between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation heightened due to the Fire Nation's colonization and refusal to pull out, due to the hundred year's worth of people's living there. Eventually, another war was inevitable.

Using the confusion of the outbreak of war, the anti-bending revolt was started. The three-way battle took a toll on both the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation, and even though the equalists were stopped, the Fire Nation was forced to destroy the Earth Kingdom, including the colonies, to keep themselves alive.

After the Fire Lady Mai died giving birth to what would have been their firstborn, the Fire Lord Zuko fell into a depression that, had the child lived, could have been prevented. It was the council's lack of foresight that caused these events to spiral out of control.

The Fire Nation soon went bankrupt, and with no other nations to engage in trade with, started a civil war. The Avatar Korra attempted to put a stop to it, but was killed in the Avatar State.

The final four Avatar spirits, Kyoshi, Roku, Aang, and Korra, faded into the memories of the residents of the Spirit World. Severely imbalanced, and with no one to correct it, the Spirit World imploded upon itself, and all life ceased to exist.

But for two, who prevented these events from transpiring…


"Wake up now."

(The WAH in the song ends here)

I waited as he groaned, and sat up. He opened his eyes and looked around. He then sighed again, and said, 'This is it, then? Have I finally died yet?'

He's resigned to his fate. What a pity. If only he knew what he could have done, what could have been. If only- wait… If only? Say… yes, this could work! He needs to be a willing participant, though…

If I could make him think he would be forced to see his past… yes… Yes!

"Yes, Ozai. Your life as a mortal has finished- your life as a spirit has… almost begun."

He quirked an eyebrow. 'Almost?' he said. 'What do you mean, almost?' He raised his voice, and tried to get up. He got up on one leg, then the other. They wobbled, but eventually stood firm. 'And who are you, anyway? What authority do you have over me!'

"I am the Spirit of the Moon, the guardian," guardian of what? Think! "of," oh! Of course. "the gateway from death to your new life."

He rolled his eyes. 'Shut up and get out of my way then. Where is this so-called gate?'

"Not so fast. The gate is not material, it is a spiritual journey…" where you must be judged based on your past actions? I'll try that. "Through which you must see through another's eyes your misdeeds. And trust me, you have quite a few under your belt."

He grunted. 'Fine, let me see my 'misdeeds',' he said, putting quotes in the air with his fingers. He continued, 'Then let me into the Spirit World. I have some choice words for my father.'

Choice words? What could he be talking about? Well, I suppose I'll find out.

"Come with me, Ozai-"

He motioned with his hand for me to stop talking. How rude. 'For all I know, that load of crock about being the 'Moon Spirit' could be just a bunch of lies. You will address me as the Phoenix King.'

Of course, I should have known that his delusions of grandeur would be a problem. Well, I don't want to blow the only chance I have, so, here goes…

"My mistake. Phoenix King, follow me. I will show you your past, the present, and the future of the world." He rolled his eyes, but complied when I began to walk away. I heard him mutter to himself, 'What's the point?'

We arrived at the pond that Tui and La circle around in. Well, I'm not in there right now, so only the darker fish with the white spot was circling. Nonetheless, we arrived at the Spirit World oasis, one of the main crossover points on a Full Moon. That isn't today, otherwise my chance would have been gone forever.

"Look into the pool, and I will show you your life."

He looked at me, then walked to the edge of the pool. The fish submerged. The surface of the water shimmered, and then it stopped moving. It darkened to show a mother holding a crying baby.

(New blood joins this Earth)

'My mother, right? And me, I presume?'

I ignored him, and he looked back. A man and a young teenager walked into the field of view.

'My father, Azulon, and my brother. Right?'

Azulon spoke. 'My son, what do you think of when you see your brother?' The teenager rubbed his chin with his hand.

"Well, Father, I see a child. My brother. Ozai. Several different things. What do you see?"

'I see a redundant crown prince. A vessel to carry on my orders. A mouth to feed. Another twelve years of work for me. That's what I see.'

Iroh didn't say anything. The woman didn't either. The room rang with the sound of silence. I heard the same sound from Ozai, who was gripping the edge of the pool. His knuckles were white, the only betrayal of his showing any emotion. I'm speechless, too… How can any man speak like that about his own child?

(And quickly he's subdued)

The image shimmered again, stilling on a child of about three or four years old, who was attempting basic Firebending drills in front of Azulon. He stumbled, and fell over. He clutched his knee, and started to cry.

Azulon rolled his eyes. 'Walk it off! Do it again!'

The boy tried, but he fell over on his hands and knees. "But daddy! It hurts!"

'I don't care! Pain makes the body stronger! Do it again!'

(Through constant pain disgrace)

Ozai's head is hunched over. I'm fighting the urge to turn away… No wonder Ozai turned out so horribly.

The water shimmered and stilled on an image of the same scene, but the boy is older, looked to be eight or nine, and is doing a more complex series of forms. He tripped, and fell. He grunted, but got back up and continued as if nothing happened.

(The young boy learns their rules)

The image changed again: His arm is very bruised, and it is swelling to about twice its normal size. Azulon nodded his head back and forth. 'Sloppy! Try again tomorrow!'

The boy responded with "Yes, father!"

Ozai is shaking slightly. Almost imperceptibly so, but I can tell.

(With time the child draws in, this whipping boy done wrong)

The boy now looked to be thirteen. There was a four-year-old child in the room with him. Azulon is in the doorway. 'Watch Lu Ten, Ozai. I have a meeting with your brother and the council.' Ozai looked over at Lu Ten, and Azulon left the room.

"I see you can't Firebend yet. Slacker. And you're supposed to be crown prince? Hah!"

Did Ozai just cry? No… No, of course he didn't… Right?

(Deprived of all his thoughts)

'Of course they didn't have feelings, they weren't Fire Nation! Get your head out of the clouds!'

(The young man struggles on and on he's known)

'This is Ursa, your future wife.'

(A vow unto his own)

'I expect the first child within a year.'

(That never from this day)

'We regret to inform you, but… Lu Ten has been killed in combat.'

(His will they'll take away)

'I've taken your Bending, so you can't hurt anyone else ever again.'

Aang faded away from the pool, and the light dimmed. The water returned to normal, and the fish returned to begin circling again. Ozai huffed.

'Fine, you've seen everything. I'm leaving.' That was a tear… His eyes scrunched together, and he dug his palms into them. 'Where's the damned gate?' This explains a lot…

"Not yet, Ozai. There's something else I need to show you."

The process began anew. Only this time, it wasn't Ozai.

(They dedicate their lives to running all of his)

"I don't care if it's 'improper', I'm allowed to walk outside the palace if I own all the land out there!"

'But sir, what of assassins?'

"Fine. You win."

(He tries to please them all, this bitter man he is)

"I'm sure we can reach a reasonable agreement. You just need to be rational and listen to me!"

'I'll not take the advice of a child!'

(Throughout his life the same, he's battled constantly)

'No! I hate you!'

'He's not a prince! He's a traitor!'

'Or maybe you could bring my mother back!'

'Why can't you be more like Azula?'

'You're useless!'

'I thought you changed!'

'You Fire Nation are all the same!'

'You're just a traitor!'

'How could you!'

'Hey, do you wanna- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!'

'Banishment is too merciful…'

'You will learn respect.'


(This fight he cannot win)

"I couldn't stop it… It's my fault…"

(A tired man they see no longer cares)

"They can save themselves for all I care!"

(The old man then prepares, to die regretfully)

"I'm coming, Mai…"

(That old man here is me)

Ozai reached towards the pond. He whispered, 'Zuko… my son… I had no idea…'

It worked?

"Now do you see, Ozai? Do you see what you've done?"

He looked at me, and I could see into him. All the fight left- he looks like a shell.

'What can I do?'

Yes! My plan can now go through…


'Azula… Zuko… Ursa… Are you sure I can change their fates, Yue?'

"Of course, Ozai. I believe in you."

'You'll come with me, if only in my thoughts, right?

"Yes, Ozai. If you stray, I can help you back on track."

'Okay… I'll do it. Send me back to the day I met Ursa.'

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been
What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven

Next Chapter, Yue uses her Moon Magic to let Ozai time-travel back to the day he met Ursa, so he can change the course of events. Expect massive changes to canon, characters who were once dead to be alive, and eventually, wildly different personalities of certain characters.
This, Republic Origins, and Dragon's Breath will be my top priorities indefinitely, until they are finished.
Please R&R: I get no money from this, because I don't own Avatar, and reviews are my only congratulations.
End A/N