"Well," [Name] started, lazily held onto Kumuro as they used the motorcycle they had found lying on the ground after Kumuro had been attacked by the now permanently dead owner, resting his chin on on Kumuro's shoulder when he was given the okay when he asked earlier when he had gotten on after Kumuro.

"What?" Kumuro questioned, glancing over at his fellow teenager for a quick second to show [Name] he had his attention, before turning back to the empty roads with equally empty and ruined cars.

"I was about to mention it's a good thing I grabbed what's-her-face and threw her over to Saeko, but then I figured that's not a good thing to say about your girl, huh?" [Name] stated with a sheepish grin that he could not keep from spreading across his lips. "Sorry, not much of a conversationalist."

Kumuro raised a brow, but did not say anything for a few moments that caused [Name] to feel as though he had offended the person he was beginning to like, but before he could apologize formally, Kumuro snickered. "It's fine, but she's not my girl – I mean, she... was, suppose to be? Gahhh... it's hard to explain, but while I am quite sore about how she went out with some other guy, I'm over her now as it's been over a year now, I believe."

The [E/C] eyed boy blinked, "Really? But you guys seem to have something going on there, I thought – well, guess that goes to show people shouldn't go and assume things..."

Kumuro sighed, slowly getting annoyed, but he could see how the brown-haired male could have gotten the idea from, what-with Rei being rather... clingy, as of late. "She's just looking for an outlet because her boyfriend got... bit, and I had to... either way, it doesn't help she can't get a hold of her folks, so seeing how I am the only one she really knows is left..."


Nothing else was said between them, but Kumuro had a feeling [Name] wanted to say something else, but figured not to say anything more as to not upset him.


This really just seemed like a terrible nightmare, but even [Name] had to admit that not even he could come up with something like this. Therefore, he decided that even if he reallyyyy could not believe this was happening, it is real and he should learn from the others if he wanted to survive.

So he took a couple of pages from the others he met just a little over half an hour ago, the ones that seemed more or less capable of getting through this shit.

Dead, decaying, flesh-eating shit that used to be... well, normal. Like himself and the others.

'I wonder how this even came to be or what started it...' The mostly unknown member of the group mused, though he does know the nurse and Saeko relatively well, what-with being the same age and in the same classroom as Saeko and his constant allergies that caused him to go to the infirmary whenever they acted up.

A thought came to mind, causing him to glance towards the boy that had introduced himself just a bit ago, Takeshi... a slight blush spread across his face. 'At least I'm in this group, the eye-candy is delicious . . . ~'