I procrastinated the happy ending. Sorry, I'm busy with a job and getting a bit bored of the story. Although the chapter is short and sweet (like a conclusion should be) I tried to keep it funny. This marks the end of 'This Means War', so if you guys have any other sillyfic ideas, let me know. I'd kind of like a fresh story to write. Warning: if I don't get any sillyfic ideas, you're getting fluff. XD Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Here's the last disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars or any of the Star Wars characters. George Lucas... erm... Disney does. Oh lord...

"Don't start that now," Kit warned, a hint of good-nature in his tone. "You know what you said."

Mace turned to face him, one eyebrow raised. "Have you been listening at all? I just said I don't remember."

Kit shook his head stubbornly. "You said it. Ask anyone. They were all watching."

Mindy, who was giving most of the medical attention, glanced at her two patients with amusement. "You did say it, Mace."

"Oh, come on. I didn't mean it," he argued, folding his arms over his chest. "People say crazy things when they're concussed."

Mindy smirked. "Well, you arguing now is a good sign of recovery."

"He still submitted though," Kit threw in. "There's no denying that he said I won."

"You wouldn't have won if your team didn't cheat," Mace replied with a cough. "There's no denying that either."

Kit pondered this for a second. A second was all he needed. "True, but how is it my fault that my team cheats better than yours?"

"We're not even teams anymore," Mace argued. "The war is over."

Kit shook his head. "Noooo, it's over when we decide what the terms are."

Both teams entered the room, splitting up on either side so that they were still divided the same way. Anakin stood closest to Mace, like he had something to say.

"What, Skywalker?" Mace grumbled.

"I just wanted to say quit being bitter. I was helping."

"I don't really want to hear anything else on the topic, to be honest," Mace replied with a grumble. "Why are you all here?"

Aayla smiled in Kit's direction. "You're both well enough to come to an agreement on the terms."

Kit returned the smile before sitting up slightly and turning to Mace. "Alright. Give me something lame to start with and I'll spice it up for you."

Mace didn't bother sitting up; his head was still pounding from the fight a week ago. "If you want a victory party, I'm sure I can arrange something. I still don't feel like you won."

"Parties are good," Kit replied. "As long as you don't serve the food, I mean. You might poison us."

Mace rested his palm on his forehead. "Let it go, Kit!"

"I will," Kit replied innocently, "but not until somebody gives somebody else an apology."

Mace nodded. "Alright, you're right. You're absolutely right… Apology accepted."

Mindy applauded. "I approve, Mace. That was clever."

Mace shrugged. "Not as clever as leaking helium followed by sulfur hexafluoride into the room where we were meeting, but thank you."

Kit's smile returned. "You really think that was good?"

"I couldn't have come up with it," Mace answered. "I underestimated you and your team. I won't deny that."

"Well…" Kit trailed off, glancing to the side a moment before speaking. "I'm not going to lie; the treadmill thing was kind of hilarious. Well, it is now that I'm not suffering the physical damage of it. Either way… you know what I mean."

Mace smiled sheepishly, another expression that Kit never saw him wear before. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It was a little out of line. On the same note, the butter on the floor thing was just cruel."

Kit sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Let's put this behind us now," Mace suggested. "Does a party suffice?"

Kit shrugged. "Eh, sure... But your team has to prepare it, serve us, clean up after us, and of course do everything that is demanded of them."

Mace cringed slightly. "Ouch."

"Is it a deal?"

"Yes," Mace sighed. "If it marks the end of the stupid war, it's a deal."

There was a silence. Most of the teammates left after hearing the conditions, but a few of them lingered to hear the rest of the conversation.

"You know, Mace," Kit continued while testing his ability to stand up. "You could think about the war in a good way. A lot has changed now."

"Nothing has changed," Mace replied. "Everything has resumed normalcy."

"It doesn't have to be that way," Kit replied. "You don't have to be so dull. You could expand to something so much greater."

"What do you mean 'something greater'? I'm Mace Windu. What could I expand to? Master Yoda?"

Kit pondered this. "I think that would be shrinking not expanding," he pointed out. "But I digress. You're missing the point! For the first time ever, after the prank war started, you smiled. You laughed. You expressed emotion that I've never seen in you before. Don't tell me nothing has changed."

Mace didn't need to give a verbal response; he knew that the nautolan was correct, whether he liked it or not.

"Sooo," Kit continued, gesturing for everyone else to leave the premises, "party. Woo. Anything else?" His signature smile indicated he was hinting at something in particular.

Mace smiled slightly. He knew exactly what Kit wanted. "You want me to put in a good word for you and Aayla so that you don't have to hide your secret relationship that everyone already knows about."


"I could get in trouble for that," Mace pointed out.

"Maybe." Kit stretched out and tested his ability to stand. He didn't have much difficulty.

"Alright, I'll do it," Mace decided, "but don't get your hopes up that they'll say yes. They'll probably just tell you to let go of your feelings and return your loyalty to the order."

"And I'll continue to break it."

Mace rolled his eyes with a surprising good nature as he too pulled himself to his feet. "Are you ready to face the council now? I'll call the meeting."

"Go ahead. Don't slip on butter on your way there."

"I'll try," Mace chuckled. "Avoid treadmills."

Kit laughed as they both made their way out of the healers, ignoring the protests from the medics inside.

"This is peace," Kit turned to Mace and grinned deviously. "A happy ending will certainly suffice…"

Mace shook his head. "Until you get bored again."

Goodbye for now my loyal fans. Like I said, I'd be happy to write another funny Star Wars story. Gimme a comment; I like feedback.

May the Force be with you. Always.