Ok, so this is my first fanfic ever. It's a little weird, but I've gotten some positive reviews, so that's good. If you review, I will continue writing. If you don't I'll assume it's not good and stop, so please review if you like it! XD Have a nice day :)

Disclaimer: Obviously I don't own Star Wars. George Lucas does. (My hero;) )

It was a morning like any other… almost. There was a thick tension in the air, Mace Windu noticed as he strode down the hall, taking in the atmosphere. It was strange, unique; somewhat mischievous, as if… something irrational and tremendously annoying was about to occur, he realized, sighing out loud. That could only mean one thing: Kit Fisto was bored.

"Just avoid him," he found himself muttering aloud. Last time his nautolan friend was in this impish disposition, it almost cost both of them their jobs, or at least their positions on the council. The last thing Mace was going to do was repeat history, he decided as he continued on to the gym for an early morning workout.

The gym was usually empty at this time of morning, but not today. Mace sighed at the familiar figure walking in slow motion on a treadmill on the other side of the room. Of course, of all of the places in the entire building where he could have been, he had to be here. Mace told himself to walk away, and he strongly considered it, but his curiosity got the best of him, and, without thinking much of it, he approached.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, standing facing Kit with his arms crossed. Kit, in response, wore that signature grin on his 'innocent' face.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" he chuckled lightheartedly.

"It looks like you're screwing around."

Kit shook his head in disagreement. "I take my beast-walking very seriously," he said, his grin disappearing in mock seriousness.

Mace didn't know how to reply. Beast-walking? Never in his lifetime had he heard of such a thing. It sounded as childish as it looked.

"Dare I ask," he finally replied, "what is that?"

"It's pretty self explanatory," Kit replied, shrugging. "See? Check this out. First, you walk." He sped up the treadmill to the point that he was walking steadily, holding an almost arrogant posture. "Next, you do this thing I like to call... swag-walking." The arrogance in his stride seemed to shine brighter, but in a more unprofessional way as his steps became more vivacious, as if he was dancing.

"Swag-walking? You have to be kidding me! Do you realize-"

"Wait! There's more! Next, you walk backwards," he said as he turned around, walking in what would have been a more proficient manner had it not been… well, backwards. Mace shook his head.

"And finally," Kit said elatedly, "the final step to beast-walking… swag-walking backwards."

Mace groaned. "Something is seriously wrong with you."

"You're just jealous because you've never moon walked on a treadmill before," Kit laughed, demonstrating.

Mace was starting to grow irritated with the childishness. He shook his head, wishing to get his point across… somehow…

With that, the strange urge came, and it came in full force. Mace glanced at the controls, knowing that what he wanted to do would be multiple times more immature then what Kit was doing… but that didn't stop him from wanting to do it. He glanced once again at the controls, then at Kit, still performing his fancy footwork.

The urge became unbearable, Mace decided, as he took a step toward the machine. He knew very well that there would be consequences for this action, but he didn't care anymore. Slowly, nonchalantly, he pressed the 'maximum speed' button, and couldn't suppress a chuckle as Kit landed hard on his back and was launched off the machine, right into the wall.

"I suppose that does look like fun," Mace mocked, still trying to compose himself, "but I think I'll pass." With that, still grinning, he left the room, feeling almost rejuvenated by the little stunt.

"I don't think… bones are supposed to make that sound…" Kit grumbled to himself as he stood up, rubbing his shoulder. "What just happened…?" He limped over to the machine, feeling sheepish more then anything else. "How did that…?" The realization came quickly, and he narrowed his eyes, turning the machine off and glancing at the door. "Mace," he growled. As surprised as he was that someone as stern and reputable as Mace Windu would do such a thing, Kit wasn't thinking much of it. He was too focused on something else; too bent on revenge. "Just you wait, master Windu," he huffed, leaning against the wall. "Payback is coming."

Warning: Please don't speed up a tredmill with somebody else walking on it. Kit is a professional beast-walker and still got hurt, so yeah. If you read my comments, you'll see why I posted this XD