This has been requested by forrestsc so I hope it lives up to expectations. Havensworth fic, opening scene.

Adam and Harry were in the his office, discussing the personnel requirements for Havensworth in the next fortnight. "We've got all the security sorted," Adam said. "Malcolm will stay here to oversee operations from the grid."

"Yes absolutely," Harry said. That wasn't even up for debate. "What about Jo?"
Adam paused, thinking hard. "We don't really need her at the conference. She'd probably be more useful here."

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing."

"So that's it, then," Adam said. "Zaf and Ros will be with us, and Ruth will be giving Malcolm help on the grid."

"No," Harry said quickly. "Ruth should be with us."

"She's asked not to go," Adam said. "It doesn't matter, she could do her job just as easily from the grid."

"No," he said firmly. "She needs to be at the hotel."

"Harry, would I be out of line if…"

"Yes, you would be," he said looking at the younger spook with a steely glint in his eye. Adam decided he wouldn't push it. He quickly left Harry alone with his thoughts. Harry felt empty. She had asked not to go had she? Was spending three days in the same space as him a totally horrible prospect for her? They hadn't spoken at all since she'd turned down a second date with him, if you didn't include work. He hated this. He needed to get to a place where they could at least have friendly conversation again. He didn't mind biding his time but all this tiptoeing around each other was unbearable. He almost wished he hadn't asked her out to dinner in the first place if this was the long term result.

Almost, but not quite, because as he had dropped her off outside of her house he had allowed himself a brief kiss with her. So quick and light, but it had happened. The kiss hadn't lasted long enough for him to discover how she tasted, but he desperately wanted the opportunity to find out. Sighing, he looked at the clock. It was a perfectly acceptable time of day to have a whisky. So he did.

Ruth was busy updating the MI5 terrorist watch list when Adam stopped in front of her station. "Hi, give me a minute," she said continuing to type. She locked her computer and then looked at him. He had a strange look on his face and she couldn't read him. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry but we need you at Havensworth next week."

"Oh," Ruth said quietly. "And who's decision was that?"


"Never mind," she added. "I don't think I want to know."

"Ruth, whatever is going on between Harry and you…"

"Adam, nothing is going on," she said firmly.

"Look, it is none of my business…"

"It is none of your business," she said in a quiet yet serious voice.

"Ruth… I don't know. Just make things right with him. You're barely even speaking at the moment."

"Goodbye Adam," she said returning to her computer. He knew a dismissal when he heard one and he quickly left Ruth alone. After a minute or two Ruth managed to think clearly enough to look up in the direction of Harry's office. She saw the blinds flicker slightly and knew he had been watching her. She didn't know whether to be pleased or upset that he had been so clearly watching her.

Shaking her head she decided she'd work that out at a later date. She hit her keyboard with her fingers harder than was necessary, thinking about how close they had come to being together. And she had ran away. So really she had no one to blame but herself.

Updating speed is probably going to be slow. Not sure what to write next for this story and am still working on Happy Ever Now too... I love reviews if you have a spare minute!