Okay. After a month, I have about twelve-thousand words of this story. I will most likely update this pretty fast. I haven't forgotten any of my stories, but this was for my NaNo. ;)

Return to Mortis

Chapter One: Worries

Ahsoka Tano felt cold air brush against her cheek as she lay in her quarters. There was a light tap on her arm, one chilling to the bone. A voice spoke to her, "Ahsoka," It had eerie tint making her open her sleepy eyes.

She couldn't begin to describe what she saw. The Daughter, one of the three Force wielders from Mortis, was standing next to her, translucent and glowing. She whispered to Ahsoka again, "Ahsoka,"

Ahsoka couldn't move, frightened to even breathe, all movement she was capable of eluding her. The Daughter was dead, right? Killed by her brother, her Master had told her. She simply watched in childish horror as the ghostly form blew away.

It took her several long minutes to come out of her shocked state and actually begin to think about what she had seen. Was that really the Daughter? Ahsoka asked her self. Why was she here? Why was she even alive? She mentally slapped herself. The Daughter was transparent!

She fumbled out of her cot and ran out her door. Unfortunately, Captain Rex was standing in the doorway, causing her to run directly into him.

Ahsoka gently rubbed her forehead. "Sorry, Rex," She said. "I didn't see you there." She looked up at him with curiosity.

"General Skywalker wants to see you," Rex relayed, standing at attention with his helmet in arm. "Immediately."

"I was just about to go see him myself." Ahsoka stated, walking past Rex. Rex tried not to show his confusion while following her, but it was obvious he was puzzled. "If you're going to to ask," She sighed, "I really don't want to talk about it."

Rex nodded, knowing it wasn't up for conversation. It didn't make much sense, since they hadn't been in any depressing battles lately, but he imagined there was a reason, despite how odd the situation was.

Soon, the two were on the bridge, which was filled with busy clones running about. Anakin Skywalker stood in the middle of the large room, hunched over a holoprojector, his eyes red and weary. He seemed troubled by something.

"Master," Ahsoka greeted him, holding a question behind her words. Truthfully, she wondered if she should tell him.

"Yeah, Snips?" Anakin replied, not pulling his eyes away from the blue images. He was apparently concentrating.

Ahsoka rubbed her arm nervously and asked, "Do you remember the Daughter?"

Anakin froze for a second, pausing in his memories and wondering why his Padawan would be asking such things. "Yeah, I remember her, she's pretty hard to forget." He said finally, seeming a tad far away.

Ahsoka figured it would do best to get it over with. "Do... you think it's possible she's... alive?"

He stopped what he was doing and looked at the Togruta girl. "No, I don't. Why?"

"I-It's nothing." She started to walk away, but Anakin grabbed her arm.

"It's something. You brought it up, now tell me, why were you inquiring about the daughter?"

"I would rather not talk about it." Ahsoka said. She didn't meet Anakin's eyes.

"Tell me, or you can spend the few hours in your quarters!" Anakin erupted suddenly, drawing everyone's attention.

"I would prefer to stay in my room." Ahsoka replied, pulling her arm away from his tight grasp. She ran off into the hallway, holding back tears from all that had just happened.

"Do you want me to go talk to her, General?" Rex asked.

Anakin sighed, feeling regretful. "No. She needs some time to cool down. But if she tells you anything, report to me."

Rex reluctantly nodded. He knew Ahsoka trusted him with things she had never told Anakin, but he didn't want to tell him about them. "Yes, sir."

Ahsoka swallowed hard and forced the tears to stay, she didn't want to be a crying Padawan, she wanted to be a brave Commander. But how could she do that with Anakin pressuring her about her question. Why had she mentioned it? It would have been easy enough to leave it and never think about it again.

She felt extremely drained. Sleepily, she put her head on the pillow of her cot. It seemed hours before she was pulled into sleeps embrace, but only moments had passed.

She was on Mortis again, the wind flying by her at a dizzying speed. Her arms ached from the Son's grip and she was sure she would fall. Her heart beat fast enough to power a generator.

Everything went so fast, she soon found her self being thrown to onto a platform outside of a large tower. "Why did you take me?" Ahsoka demanded, laying on her stomach.

"Because he won't leave without you," The Son said, sounding pleased. He was back in his Human form.

"I got that. Why did you take me? You could have easily taken Anakin. That's who you really want, isn't it?" Ahsoka said, more of a statement, than a question.

"He is the Chosen One," Replied the son. "Of course I want him. We are destined to rule the universe."

"He will never turn!" Ahsoka screamed.

The Son grabbed her by the neck, nearly strangling her. "He will when his Apprentice is at risk." She fought his grip, but he brought her into the building and hung her in shackles.

Ahsoka awoke with a start, sweaty and breathing hard. I haven't thought about that in weeks, She recalled. Why am I thinking about it now? Maybe there's more to this.

Her comlink beeped, startling her further. "Yes?" She hadn't intended for it to come out so sickly, but it had.

"Ahsoka, it's time for the mission briefing," Anakin replied through the comlink.

"Okay, Master," Ahsoka replied, getting up and heading towards the door. She quickly made her way up to the bridge once more.

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Mace Windu flickered into holograms as she took her place beside Anakin, hoping this would not be another insane suicide mission. I bet it'll be another near-death experience.

"Skywalker, you and your Padawan are to... investigate a matter of extreme importance." Mace said, looking from Obi-Wan to Anakin and back.

"I assume you remember the... events of Mortis..." Obi-Wan said.

Anakin and Ahsoka's eyes grew wide. This was going to be a bad briefing. "How could I forget..." Anakin mumbled.

"We've discovered a small distress signal in one of the Republic's rarely used sectors," Obi-Wan began. "Apparently, it's the same distress signal that was sent out when we went to Mortis, but no one sees a cause—."

"So Ahsoka and I are going to investigate." Anakin finished. Obi-Wan nodded.

Yoda turned to Anakin. "Find out, you must, why this distress signal we are getting." He said.

"Yes, Master Yoda," Anakin bowed, Ahsoka following his movement.

"I'll be joining you shortly," Obi-Wan added.

"Of course," Anakin said, smiling. "We can't go back to Mortis without you." His words were tinted sarcastically.

The holograms disappeared and Anakin looked at Ahsoka. "We're almost to rendezvous point now," He informed her. "Now would be the time to explain why you were talking about the Daughter..."

Ahsoka nodded slowly and sighed. "I thought I heard someone calling my name and then touch my arm, so I opened my eyes. I thought she was in my room, but after I opened my eyes, she vanished." She explained, finally giving in.

Anakin thought his mind was about to explode. "You saw the Daughter?"

"Yes," Ahsoka answered. "That's all... She didn't really say anything..."

Anakin only gave her a shocked expression, while contacting Rex. "Rex, we need you up here. We'll be out of hyperspace soon."

Rex's reply came out of the comm. "Yes, sir,"

Ahsoka stared into the blue and black streaks, hypnotizing in their flying fashion; shooting by her.

The Jedi Cruiser jolted as it came out of hyperspace, almost causing Ahsoka to lose her balance.

Rex came up behind them. "Sir," He stood at attention.

"Rex, go prep the Twilight," Anakin ordered him. "Ahsoka, Obi-Wan and I will be there soon."

I was just down there! Rex thought to himself, but obeyed Anakin's command and left for the ship's hanger.

Obi-Wan's cruiser entered the system.

"Prepare for docking." Anakin said as the ship grew closer, his voice stern.

"Is Rex coming with us this time?" Ahsoka asked, running a hand along her main lightsaber.

"Possibly," Anakin replied, heading toward the docking bay. He questioned his reply for a moment, but then agreed with it. Rex may not want to come. Although, he knew Rex would have liked to know what they had been talking about when they came back.

Obi-Wan stepped onto the metal flooring of the cruiser with a thump. "Anakin, I assume you've prepped a ship?" That's the one thing he's good at, he thought.

"Of course, my old Master," Anakin answered, smiling slightly.

They walked quickly to the hanger, Ahsoka concerned about what they were about to do. This could be a Separatist trap, she told her self, or we could be returning to Mortis... or it could just be a false alarm; a restful distraction from the war. She quickly forced the thought away. It's not even restful. Not since... She battled to keep the image of the Daughter out of her mind.

"Ready to go, Snips?" Anakin asked the Padawan standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, lost deep in thought.

Ahsoka snapped back to reality and got into the Twilight, silently worrying about what was to come.

Chapter one isn't that interesting, but it'll get better. This was originally for NaNo. I will return to my other stories, but I have a few people saying I should finish this first.

Please review!