A/N:: Hey readers! Just wanted to apologize for the ridiculously long time I've been away. I've just moved onto campus at a new university so getting used to everything has been crazy. But now everything seems to be settled and I can start writing again! Thanks for all of the reviews, I loved them so much! You guys are all the best :)

Chapter Four

Bellamy woke up in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, feeling as if her head weighed an extra twenty pounds with clanging anvils for a brain. An eye opened a wink as she heard voices off in another room.

"Wait, wait, wait. You cut down her tree?" Bellamy let out a sigh of relief. It was Mary Margaret.

"No! Just a really big limb…" She recognized that voice, too. She rolled over onto her stomach and dug her face into someone else's pillow. Emma! That's who it is… Bellamy surprised herself at managing to recall that much. Now, as for what happened last night, that's another story.

"I'm so glad all of my stuff is finally here," said Emma's muffled voice behind the walls of the apartment.

"This is it? Is the rest in storage?" Mary Margaret asked in concern.

"No, this is it."

Bellamy then felt everything click. She was in Mary Margaret's home. A groan escaped her parted and chapped lips. What happened? Her head was pounding, her mouth was dry and she had morning breath as bad as a dumpster.

Definitely hung over, she surmised. But…what did I do?

She heard a soft knock at Mary Margaret's front door. Bellamy decided now was as best as any time to get up. Her legs, heavy as lead, fell to the hard cold floor. She was barefoot. Wavering, she stood and looked down. A baggy T-shirt and sweatpants cut into shorts was all she wore. Caring less, she shuffled into the kitchen, eager to get something into her stomach. The bath was running in the room next door.

Bellamy, eyes barely open due to the bright sunlight pouring in through Mary Margaret's windows, made her way into the kitchen. She made a bee-line to the fridge.

"Thank you, Miss Swann. I know you'll find her before she hurts herself. But now it seems this conversation is no longer private. You have another guest?" A Scottish accent broke through Bellamy's swimmy thoughts.

"Bellamy?" Emma's voice rang in her head.

Bellamy turned with a Ben & Jerry's ice cream tub in her hands with a rather startled expression on her face.


Emma didn't hide her grin. "Well, it seems you're feeling better."

Bellamy completely ignored Emma and her eyes fixed onto Mr. Gold.

"Oh, I'm in the way. Sorry. Off I go." She made an abrupt U-turn and made to head back into the room from whence she came.

"No, no. There's no need, Miss. Swann and I have concluded our business. But you and I have some to speak of. Get dressed and meet me outside." Mr. Gold said rather authoritatively.

"Can I bring the ice cream?" Bellamy asked stupidly.

Mr. Gold glanced back at her in the doorway and wore a ghost of an amused smile. "As you wish." He turned and left.

Emma walked up to Bellamy with a knowing smile. "Head hurt?"

"Yes." Bellamy looked up at her. "What happened?"

They shared a long stare before Bellamy realized. She and Emma said at the same time: "Ruby."

"So," Emma glanced between her and the doorway where Gold stood, "You and Gold have business?"

Bellamy shrugged and ate a spoonful of cold ice cream before accepting the clothes Emma gave her to borrow. She was sure they were Mary Margaret's. Skinny jeans, flats and a blue corduroy jacket over a band T-shirt.

"You're just as surprised as me," she said, quickly changing in the room. Emma had followed to continue pestering her about Gold.

"Really? You have no clue what it's about?" Emma pressed.

Bellamy rolled her eyes and emerged from the room, grabbing her ice cream from Emma. "Nope. Whatever it is, if I end up in a ditch somewhere, you'll know why and who."

Emma's eyes widened considerably. "Seriously?"

Bellamy stared at her in disbelief. "What? No, of course not! Jesus, you think this place is that skeevy? Joke much?"

Emma's shoulders slumped in relief. "Sorry."

Bellamy waved at her before heading to the door. "No problem. See you later, thanks for finding my butt and bringing me back here."

Emma folded her arms and smiled. "No problem."

Bellamy took in a deep breath of the morning/afternoon (she honestly didn't know which) air before Mr. Gold appeared at her side.

"Rough night?" he asked knowingly.

She gave him a dry glance. "Dunno." She put a hand over her eyes to shield them from the annoyingly bright sun. "You tell me."

"What makes you think I would know what you were doing?"

"You know everything," she stated.

Gold laughed. "Do I? How stressful that must be for me. How do you cope with it, Miss Grey?"

She sighed deeply and impatiently. "Is there something you wanted? Because I really would just like to crawl into a hole for the rest of my life, if that's okay."

His lips curled up at her annoyance. "Come," he gestured for them to walk together down the street.

Bellamy looked back at Mary Margaret's home before quietly agreeing. "So, what do you want?"

Gold walked with his cane, leaning heavily on it. "I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" She looked over at him, befuddled. "What did I do?"

"Oh, certainly you haven't forgotten our deal so soon?" His eyes were trained on her face.

"Oh." Bellamy chewed her lip. "How was anything I said helpful?"

Gold wore that stupid smirk again. Bellamy wanted to smack it off of his face. His arrogance was endless.

"I should say so, dear. So much so, that I have decided to request aid from Miss Swann," he said.

"What for?" Bellamy asked curiously.

"Didn't we already discuss your insatiable curiosity? Lethal, that. If you must know, I am looking for someone." He disclosed.

Her eyes found the blood on his forehead. She gaped. "What happened to your head? Are you alright?"

Gold was stunned at her worry, but nodded. "Yes, quite. You know Ashley?"

Bellamy inclined her head. "Yeah, works at the diner with Red."

Gold stopped walking. Bellamy looked back at him, confused. "Red?" he asked.

"Oh, that's just my nickname for Ruby. Sorry."

"Shall we sit?" Gold asked, gesturing to the diner beside them.

"Um, okay."

They occupied the booth in the back of the diner. Bellamy shifted uncomfortably, wondering why this "talk" was taking so long.

"So…?" Bellamy looked up at Gold expectantly. He sat quite calmly, watching her fidget like a hawk. His dark calculating eyes held such a mystery, Bellamy wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

"Hey Bells!" Ruby hopped over to the table in her usual scantily clad red shorts. "Oh my God, how fun was last night? Told you you'd have fun!"

Bellamy groaned. "I'm sure it was stupendous."
"Yeah well, what can I get ya? Coffee?"


"And you?" Red asked Gold.

"Coffee's fine."

"Kay." Ruby bounded off, leaving them alone again.

Gold observed the bags beneath her eyes and the lethargic look on her face. "What did you do last night, love?"

Bellamy scoffed. "Really? That's what you wanna talk about? Even if I remembered, why would I tell you?"

"Just curious." His brow quirked.

Bellamy snorted. "Curiosity killed the cat," she muttered.

"Ashley attacked me last night."

That certainly got Bellamy's attention. She looked up, shocked.


"Just as I said. She broke into my shop."

She looked away from his intense stare and down at her hands. "I can't believe it. Ashley wouldn't hurt a fly."

"No," Gold agreed, "Just a pawnbroker."

Bellamy couldn't hide the giggle that burst out of her mouth. "Are you alright, though?"

"Oh, yes. Just a sting now. Are you alright?"

Bellamy rolled her eyes. "Peachy. I'm sure Ruby will give me all of the juicy details later. Did Ashley run?"

Gold leaned back and looked out of the window. "Indeed. That is where Emma Swann's talent at finding people comes in."

"Why do you want Emma to find her? Why not just ask Graham?" Bellamy wondered.

"Because then Ashley's baby will be born in prison. Who would want that?" he asked.

Bellamy was quieted. She thought a moment, aware of Gold's eyes watching her.

"Do you think Emma will find her? Ashley, I mean."

"I am counting on it." Gold replied. He tilted his head to the side, his hair falling over his shoulder. "Why do you ask?"

Bellamy's throat suddenly went dry. She looked up and gazed directly into Gold's eyes, nearly begging him for some sort of humanity.

"Do you think she could help me?"

Gold smiled knowingly. "To find your parents."

Bellamy nodded without saying anything.

He sighed. "I've told you, Bellamy." She looked up when her name rolled off of his tongue. "I have done everything I could to find them for you. If I cannot, I doubt Miss Swann can."

"But, just maybe there's a chance?" she asked softly.

Gold's eyes lowered. "Perhaps. Let me warn you, however. Should you go digging, be prepared for whatever it is you may unearth."

"What did you unearth?"

He lazily looked up. "Nothing that would help you. That is why I terminated our contract."

"Just to pull me into another one." She muttered sardonically.

"Yes," he agreed, "However, you are the beneficiary in this new agreement. Not I."

"Which also puzzles me," she said boldly.

"Oh? What questions rattle inside that pretty head?" he asked with a grin.

"Why would you make a deal with me where I am owed a favor?" she whispered.

He took a moment to respond. "Because I, like anyone else, have my own reasons."

"So, this is a part of some greater agenda?" she asked.

He chuckled. "Have you turned into a conspirator, dearie? I wonder what you must wonder about me."

Bellamy rolled her eyes again. "You mean, you wonder what it's like in our puny human minds?" she laughed. "You really think that you're so much better than all of us, don't you?"

"I assure you, Miss Grey, that is not what I think."

"Then what do you think, exactly?"

A silence enveloped them. Nobody spoke, not even when Ruby came back with their coffees. Finally, Gold folded his hands onto the table and leaned forward.

"I am, like any other man, happy with the knowledge I've acquired. One such piece in particular: all human thoughts are their own to keep. And under no circumstance, no persuasion, are they required to relinquish them." He stood and looked down at her. "Our deal remains in tact, Miss Grey. Keep close to Emma Swann." He took a swig from the mug and replaced it on the table. "You enjoy the rest of your day, love." With his cane, he left the diner and disappeared onto the Main Street, leaving Bellamy in the booth with her own thoughts churning.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Any and all constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks!