Princess: As I'm staring at this blank page… I have no idea what to write.
Pie: Wooooowww… At least, if you're reading this, then I finally got up off my ass…
Princess: Yes… and for the people thinking this is completely serious for me, it's not. I'm doing this because I was insulted that there wasn't more fan fiction.
Pie: We're pretty much doing this just for sh*ts and giggles.
Princess: Yup. It's like the fanfiction I wrote before I knew about . It was horrid… I paired myself with Angel from the show… But anyway, it was just because I had the hugest crush on Angel at that time!
Pie: Shush. That story is INSULTING. *blushes* But Angel still is hot… Even after a decade of being a vampire… *sigh* but I don't like him anymore.
Princess: Why not?
Pie: Because Booth, who's played by the same actor as Angel, finally got up off his ass and started a relationship with Bones on the show Bones.
Shadow the Cat: WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA…. They're together? WHY? WHEN?
Pie: God, Shadow… That is SO last season… Booth knocked Bones up and then they realized they were in love. Or that they were already in love and they just didn't want to admit it… So they got together.
Shadow the Cat: WHAT?
Pie: This is why I don't love you. You don't know anything.
Shadow the Cat: I KNOW EVERYTHING!
Pie: *quickly* Then what's my middle name?
Shadow the Cat: I-! Ah… F**K IT YOU WIN
Pie: Always do…
I leaned over the bathroom sink, the pink stick lying in my open hand.
It's not possible. It cannot be possible.
My dad warned me about this, but I never believed… I never thought…
I never thought I'd have the honor of carrying…
"Hey Jaden?" he called from the kitchen. My head snapped up and I immediately struggled to get the stick into my baggy hoodie's pocket.
"Yeaaa?" I yelled back, my frame starting to shake as I prepared to flat out run to the room and hide the stick before Yusei suspected something.
"Where's the new coffee maker?" I chuckled.
"It's right where you put it. It's on the counter." Yusei let out a loud 'OH!' and started laughing. I couldn't help but giggle along with him as I casually strolled down the hallway to our room.
His laugh is infectious.
I eased the door to our room shut behind me. Once the door was closed, I started to map out the house in my head, trying to find an amazing hiding spot for the girly stick that revealed my deepest, darkest secret.
"Aha," I whispered to myself, pointing to the open box in the closet. I rushed to it and threw the stick into it, slamming the lid closed.
"Hey Jaden?" came Yusei's curious voice. I scurried out into the hallway, where I saw Yusei standing in the bathroom I had just exited, the box for the stick in his hand. He was studying it closely.
"Yes?" I asked him breathlessly.
"Why is there an empty box for a pregnancy test here?" he broke his glare from the box's fine print to my face, where his eyes caressed my features.
Oh God why are his eyes making me so hard? (A/N YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO SAY 'ME SO HORNY' DIDN'T YOU?)
I glanced in the mirror, where I spotted Yubel standing in the corner, her arms crossed, looking as if she was going to fade back inside of me soon.
I asked her the mental question that had been swirling in my head since I missed bleeding this month.
Is it true?
Of course it is, you fucking hard-ass lunatic moron. Came her snide response.
Thank you for the extensive description, Yubel!
Shut up you idiot. The look on your face is scaring me shitless.
Shush. Yusei is getting worried. She faded then, and as she faded, I spotted a small smile on her face.
I smirked, and looked back to Yusei.
Yubel was right, he does look half-dead, but he always looks like that. (A/N BURN!)
I just rushed forward and kissed him.
He didn't question the pregnancy test after that.
I plugged in my iPod to the speakers, and music started pumping through the house.
I grabbed the wet towel off the edge of the sink, and started scrubbing the wall in the kitchen, my hips moving in time to the song 'X Gon' Give It To Ya' by DMX.
This song has been my favorite for years. Then after the song ended, I Kissed A Girl came on. Then I Kissed A Boy, which made me blush just a bit before the stain caught my attention yet again. For my birthday, Yusei sang I Kissed A Boy to me, only making it to the second chorus before I couldn't take it anymore.
I sighed; that man is the best at making messes in the weirdest places that are halfway impossible to get out.
Yusei was out having a friendly duel with Jack, and wouldn't be back for another hour or two.
I chuckled to myself, my hand drawing invisible circles around my stomach. I'm a freak, Yusei says that I'm not, but he has no idea how much of a freak I really am.
It's a trait in the males of my family; if we have 'intercourse' with someone unable to have children, then we may get…
"Jaden?" I spun around, and came face to face with Yusei.
I calmed immediately, smiling at him.
"Babe you scared me!" I giggled, hitting his broad chest with the wet rag, leaving a trail of dripping water down his shirt.
He took a mini step back, his arms flying up, laughing. I laughed along with him and turned back to the wall, scrubbing again.
"So what's up, Jaden?" he asked me lightly, grabbing a dry towel from the other end of the kitchen and started to dab at his shirt, trying to get it dry.
I laughed harder at his attempt to rid himself of the wetness. (A/N I did that for the perverts out there :P GOD I love innuendo…)
"Babe just give the shirt to me!" I laughed, tugging at the man, causing him to laugh as well.
Soon we were laughing so hard tears were falling.
"Yusei, gimme the shirt and I can get you a friggen new one from the closet," I suggested tiredly through the laughter and tears.
"Ah haha…" Yusei's laughter finally ended, and he slid off his jacket and ripped off his shirt, throwing it at my face as he ran to the bedroom to get a new one.
I chuckled, picking the shirt off my face, letting it linger by my nose.
Yusei had a very distinct scent; strawberries and motor oil, and more recently, my citrus shampoo.
I sighed and stood up, immediately feeling the pain in my stomach. My hand flew down to it, massaging my flat belly.
Even if the Yuki men get… our stomachs remain flat.
I squished the shirt into a ball and started jogging to the laundry room, tossing it into the basket right inside the room. (A/N I'm sorry, I was watching an episode of Criminal Minds where this guy was attacking people through his truck, so I accidentally wrote 'into the basket right inside the car' XP) (A/N LOL I just remembered… I keep writing things to do with cars! I originally wrote 'fueling' instead of 'dueling' and I… I'll shut up now.)
I do laundry on Thursdays, when Yusei is out giving Leo lessons. Fridays the whole gang goes up to an abandoned building on Briar Way and we have duels there. Saturdays and Sundays are 'whatever' days; stay in or go out. Usually me and Yusei stay in and… yup, you get it.
I snapped from my idiotic stupor, and then I felt them.
Two eyes, and two long arms wrapping around me, pulling me in.
"You work too much," he whispered against my neck.
I chuckled.
"Coming from… you?" I asked, mock-shocked.
And then I was truly surprised.
A ripping pain came from my stomach, and I felt the little mini-Yusei kick around on the inside of me.
I screamed aloud, bending in on myself, and, in the process, away from Yusei.
When I finally hit the floor, I fell against Yusei's legs, and he dropped immediately to my side, holding onto my shoulders.
I swear, I heard a small voice echo in my head, and it wasn't Yubel. (A/N If you're wondering, I'm completely ignoring Banner in this fic. I refuse to have to deal with him.)
'Why won't you tell him about me? I want my daddy to know about me!'
And the pain ended, a small kick inside of me reminded me to tell Yusei.
I stood shakily, testing my balance. But before I even knew if I could stand without feeling that pain again, Yusei grabbed me off the ground and picked me up in his arms. He cradled me, his wide eyes glinting down at me.
"Jaden, what happened? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice shaking. He squeezed my body tightly to him. If he pulled me any closer, my body would melt through his flesh and become a part of him.
I wanted that so bad.
But another kick to my spleen and I gave in.
'I got it, baby, I'll tell him!' I exclaimed in my head.
I latched my right arm around Yusei's shoulder, my other arm hanging limply by my side.
"Yusei, set me down and I… I need to tell you… something… important…" what will he do when he learns about… mini-Yusei?
I couldn't meet his eye.
Yusei's response came quick and instinctual, "No."
My head snapped up.
"I'm not setting you down." He explained sharply.
I sighed, relieved.
Yusei started walking over to the couch then, and I sighed again. He slid around to the cushiony side, and fell down, still holding me.
"OK now," Yusei started, looking down at me, his eyes somewhere between being worried, being curious, and being scared half to death. "Tell me what you want to tell me."
I could not meet his searching stare.
"Yusei?" I asked him, wondering how I should start to explain.
"Yes Jaden?" he asked me, curiosity battling with nervousness in his shaking voice.
"Have you ever heard of the legend of Sarah and James Yuki?" curiosity won the battle in Yusei's voice as I said that.
"No, I have not."
"Well, um… Hundreds of years ago, Sarah and James were very in love. They got married, and a year later, Sarah got pregnant. They were so happy they radiated joy." I took a breath. I tried to remember the nights my dad had told me this story, the way his eyes glinted, the way his voice shook with anticipation, even at his own story.
As I was drowning in my memories, I realized I had completely forgotten about Yusei, who was still watching me intently.
"Go on," he insisted, annoyed.
"Oh! Yeah…" I tried to remember where I was in my story. "Two months later, Sarah also got sick. Very, very sick. James got very worried for Sarah, so he went to a sorcerer. When the sorcerer got to the house, he told James and Sarah that the only way she will live, is if the baby stopped existing in Sarah's body. Sarah refused to kill her baby, and the sorcerer explained that the baby wouldn't die."
"What did he mean?" Yusei asked, irritated at the sorcerer in the story.
I glared at the man.
He looked down sheepishly, letting me continue.
"The sorcerer said that, if they wanted to, he could kill the child and remove its remnants, thus saving Sarah. Both Sarah and James said they would never kill their baby, who they already loved." I took another breath, loving the look on Yusei's face as he waited for me to continue. "The sorcerer then told them that there was one other thing they could do." Yusei's eyes widened, even more than they were before.
Before he could interrupt, I continued. "He warned them that they could keep the baby, but Sarah would never be able to have any more children.
"Sarah and James agreed, even before the sorcerer told them what they would have to do. The sorcerer then explained that he would move the child's fetus into James' stomach for until it was time for the baby to be born. Sarah and James agreed again, and the ritual went on. Sarah almost immediately got better and about seven months later, a healthy baby boy, named Chester, was born.
"James called the sorcerer back to their house after that, and told him that he never wanted anything like this to ever happen again to his son or any of his descendants. So the sorcerer put a spell on all the Yuki men.
"If a Yuki man's partner cannot have children, he will have them for them." (A/N TRANSLATION: the Yuki dude will get knocked up and have a baby in place of the other person in the relationship) I paused, the story ending. These were just the cliff-notes of a freakishly detailed story my dad told me every night before bed when I was younger.
A nervous understanding flowed over Yusei's face, but he was still very confused.
I grabbed his hand and pulled it against my stomach, moving it around until Mini Yusei understood what to do.
I felt a little kick against my insides, and I saw Yusei's hand jump back a bit.
Just a bit, then easing back onto my belly, where another kick met him almost immediately.
When he didn't comment, just stare in utter astonishment, I had to step in, just in case he thought…
"You're the father," I said tentatively.
Yusei's head snapped up towards me, his eyes not hiding the fear in them.
I became increasingly worried.
Did he not want this baby? What are we going to do? What am I going to do? What is he going to do to me?
As my mind was tearing itself apart, a smile ripped across Yusei's face.
"We're gonna have a baby?" he asked like a child who was just told he was allowed to have as many cookies as he wanted.
I smirked.
"Yes," I felt a gentle nudge, aimed at me, and then wetness appeared at my eyes. A stray tear made its way down my face, leading the way for the army of tears behind it. They trudged on, over my cheekbones, sliding along my nose, and wrestling their way around and over my lips.
Without a second thought, Yusei's hands went to my face, trying to wipe away the tears before they came.
"Why are you crying?" he asked me, a soft gentleness twinkling in his eyes.
"Because I don't know how to take care of this baby," I answered. More tears fell down my face, and Yusei struggled to keep up with the frightening pace.
"Jaden," he sternly said, but his voice still shook a bit. The pads of his calloused thumbs caressed my cheekbones and eyelids softly. "We're going to take care of this baby, because we are its parents." he promised.
"Yusei?" I asked him gently, the tears slowing in speed but still coming. "Tell me that you love me," Yusei smirked.
"I love you," he took away his hands and replaced them with his mouth, kissing and licking away the tears.
I sighed, my eyes sliding closed. I felt a warm kiss against my closed eyelids, and a forehead met my own.
"I love you," he whispered again. "I love you, and, at this point, if you leave me, I'm coming with you."
I giggled like a schoolgirl.
I heard a happy giggle echo around in my head. It sounded like… a million bells ringing in unison… so beautiful.
I smiled down at my stomach, cradling it with one hand, the other cupping Yusei's face.
"I couldn't possibly love you more than I do now," I whispered in response. (A/N 0_o they seem to really like whispering their love for each other…)
Yusei's face calmed considerably, and he planted a soft kiss on my expectant lips.
I smiled into the kiss, my instincts forcing me to grab Yusei around the neck, deepening the kiss.
For the first time in my life, I've never felt like I belonged to something other than a card. I belong to a man. I belonged to a family.
And now there's a child who's coming along to… drive me and Yusei even closer.
Yusei's lips left mine, kissing my cheek quickly, then pulling back and looking at me. He put his hand back on my stomach. I was unaware it ever left there.
"We're a family now," he said, smiling down at me.
I couldn't help but smile back.
His smile, the same with his laugh, is infectious.
"I love you too," Yusei smiled wider, and swiped me off the couch and kissed me as he jogged me to our favorite place.
Our bedroom.
Princess: Sorry for the short chapter, but it's not the end and I wanted to give you something because I was suffering from one of the deadliest of author's diseases: Writer's Block. Expect another chapter… Sometime in the future? *winces in hope*
Pie: On the mention of my middle name…
Shadow the Cat: *pouts*
Pie: I'll give you a million mental hugs for anyone who can guess my middle name. I'll give you a hint… it's doesn't start with a T or an S.
Princess: I'll be taking part in the mental hugs.
Shadow the Cat: *pouts*
Pie: Shut up.
Shadow the Cat: 'Kay.