Tony sighed. He was just TOO bored. There hadn't been anything interesting today...unless you included a cute new blonde who gave him a smile when he went to the bathroom...So yeah, a pretty uninteresting day; so far.

He scrunched up some rough paper and aimed for the waste basket. Missing the first time he tried again...and the paper was deftly caught by Gibbs. Tony was speechless.

"Can't have you bored DiNozzo. Come on, you and Ziva need to investigate a suspicious residence. " He threw the house keys to Ziva and the car keys to Tony.

"Just see if you can find any documents that might have any reference to the Navy. The house belonged to a recently deceased Marine, and before we give it to his next of kin we have to check it." Ziva nodded and headed out. Tony fell over his shoes. Gibbs smirked and Ziva muffled herself.

In the Car

"Aren't you glad?" asked Tony. Ziva shrugged and turned to face the him.

"Why should I be? I was perfectly fine at my computer..." She abruptly stopped and turned to stare out of the window. Confused, Tony poked her on the shoulder.

"What's up? What are you doing on the computer?"he asked. Sighing, she shook her head.

"I'm just writing a story, that's doesn't really matter. Look, there's the house. Or at least the road to the house." They stared down a long lane. It was lined with trees and they couldn't see the house since the road was so long.

"Wow, this guy can't just have been a Marine. They're not THAT well paid." They circled the fountain and parked in front of the large Victorian era style house. Ziva opened the house and gasped.

"It''s..." He pushed past her and his mouth fell open.

"This is weird. What IS all this stuff?" There were blueprints everywhere, along with parts of machines and a smell of oil in the house.

"I'll look around for the documents Tony. You ought to look too." Ziva headed off into the dining room whilst Tony investigated the study. There were no Navy related documents but there was one machine which really intrigued him. He pressed a button...and soon regretted it.

As he tried to take his finger off a force prevented him from doing so.

"Ziva! Ziva, where are you?" She ran in and frowned at him; like a mother to a child who's doing something wrong. She inspected him.

"What's up? You've got yourself stuck? Maybe I should press the other one..." As she pressed the button the machine whirred to life.

Then suddenly, for Tony and Ziva, it all went black. BB