I know in the comics Melinda is half whitelighter but in my story she is a full witch.

Chris Powers: Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Molecular Immobilization, Molecular Combustion, Molecular Structure Manipulation, Flying, Premonitions, Telepathy, Controlling Main Elements, Empathy, Pathokinesis, Aura View, Psychometry, Deflection, Molecular Inhibition, Molecular Acceleration, Electrokinesis, Orbing, Healing, Glamouring, Shield, Sensing, Thermokinesis, Photokinesis, Projection, Combustive Orbing.

Wyatt: Telekinesis, Astral Projection, Molecular Immobilization, Molecular Combustion, Molecular Structure Manipulation, Flying, Premonitions, Telepathy, Geokinesis, Empathy, Pathokinesis, Aura View, Psychometry, Deflection, Molecular Inhibition, Molecular Acceleration, Orbing, Healing, Glamouring, Shield, Sensing, Thermokinesis, Photokinesis, Projection, Combustive Orbing.

Melinda: Molecular Combustion, Premonitions, Psychometry, Molecular Deceleration.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Melinda isn't as powerful as Chris or Wyatt because she is full witch AND the youngest. Wyatt is Twice Blessed and Chris, although younger than Wyatt, is Half Elder and Half Witch, this is why he is equally as powerful as Wyatt. So Chris and Wyatt are equal power wise, but Melinda, active power wise, is weakest.

"Look, we know" said Phoebe stepping in and looking at Leo's two sons

"Know…what?" asked Chris looking at them, as if they are really crazy

"That you are Leo's sons" said Prue

"Just sons, what am I chopped liver?" said Melinda again, surprised how they announced Chris and Wyatt were his sons, not even bothering to mention her.

"You do?" asked Wyatt surprised "What did you do?" said Wyatt looking at Chris

"Oh sure, if anything goes wrong, look at Chris. But I'm the most responsible one in this trio, so I didn't do anything. Besides I have experience in this stuff, I didn't slip up" said Chris pointing at Wyatt and Melinda, then he turned around and looked at Melinda "What did you do?"

"Yeah, blame the youngest" said Melinda

In surprise all the past Charmed ones and Leo watched the trio bicker. Surprisingly, it was Piper who stepped up and whistled to shut them up. This was surprising, as it was Prue who always stepped up and controlled things, not Piper. Prue and Phoebe seemed to notice that, because they were staring at Piper in awe at her subtle bossiness.

"Okay, you can't deny it, we know you two are Leo's sons, because he heard her saying your name" said Phoebe looking Melinda

"Oh, you were there?" asked Melinda sheepishly, it seemed it really was her who gave it away

"Yes, why didn't you tell me?" said Leo stepping closer towards his sons. Still trying to swallow the fact that he had two sons, not one and both of them were dead, seeing as they are Whitelighters.

"Because it would ruin everything and mess things up" said Wyatt

"Not to mention we are not allowed to" said Chris pointing up towards the Elder. Ever since his alternate self time traveled, the Elders made a golden rule, to not slip future information unless you're meant to change time. And this was a accidental time-travel, caused by a stupid demon with time portals, there was no way they could let information slip.

"The Elders are trying to keep my sons away from me?" said Leo, his tone seeming to crumble for the first time, his pacifist get up almost breaking.

"Eh?" said Chris confused

"Okay, I have to know, who is your mother. He says it can't be Lillian" said Piper, asking the question she was knew she had no right to be jealous, after all Leo had a life before he died, she shouldn't be jealous.

This shocked all three of them, they were looking at Piper as if she had grown 3 extra heads, in shock.

"Wait, you know we are his kids" said Wyatt pointing at Leo "But" started Wyatt, trying to hold back his laughter "You don't know our mother, you want to know?" he asked incredulously, looking at Piper.

When Piper looked confused, Wyatt went off and started laughing.

"Oh sweet Jesus" said Chris shaking his head at his brother, who was laughing "And people think why I am more bossy out of us and the leader even though I'm the second one"

"I guess they don't know the full truth then" said Melinda

"I don't understand" said Leo

"Are we suppose to know who your mother is?" said Prue looking at them

"Kind of, you guys know half of the truth, just not full. You might wanna sit down" said Chris

"Whoa! You're gonna tell them?" asked Melinda

"We have too now" said Chris

When Wyatt looked ready to protest Chris looked at him

"Okay look, we tell them and then when we time travel, we can wipe their memory" whispered Chris, which seemed to calm down Wyatt and then the three of them turned to looked at the past selves of their parents and aunts, one of them being dead in their present time.

"We're from the future..." started Chris

"Yeah, we heard that while eavesdropping" said Phoebe

"And you're our father but we aren't born yet, see where I am going?" said Chris

"You mean to tell me, I'm going to have you two in some time in future?" said Leo trying to swallow it, whereas Piper now looked enraged at that fact that Leo will have kids with someone else in time and she won't be their mother.

"Three, Mel here is our baby sister" said Chris pointing at Melinda "And our mom, is you" said Chris pointing Piper.

At this Piper and Leo froze in shock, while Prue's jaw dropped, trying to take it in.

"You're-you three are our niece and nephews?" asked Phoebe

"I'm surprised how you didn't put together that Piper is our mother, I mean Chris over here, is the walking, carbon copy male version of her, aside from the green eyes, which come from dad" said Melinda

"I don't believe it..." said Leo "But how, the Elders won't allow it"

"Um, lets just say sometime in the future, I won't say when cause that could endanger our conception, specifically Wy over here because he is the first one" said Chris, at which Leo and Piper blushed "The Elders give in because you two are very persistent and they see, saw, are gonna see, whatever tense you want to use, that you can stay together and save innocents, you don't let your relationship interfere and they give their darned blessing. If that makes sense" said Chris looking at them

"Well what do you know, you do get your happy ending" said Phoebe beaming with happiness and clapping.

Chris, Wyatt and Melinda sniggered at how excited this young Phoebe was, because their Aunt Phoebe in the future was drastically different.

Prue smiled as well, smirking when she saw the blushing couple but then a thought entered her mind and looked at Melinda.

"Wait, you two can orb, for obvious reasons" said Prue pointing at Leo "But why can't Melinda, seeing as she is also Piper and Leo's kid?" asked Prue

Wyatt didn't know how to explain and Chris stepped in again

"Because, dad didn't want to outlive us or mom, so he clipped his wings when I was 6 months old" said Chris "So when you two had Melinda, dad was a mortal, so Mel here is full witch, whereas me and Wy are half witch, half whitelighter" said Chris, leaving out the fact that he was technically half Elder. He didn't tell it to them because he knew that the fact that Leo was Elder at one time, would blow their mind and they will lose it as it was too complicated. Let them think that he is half whitelighter.

"Wow, that's so sweet" said Prue

"So..." speaking Piper again "How are you three going to go back to future?" asked Piper "Because Im sure the future us would be going mad with worry"

"Well, at first we needed you help, as a time travelling spell can only be done by the Power of 3, a Charmed power. But...now that Wyatt is here, we can do it ourselves" said Melinda

"Why?" asked Piper

"Because we three are the Charmed ones in the future" said Wyatt

"Yep, we carry the lovely, family business. Demon slayers" said Chris

Chris then looked at Wyatt with regret, which he understood because now they had to take away their memory.

"What's with that look? I'd know that look anywhere, Piper has that sometimes" said Prue looking at Chris

"You can't remember this, we have to take away your memories" said Melinda

"What?" screeched all the past people

"No..you can't" said Leo, not wanting to forget this.

"We have to dad, if you two remember and know" said Chris "Then, then we might not even exist"

That statement struck Piper and Leo because, they truly didn't want to lose their children, at which they looked at each other then resigned.

Phoebe saw that they were going to give up and spoke up, she didn't want to forget.

"No, you can't take away our memories" protested Phoebe

"Pheebs, they have to. Unfortunately future isn't set in stone, one simple mistake and we might not even have our niece or nephews, do you want that?" said Prue looking at Phoebe, at which she quieten down.

"Do it" said Piper sadly

The three nodded and then Chris took out a dust and blew them in their face.

After which, they said and spell and white orbs surrounded them, vanishing without a trace.

After few minutes, Piper and Leo looked at each other in confusion

"Leo...what are you doing here?" asked Piper looking at him. Leo looked at them in confusion as well, because he didn't remember why he was there.

"Actually, why are we together?" asked Phoebe confused

"I don't know..." said Piper bewildered.

Prue frowned, she couldn't remember anything, but there was one thing that stuck in her head. She didn't know why she remembered it, but she couldn't seem to forget it.

"Guys, do I know any guy called Chris?" asked Prue "I can't get it out of my head and I don't know why..."