Ulrich's P.O.V.

I woke up to something tickling my nose. Black hair. Yumi's black hair to be exact.

"Yumi?" I called groggily.

"Shh." She shifted some more still laying on my chest.

I sighed bringing her closer.

"Yumi? Ulrich?" Aelita called as she entered the room.

"Not now Aelita."

"You two have to get up. The dorm advisor will be here soon. And if she catches you guys like that all three of us will be on probation." Aelita reasoned placing her hands on her hips.

"Okay." Yumi groaned sitting up.

"I'll give you a minute." The pinkette stepped into the hallway.

Yumi moved her hair out of her face before giving me a small smile. "Don't think I'm going to be nice to you now."

"I won't count on it." I gave her a smirk. "So I know we're taking things slow.. But does that means I can't kiss you?"

"No that's not what it means. Just not like every five minutes or anything." She shrugged.

As soon as she finished talking I connected our lips. She placed her hands around my neck, as mine claimed her hips. Our tongues fought for dominance.

"Yumi I really have to go now."

"Okay." She sighed releasing me.

"I'll see you downstairs." I called as I left the room against my will. "Later Aelita."

"Bye Ulrich."

I walked down the stairs and entered my dorm.

"And where have you been?" Odd asked grinning.

"Nowhere." I blushed.

"I think you were in Yumi's room. Where you spent the night." He raised his eyebrows suggesting perverted thoughts.

"It's not like it seems."

"Okay Mr. I-Don't-Like-Yumi-But-I-Spent-The-Night-With-Her."

"Don't you have a court date to get ready for?" I tried to divert the attention away.

"I do. But you're my best friend. So are you two together or what?"

"Or what."

"What do you mean or what?"

"When I saw you two together you both seemed to like sucking each other's face."

I blushed looking down. "It's not like that. She wants to take things slow, but she's not my girlfriend."

"She's a keeper."

"How do you know? We've only known her for like two days."

"It's just the way you two act around each other. And she wants to take things slow. Any other girl would want tell the world that her boyfriend is Ulrich Stern."

"She's just different Odd."

"That I know." He agreed. "Come on get dressed so we can go down to breakfast."

"Is food all you think about?"

"Beside girls yeah."

"Of course." I rolled my eyes before getting dressed. "Let's go."

We walked downstairs before we ran into Ali.

"Hey Ulrich, Odd."

"Hey Ali." I greeted. "Um I need to go find Yumi."

I gave Odd a look letting him know that I was leaving them alone.

"Hey Yumi." I greeted the girl I liked.


I flinched when she hit me upside the head with a rolled up newspaper.

"What is going on?" I yelled gently pushing her away.

"Have you seen today's paper?" I snorted, "No why."

"Well you should." She shoved the paper into my face.

"Oh." I groaned when I saw a picture of Yumi and I kissing on the front.

"Oh? Is that all you have to say." She scolded before whispering. "That was my first kiss. My very first kiss and it's on the cover of a magazine. And we aren't even dating."

I looked down feeling kind of bad. "Come here." I gently grabbed her hand as I led her to a secluded area.


"I promise I had nothing to do with that Yumi."

She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I promise Yumi. But I'll try and make sure it doesn't happen again."

"I don't want to be in the paper Ulrich. Especially sharing kisses with you. What if my dad sees it?"

"Sorry." I whispered looking at my feet.

"It's okay." She relented. "I guess it wasn't really your fault."

Yumi bit her lip before leaning in and giving me a quick kiss. Before she could move back I deepened it.

Next Chapter: Odd's court date, talking more about Ali, and Jeremy and Aelita. Review!