"AHHH!" Zack cried as he jolted out of bed; Panting hard and looking around to see where he was. The dark cold hotel room; it was the same dream every night. The flash back of Cloud dying to Yuna.

Damn it!I'm driving myself nuts! Zack thought.

Zack got out of bed; put on his uniform and grabbed his sword. Then sheathed the sword on his back; then went for a walk.

I wonder what Tifa is doing... Zack thought...

I can hear punching. Zack noticed.

Zack kept following the sounds and smiled when he saw Tifa in a white T-shirt and blue jeans; sweat pouring down her face.

She's not one to give up easy. Zack thought.

"You should be sleeping. Not training."

The girl jumped and turned around; her face burned when she saw Zack.

"Hello Zack! Um... you should be sleeping more then I should. Um... did you have a nightmare again?"


Tifa shook her head, "How do you expect me to sleep when your having nightmares? I need to stay up and comfort you."

I can't help but feel happy when she says stuff like that. Tifa is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Zack realized.

"Tomorrow is Valentines day." Tifa sighed.

"Hey... don't get so sad. Its not that big of a deal."

Tifa turned around, "It is. Cause the boy I like still doesn't know how I feel."

Zack shrugged, "Why not tell him already?"

Tifa sighed again, "Cause... it would never work out. I mean... Cloud did leave me for Aerith. This guy would probably do the same."

Zack clenched his fist, "I hate guys like that. Plus you deserve someone special. Someone-"

"Like you."


"Uh... nothing! Um... never mind!"

Tifa then walked towards the bar, "Come on. I'll get you some tea."

"Alright!" Zack exclaimed and he followed his friend...

Just what did Tifa mean by someone like me? Zack wondered.

Tifa had to make sure Marlene went to school; while she was taking care of that Zack could not help but wonder about what Tifa said.

Someone like me? Is she referring to my rank in SOLDIER or dose she... like me? Zack wondered.

A smirk appeared on Zack's face , If only that was really the case. Tifa is a the most beautiful woman on the planet. Not only that; she's really sweet and is raising a kid by herself. She's strong and independent; I could use a girl like that. Someone to take care of me, and keep me in line. But then again... there is no way she could see anything in me.

"Tifa! Zack! I'm heading to school!" Marlene called out.

"Have fun!" Zack called out.

"Be good!" Tifa replied.

The energetic middle schooler ran out the door.


"Yes Tifa?"

"Would... you ever want kids?"

Whats with her all of a sudden? Zack wondered.

"Well... Yea."

"Boy or girl?"



"Hm... maybe Beatrix."

"Is there any girl you want to be the mother of your child?"

Okay... these questions are getting weirder. Zack thought.

"Um... maybe... but she would never like me."

"Well... who is it?"

Shit. I knew she would ask that. I want Tifa to be the mother of my children. But... there is no way she could ever fall for me. But... she is acting weird lately. I wonder why... Zack thought.


The phone went off.

"Damn it!" Tifa then went behind the counter and answered the phone, "Hello?"

I can't hear who she's talking to. Zack thought.

"No. I'm not intrested."

Must be Reno. Zack thought.

"I can't put myself in harms way. I have a boyfriend."

Figured. Zack thought.

"I know your lying."

I hear that. Zack thought.

"How did you-"

"First of all... the only boy you like doesn't even know how you feel. And he never will. We'll make sure of that. Your lucky we can't take over your bar. So... don't lie to us. You don't care about Cloud anymore. Which is fine. We just need Yuna dead. Since you won't do it. We'll get Aerith to do it. Good bye Tifa." and Reno hung up.

Tifa placed the phone back up on the hook.

"Why did you lie to him?" Zack asked.

"Cause... He's not suppose to know I like anyone. Only you know I even have crush on someone. I'm suppose to keep the loyal to Cloud thing."

Zack rested his feet on the chair next to him, "That's dumb. I mean... Cloud was with Aerith for two years before he died. In fact his last words were 'sorry Aerith'"

"I know... But... I'll lose my bar if I don't keep up the facade."

I hate this city. It feels like the city only hurts people I get close to. When I was talking to Aerith a lot she was getting bullied by SOLIDER. Cloud died when we became friends and now that my feelings for Tifa are starting to build Life is messing with her. I'm starting to wonder whats the point in getting close to anyone. Zack explained.


"Yes Tifa?"

"Thank you for all you've done."

"What do you mean?"

Tifa sighed, "If you didn't take care of me and Marlene then who knows where I would be. You made sure I didn't do anything I didn't want to do. There was a lot of times where people hit on me and I could of went with them. But you always protected me. And when ever people picked on Marlene you sacred them off; Your a really good person. And I'm happy that your with me now in this hard time; So... thank you."

a huge smile ran across Zack's face, "I'm happy to help."

"Do you want a refill of tea?"

"Yes please."

Tifa took the Soldier's cup and filled it with tea and handed it back to Zack.

Zack's phone went off.

"Who is it this time Zack?"

Zack checked the caller ID.

"Its Yuffie."

"Can't she talk to you later?"

"Come on Tifa. She lost Vincent to Yuna as well. She's lonely."

"I guess."

The Tifa I know would be understanding. What is with her? Come to think of it; she's been like this ever since Cloud broke up with her. She's been very protective over me. I wonder why... Zack explained.

Zack hit accept, "Hello?"

"Thank God you answered Zack! I... Yuna left me a note. I'm scared. Can you come over?"

Zack looked at Tifa.

"Be back in time to help Marlene with her home work."

"Thanks Tifa!"


Tifa went upstairs.

Acting odd again. Zack noticed.

"I'm on my way." and Zack hung up.

However... I don't want to leave Tifa like this all alone. Zack realized.

Zack searched his bag for his Carbuncle material and summoned it.


"Yes Zack?"

"I'm leaving Carbuncle with you. I won't be long."

"Please hurry Zack. I... miss you when your gone."


"Never mind! Just go!"

Zack walked out the door.

Will he ever understand how I feel? Tifa wondered.