"Lovi! I'm home!" I looked around, in hopes to find an Italian running up to me. I hoped he'd hug me and cry and tell me how much he missed me, but he was just sitting there on the couch watching TV.

I haven't seen mi amor in almost 3 months. I had an "important" business trip. Turns out, it was just about how the economy was worsening and how America's ideas were stupid and useless.

I still remember the day I had to leave; the look on Lovi's face was just heartbreaking. I would've done anything to stay with him. He was clinging onto my shirt, crying, begging me not to leave. I didn't want to leave him alone. (But then again I didn't want to leave him with anyone else either. Who knows what could've happened?) He was so emotional... it hurt the both of us so much. I never thought we would've ever dealt with so much pain.

And now, he's just sitting there as if I just came from the grocery store.

"So how was it," Lovi asked without peeling his eyes off of the television.

"Pointless and lonely," I replied in a sad voice, "I missed you!" I ran over and glomped him. He was so alarmed. He started yelling at me. Now, that's the Lovi I know. I smiled.

"What are you doing? I will hurt you with the remote if you do not stop hugging me! Let go! Welcome home, okay? GET OFF!"

Romano liked his personal space, while I, on the other hand, didn't always like personal space. It was a little lonely without anyone.

"Awww, you're so cute mi amor~" I guess rubbing my cheek against his was a little too personal for him. How do I know? He actually smacked me with the remote.

"Mi querido, that hurt..."

"That's what you get when you don't listen!"

"Kiss it and make it feel better."

"No." He turned away and pouted. Why did he have to be so cute? I lunged towards him and kissed him. He didn't complain, but he didn't return the kiss either.

"What's wrong mi querido? Aren't you happy to see me? Are you feeling well?" I felt his forehead. It wasn't too hot.

"I'm fine and I am happy to see you. There. Are you happy now?"

"Will you let me huggle you?"


"Spain is sad." I got off of the couch and went to change into pajamas. The flight was long and because it was long, I had to wake up extra early and I arrived extremely late. Wait... was Romanito waiting for me? I chuckled. He was definitely the cutest.

"I'm going to sleep, okay?" Romano told me as he walked by the bathroom in his hoodie and sweatpants. Since when does Lovi wear that? Well, it is cold...

"Okay, mi amor. I'll be there after I wash up."

I didn't hear a reply, but I knew he heard me. I went to brush my teeth. When I turned on the water, I heard Lovi talking. I couldn't really reply at the moment because of the toothpaste in my mouth, so I just listened.

"Ciao bambino..." Aw, how cute. He called me his bebe.

"... I guess I won't be talking to you that often. I mean, ya know, Spagna's gonna find out sooner or later. Right?" Me? Find out what? Is he cheating on me? I looked into the bedroom to find him hugging his legs and staring at the ceiling. Okay, so he wasn't on the phone with anyone... Was he talking to himself? Oh well. I went back to the bathroom because of too much toothpaste in my mouth. I spit out the minty gel and that's when I noticed something in the waste basket.

"I can't wait 'til the bastardo will see you, but then again I'm so scared. What if he won't like you?"

I didn't understand what he was saying. I ignored him while I took out one of the pink items from the waste basket.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he'll like you. I mean, even I like you. So far. Although you did make me sick for 2 months."

It had a plus on it. What does that mean? A pink stick with a plus... I looked at all of the pink sticks. They all had pluses. What is this? Is this Lovi's? No, he's too macho for pink. Wait, Lovi was sick? For 2 months?

"I'm kinda glad Spain came home. I don't know if I could've handled you on my own. There was no way I was planning on telling my fratello about you. You're a secret." He laughed.

What is he talking about? I'm so confused.

"It'll be so hectic. But hey, only 5 months left until I can see you. Trust me, you'll like it here with me and Spain. You'll like the tomato field and the siestas and maybe even the meals."

Is someone moving in with us? In 5 months? Pluses? Pink? Lovi's not a girl!

"I can't wait until you're born."

Pink. Plus. Sick for 2 months. See you in 5 months. Spain and me. Hectic. You're a secret. What if he won't like you. Even I like you. Born.

Wait a minute... it's been about 3 months sinc- Dios. It can't be. I threw the plastic stick on the floor, sat down with my back against the wall, and sobbed silently. It wasn't possible. Not at all. No wonder he was wearing the hoodie. No wonder he didn't call me (not once). No wonder he looked tired. It's all my fault. How did I not notice this earlier? I must've started sobbing louder because Romano came into the bathroom.

"Is everything alright? You've been in here for 10 minutes and I forgot to piss."

I looked at him with my watery eyes and felt so ashamed and so embarrassed and just uncomfortable. He looked at me, then the pink sticks. His eyes widened and he placed a hand over his mouth to keep from yelling at himself for being an idiot. I tried to get up, but I was tackled by a sobbing Italian.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know what to do. I was so scared... I'm so scared. Please don't leave me. I still need to piss and crying isn't helping. Please don't be mad at me. I was just lonely. I'm sorry."

Being the idiot I am, according to Romano, the only words that I was able to form were "Is it mine?"

Romano's curl bounced up and down as he nodded.

"I didn't see anyone while you were gone. Not even the doctor."

"Lovi..." I looked at him with concerned eyes and wiped his tears with my thumb. "It's important to go to the doctor in your condition."

"No way was I stepping outside of the house looking like this." I looked at him. He looked fine. In fact, he looked cuter than ever.

"Oi, Spagna! Wouldya stop starin' at me like that?" I smiled and shook my head. I hugged him gently, not like the usual glomp/tackle hug I give him.

"S-So are you okay with it?" Romanito asked nervously.

"Lovi... Honestly? Nothing would make me happier." He smiled and that's when I knew my life was going to change.

"Well, since you're going to be a supportive husband and father, can you do me a favor?" Romano used his sweet voice. That was so cute!

"Anything, mi querido."

"GET THE HELL OUT OF THE BATHROOM AND GO TO SLEEP!" I ran out of the bathroom with a huge grin on my face and went to lay down on my bed. I couldn't fall asleep. It was such an amazing feeling. I was going to be a padre and Lovi was going to be a madre and a padre! My Lovi!

Roma came back to the bedroom and laid down next to me. I hugged him and I never wanted to let him go.

"Buenas noches, mis amores." I kissed my dearest Lovi in the lips.

"Buona notte, Spagna. Buona notte." And just like that, we fell asleep.

(Author's Note)

Yay! My first mpreg story. I'm sorry if it's, ya know, eww, but I'm a newbie and I'm trying to improve. If ya got any ideas or suggestions for what to see next, review.

I will NOT write any lemon stories. End of story.

All official Hetalia characters do not belong to me.