"...You've got to be kidding me."

Kiku thought out loud. He was still in denial which at this point isn't helping him or the predicament he has been in for the last 3 months. He knew he was forced asked to tutor one of his classmates but the star quarter-back that every girl practical threw their underwear at was still hard for him to grasp. If it wasn't for his constant begging Kiku wouldn't be waiting for the said blonde on his porch. But there he was. The quirky blonde haired, blue eyed, teen was running up to him.

"Hey there Kiku!" The blonde teen waved his arms happily with his trade mark smile. The raven haired teen gave a small forced smile and waved hesitantly back. Kiku didn't hate the blonde nor did he dislike him, actually he's grown fond of the company but something about him always made the small Asian's heartbeat a little faster than normal.

"Hello Alfred-kun." The raven haired boy greeted politely. Alfred huffed lightly from his short run and continued his wide grin.

"Are you ready!" The blonde cheered loudly, surprising Kiku and the few passerby.

"U-Uhh Y-Yes. This way." He led the happy-go-lucky blonde to his house. Alfred looked as if he about to burst with excitement when they passed a storage room littered with manga and anime. Posters of Sailor Moon, Naruto, Soul Eater and Inuyasha covered the walls. Even collective "action figures" had their own section in a corner neatly placed in a glass like cabinet. All the times they have passed the room Alfred always felt something luring about it.

Oh how the blonde itched just for 5 minutes into that magical place of wonder! "Ummm. Hey Kiku~ Do you think-"

"If you finish your work than you can." Kiku answered the almost question with a curt nod. They finally made it to the Asian's room. He closed the door behind them and sat on the floor.

"What are we reviewing for today?" Kiku asked.

"Reading and Social Studies~." Chirped Alfred. The American started taking out he's note books and material when he noticed the worried expression he's tutor was wearing. "What's wrong?"

"...I thought you only needed help with Math and Reading today. You already have A's in your other classes." Kiku thought more out loud than he actually said it. "Especially Social Studies." He pondered before he continued. "Actually... If recall it right... All your marks are already high..."

"They sure are." Alfred agreed flipping through the contents of he's blue notebook for the right page.

"Then why do you insist I tutor you than?" The Japanese teen huffed, trying to figure out the American's train of thought, which is near impossible if you ask him.

"Because..." Alfred paused when he reached a certain page. "Being able to hang out with you is worth the extra homework~!" He answered happily.

"E-Excuse me?"

"You heard right my buddy~! It's the only way we can hang out. I mean with football practice and other stuff it's hard to hang out with anyone." Alfred winked at the shocked Kiku even though it was obvious he was too busy being... well... shocked.

"B-But you have other friends-"

"You mean the football team? Naah. Those guys are jerks. I mean the really old bullies that stick people into lockers jerks. If it wasn't for football I wouldn't even talk to them."

"What about-..." Kiku stopped himself. If those idiots- I mean Alfred's teammates weren't his friends than...

"Your saying that I'm..."

"You got it! Your pretty much my only real friend not including Gil! Cool right?" Alfred laughed.

"C-Cool? I don't think having one or two friends is cool at all. Even I have Ludwig and Veneziano and Hercules."

"You mean the German and Italian Duo and that one guy that sleeps in art class? Those guys are hilarious! XD"

"What about your brother? Isn't he your friend?" The Japanese teen asked hoping for a miracle.

"Mattie? I'm pretty sure he hates me." He smiled but it seemed more sour than before. He laid down on his back and sighed. "Not even my old man wants to talk to me unless he has to... Not like I put a effort into talking either but still." He let out another sigh.

Not completely sure what to say Kiku stayed silent.

"But~ Just because my life is oh so boring, it doesn't give me the right to bore you with it~!" This time the smile was normal.

"I don't mind listening if it makes you feel better." Kiku said honestly.

Alfred let out a small laugh and quickly sat back up, a smile playing at his lips. "And that's why your the only friend I need~!"

Kiku smiled. "Then thank you for choosing me."

"N-No problem!" Alfred said quickly.

Kiku picked up one of the forgotten notebooks and began flipping through the pages slowly.

"Ack! No! You can't look at that one!" *Alfred snatched the notebook from the other mildly shock teen. He stuck it back into his backpack and pushed it behind him.

"Why not?" Kiku asked slightly pouting.

"B-Because... becausssssse... I-It's my brother's! He doesn't like anyone looking in it."

"You're a terrible liar Alfred-kun." He stated bluntly.

"...Yeah...I know." Alfred scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Feeling the atmosphere Kiku thought changing the subject. "Anyway... How about we go and look in the storage room?"

He actually had to look away because the light that shined from Alfred eyes were almost overwhelming.


A second smiled played its way onto Kiku's lips as he nodded.

A muffled yes escaped as Alfred tried to hide his already known excitement. He grabbed he's once tutor's hand rushed to the door. "Come on! Come on"

"Alright." The raven haired teen said happily, blushing from the sudden contact.

Author's Notes:

This was started on Deviantart and I was like "...Why Not?" so I posting it on here! Yaaay!