A/N: Hello, all! First, I'd thought I'd answer some questions:

To Night-Waker, thanks for seeing the error from chapter one! That was just bad continuity on my part. I'll see if I can fix it soon!

To Elizabeth Katherine Black, I posted the very first chapter to AO3 a while ago but completely forgot to upload the rest. I'll do that right away!

And, to all the people requesting new characters, keep them coming! For an upcoming chapter, I'm going to need as many characters as I can get!

So, this next part is more of an announcement than anything, so I'm just gonna say it: quite a few of you took some pretty good guesses on who The Master is. Only one of you was right! I truly did make it too obvious, but oh well. The Master will be "unmasked" soon enough, so congratz to the guesser! Alright, on with the next chapter!

It was dawn by the time that the HoverCraft had reached the clearing where the Cartoons Saviors Resistance was located. The ride had been spent in silence-save for the occasional passive aggressive scoff coming from Carl and Libby. They flew over the field of geysers, Timmy silently wishing that one of them would activate and blow them as far away as possible.

When the HoverCraft touched down a few feet away from the now extinguished campfire, two rather short redheads-a boy and a girl-ran out to greet them.

"Hello! Thank you so much for coming to help us out. I'm Blossom, second in command to Commander Mouse." The girl said, a slightly dirty, red bow sitting atop her head. "This is-"

"I think I can speak for myself," the German-sounding boy spoke. "I am Dexter, expert on all scientific and strategic matters here at the CSR." His chin was held up high, though he only reached up to Jimmy's chest. And people call me short, he thought.

"Hi, I'm Jimmy Neutron: boy genius, and-"

"Must you always introduce yourself like that?" Cindy interjected flippantly, a roll to her eyes.

Ignoring her question, Jimmy continued. "And, these are my friends: Carl, Libby, Cindy, and Timmy. We've been traveling from Retroville in the Nickelodeon District. I, ah, we're here to help with whatever you may need."

Blossom smiled. "Great! I had my sisters set up a tent for you guys, so you can get settled there. After that, we can show you guys the rest of the resistance." The pink-eyed girl turned around and hollered in a voice so loud that Jimmy was surprised that the ground didn't shake. "BUBBLES! BUTTERCUP! COME AND SHOW THE NEW GUYS TO THEIR TENT!" Sweetly, she added to the so-called new guys, "They'll be with you, shortly."

Two other small girls floated out from one of the several army green tents. The one with the black hair and dressed in green leered grumpily at Blossom.

"Last time I checked, we weren't your slaves, Ms. Control Freak!" Blossom merely shook her head in response, and ushered the girls towards them.

"The Powerpuff Girls, at your service!" Said the blonde one. "Follow us!" Jimmy gave a quick look to his comrades, before following the large-eyed superheroes to another, smaller tent. It was much closer to the lake, which without a doubt, was a bright, hot pink. The surface bubbled, and when they popped, a light cotton candy scent filled the air. "Ah, I love the lake. It's fun to go swimming in it at night-the water practically glows!"

Cindy squinted in confusion. "Isn't swimming in that...stuff, dangerous?"

Bubbles simply giggled, a soft, airy sound. "Of course not! The worst it does is make you smell like cotton candy for a day or two. And, who hates cotton candy?"

"Me," Buttercup muttered, before flying higher into the air. "Look, newbies, we need to set some ground rules before you can go around stinkin' up this place as if you're supposed to be here. One, you-"

"Buttercup, no!" Bubbles put a round hand over her mouth. "Let Blossom tell them-ow! You bit me!"

"Whoops, my teeth must have slipped." She said, her face betraying the politeness in her tone.

The sisters began to bicker as the others watched apprehensively, both thankful and terrified for Bubbles' interruption. Cindy groaned. "We're going to be here forever. Let's just go and see the tent." The blonde walked inside, before a loud scream was heard. Seconds later, Cindy ran back out, wide-eyed and panting.

"What happened, Cindy? Did something attack you?" Asked Timmy. Cindy only shook her head.

"No! It's just that...there's some kid in there, and she-she-she..."

"Spit it out, woman!" Shouted Carl, as he grabbed Cindy by the shoulders and began to shake her.

"She's decorating. Badly. The whole place is covered in glitter, a-and rainbows, and weird looking stuffed animals, and-"

"Oh no," Buttercup whispered, suddenly next to Cindy, along with Bubbles. "Numbuh 3 got you guys, too." She huffed, resigned, and entered the tent, coming back out not long after with an Asian girl also dressed in green. "Say sorry, '3, right now!"

Numbuh 3 frowned, but turned to the others, anyway. "I'm sorry,"

"For what? Be specific. You've done this thirteen too many times." Buttercup chastised.

"For making your room BEAUTIFUL!" She said, a bright smile returning to her face. "Come on, you guys! Come look and see!" The five of them were ushered into the tent, with a frustrated two-thirds of the Powerpuff Girls following.

Cindy, deplorably, had been right. The tent was covered in an array of pinks and other bright colors, glitter sparkling just about everything. One could suspect that before Numbuh 3's makeover, the cots lining the left side were a standard, dark blue, as all the others had been at the camp. Now, they were covered in neon yellow cotton balls, there "For extra comfort!" as Numbuh 3 would go on to say.

Rainbow Monkeys were scattered haplessly around the tent, much to Carl's visual excitement.

"You collect Rainbow Monkeys, too? I thought I was the only one!" He cheered, clambering over to the Kid's Next Door operative, who was, in Buttercup's opinion, much too proud of her work.

"Of course! Everyone else is always complaining about them! I don't see what the big deal is. I think, secretly, they collect them too." She spoke in a whisper to the bespectacled boy.

"Alright," intervened Buttercup. "Numbuh 3, get rid of all this fluff. Newbies, leave whatever you have in here, and follow me." Following her directions, everyone, save Numbuh 3, exited the tent.

"So, uh, where are we going now?" Asked Timmy, plodding in between Libby and Carl.
Buttercup turned around, and tossed a smirk. "Let's just say it's a bit of an orientation for you newbies." Before she could break out into a series of dark chuckles, Bubbles lightly punched her arm.

"Buttercup! You are not doing to them what you did to poor Courage! You practically traumatized that poor puppy for life!"

"Hey, Courage is a grown dog. He handled it just fine," she spoke, arms crossed.
The sisters had a short stare-off, actively making the others feel rather uncomfortable.

"Uh, guys?" Timmy questioned, interposing them once more. "Can we please get a move on?" The girls' eye contact was broken, a pair of bright green eyes glaring menacingly at the buck-toothed boy.

"Sure, but listen here, Eager McBeaver, you and your little friends are going to be in for quite a treat, tonight." Buttercup gritted out, before finally leading the group to the largest tent that stood to the very edge of the clearing. A small, wooden sign that read "CSR HQ" hung above the entrance flap. One by one, everyone made their way of the newcomers had really known what they had been expecting, but it certainly wasn't what they saw.

Various toons, of all different shapes and sizes, some not even human, bustled around the, rather wide and open, tent. A queue of picnic tables were currently being ignored off to the side, abandoned trays of food sitting on top of the checkered tablecloths. A giant screen, not unlike Jimmy's VOX, was to the other side, displaying multiple scenes of footage. Standing in front of it, was Dexter with a tall blonde, wearing a pink tutu. Dexter faced the newcomers when Bubbles tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ah, I see you have settled in, no? How are you liking our base so far?" The small genius questioned conversationally, holding a small device in his hand.

Jimmy pushed forward, preventing anyone from answering. "Hey, what's that?"

Eyes widening, but not completely startled, Dexter looked down at the object in his hands. "Oh, this? Eh, it's just a prototype for a compact shielding mechanism that clips on to clothes for when we are in combat. Hopefully, once I'm done with my testing, it will be able to sense attacks, and produce a force field around the entire body. Unfortunately, the last time we tried using it, the force field ended up containing, instead of deflecting, a blast from a DisneyBot, killing the person wearing it on the spot." Dexter's face turned grim. "Never again will that happen."

Jimmy nodded, solemnly. "That's too bad. How far are you on this prototype?"

Dexter brightened slightly. "It should be ready by our next siege of the former Department of Spectators. We'll be taking it from underground." The Department of Spectators used to be a government center in which a large group of District Leaders from each part of the Cartoon World would meet every three months for a mass evaluation on just about every aspect of Toon life-whether it be laws, education, or transportation. Now, however, the once esteemed building was reduced to a disreputable venue for the contrivances of the Master's alliance. The Master himself was rarely seen there, as he usually had better business to attend to. Therefore, his top-adherent, Slade, had filled in for him as supervisor over the Alliance.

"A siege? When is that taking place?" Cindy asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Next week, if we're lucky. It was originally going to be tomorrow, but due to the capture of Commander Mouse, we decided to move it." Dexter spoke as the pig-tailed girl, who was still looking at the screen, gasped.

"Dexter, Dib doesn't seem to be holding up too well after the invasion. He's lost way too much blood! I don't think he's going to make it," the girl screeched, pointing at one of the blocks of footage, where a boy with large glasses askew on his pale face was lying in a cot, breathing raggedly. A girl wearing a white sweater that read "Nurse Mabel" in red letters was applying a wet cloth to his rather big forehead.

"Great, just wonderful. I just-" The bespectacled youth shook his head. "DeeDee, go try to help Mabel." His sister nodded, and ran off. "We've been having so many casualties. It's getting ridiculous. That's why I'm glad that you all are here. Not only do we need reinforcements for our resistance, but also to help out our nurses."

"Well, I can help you with that shielding device," Said Jimmy, walking towards the screen and watching as a rather out of breath DeeDee ran into the infirmary tent. "The others can help out with the injured." The very thought of this outraged Cindy.

"Oh, no you don't, Frankenhead! We all came here to help in anyway we can. Not all of us need to be nurses. I'm staying right here. Who's with me?" She prompted, hands on her hips, and head held high. Timmy was first to side with her.

"Yeah, Neutron. What she said!"

Jimmy, defeated, looked at Libby and Carl, who shrugged. "Hey, someone's gotta nurse these guys back to health." Libby stated. "You ready, Carl?"

The plump boy gave her a look of indecision. "I don't know, I'm not too good with sick people..." Libby narrowed her eyes at him. "...but, I am now!" He croaked out, unconvincingly.

Dexter beamed. "This is great! Well, I'll have Bubbles take you to the infirmary tent. Thank you!" The blue eyed girl gave him a thumbs up(despite not having any thumbs), and led Libby and Carl out of the HQ. He then turned to the others. "Cindy, Timmy: Buttercup can take you underground, where Blossom will tell you everything you need to know about fighting the artificial intelligences." Buttercup saluted and directed the two out of the tent, not before Cindy patted Jimmy on the shoulder. Confused, the intellect watched as his friends exited the tent, leaving him and Dexter alone.

"So, Dexter, you must be pretty smart, right?"

"Well, I'd hate to toot my own horn but...oh, who am I kidding?! I'm a genius!"

Jimmy tilted his head back, eying Dexter. "Oh, really? Quick! What's the weight of the sky?" He asked, a smug grin on his face.

Dexter blinked. "Let's see. I believe that to be about... 570 trillion adult Indian elephants."

Jimmy was prepared to laugh at the other boy's incorrect answer, before realizing that Dexter had been, in fact, right. "Well, um, if those 570 trillion elephants were charging at you at a grand speed of 87 miles per hour-"

"Impossible! The fastest they can go is 25 miles per hour, and that's only when they're scared." Dexter countered.

Jimmy, unfazed, shouted, "Fine! If they were going at 25 miles per hour, from 128 miles away, it's raining, and it's October, when should they reach you?"

"Trick question: the Indian monsoon season ends in October, therefore it wouldn't be raining."

At this point, the big-headed prodigy was fuming, and ready to give the other a good whack to the head. That is, until he noticed something. "This is ridiculous. Why are we talking about elephants?" Dexter answered him with a look that said 'you tell me'.

Jimmy barked a laugh. "You know, I think this partnership could work out pretty well."

The two shook hands, and Dexter could be heard saying "Now, if you really want to be impressed, you should see the la-bora-tory tent!" as they exited the headquarters.