Hello my lovely readers ;D Here's Sasunaru STORY! Yes, it's a story. There will lemon, yay, my first lemon! Hope you guys will like this, I have been writing this for a while, and I think it became something like I wanted it to be. I could do it a oneshot, but I wanna try doing a twoshot so that's what you're going to get this time!

Warning: will be lemon on later chapter, not on this one. boyxboy/yaoi

I do not own Naruto (Sasuke does)

blah and the story:

Naruto's POV

It has been three days since mines and Sasuke's first date. He has come (well I drag him) back to village about two years ago. First weeks he was here we didn't talk at all. I didn't know what should I have said to him and I had no idea where we stood in our friendship.

One day, he came to talk to me, and after that things started to run quite normally again. We had missions together and occasionally we would even go and eat ramen at Ichirakus.

So went the two years up until few months ago. He started to look at me differently (and I at him also but I swear he started it!). I told this to Kiba. I also added that I have started to think Sasuke's very hot and I might have feelings for him. After hearing that Kiba spurted out the coffee he had in his mouth. So begin the "you're only hurting yourself being with him and bla blaa" . He already knows me liking boys, as he himself may I ad, so he wasn't disgusted about that. I tried to make him understand that I always had had feeling for Sasuke, now I just had realised that they were romantic feelings. I think I didn't convinced him...

So after about a month long "checking you out" look hanging between us every time we met, suddenly Sasuke came to me (with very red cheeks for an Uchiha) and asked me out for a date! I stuttered him a yes for an answer. Oh, how cute he looked, his whole face was all red from blushing.

"M-meet me at the training field tomorrow at 9 am, and d-don't be late dobe." With that, he left.

I have to say that the thing that came first in my mind after him asking me out, was that he definitely wasn't romantic. I mean, come on! A training field? Perfect place for first date? Not if you ask me. But I still wanted to go, and since this is about me and Sasuke I guess the place isn't so important after all.

The date went without kissing I swear! We just talked for four hours about things like what we did when Sasuke wasn't at Konaha and about other stuff too. I have to say I enjoyed very much our date. I mean, it's been long time since we talked like that, if ever.

When it was turning to noon we decided to go to Ichiraku's. After me eating three bowls of ramen and Sasuke being filled by just one, we separated. But not before he saying he enjoyed our date and he wants to go again sometime and me agreeing him. So I started to head home, but I didn't get far when I was stopped by Kiba, Sakura and Ino.

I didn't get to even greet them properly when Kiba already started talking.

"Why were on a date with Sasuke just now, and don't even try to deny it! We, me, Sakura and Ino, sow you with him smiling at Ichiraku's. What part of me saying 'being with him will only hurt you' you don't understand? He left and it hurt you so much, how can you think he has changed? "

"Kiba will you shut it up already! We have something to say in this too! So Naruto-"Sakura turned to face me-" We already knew there is something between you and Sasuke, but are you sure you can trust him? I just don't want to see you hurt again Naruto."

Now it was Ino who started complain:

"Yeah Naruto, you should really listen to us! What good has Sasuke done for you, may I ask? I don't see why he would deserve you, all I have seen is you crying after him while he just-"

" I don't care A DAMNED THING what you think of Sasuke or me, and not that it even is none of your business, we are not together SO WHAT ARE YOU BITCHING FOR!" I yelled cutting Ino off and ran away to home.

At home, I almost started crying (ALMOST). I just can't believe my best friends are such jerks! Or maybe they really are thinking my best but really, they don't know how I feel for him. This kind of desire can't be ignored.

Well anyway, I didn't see Sasuke for three days, until this evening when I heard a knock from the door. Of course I went to see who it was, and I think you already guessed it was Sasuke? You are right it was Sasuke. That, is what is happening right now. Yes, I'm looking at Sasuke, or maybe staring.. God how could I know what I'm doing when I'm around him he makes me-

CLIFF HANGER! Sorry guys, but I'm not ready with the end of the story and will post it probably in three days so no worries =)

Please do REVIEW, I'm quite new writer here so it's important to know what everyone thinks of these stories =)

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