A/N Last. Simon is a daylighter but Jace and Clary don't know it. Simon might be slightly OOC. Review :-)

Clary woke with a jolt, only to realize that a hand was pressed firmly into hers. She slowly opened one bleary eye, then another, and found herself staring up at the white ceiling. A rhythmic breathing was tickling her ear. She looked to her left and found Jace's sleeping face, inches from hers. She jerked her hand so hard Jace stirred in his sleep. She calmed down almost immediately, the shock wearing out.

So it wasn't just a dream. Jace HAD spent the night beside her, in bed. With another startled gasp she remembered Luke, horror dawning on her face. She wondered if Luke was already around and what she was supposed to say to him had he managed to check in on her, for he knew that she never locked the door and found Jace sleeping beside her. She swallowed.

She carefully unlaced her fingers from his and sat up, taking in the room and the lean figure of Jace. His blonde hair was messily ruffled but to Clary he still looked effortlessly attractive. He was still wearing the same clothes, only taking off his jacket which was now resting on the hook behind the door. She crept out of bed as quietly as she could, crossed the room in quick strides and stepped out, closing the door behind her, trying to make as little sound as she could.

She wheeled around and squeaked in surprise. On the kitchen table was Luke, tired but otherwise alert and steady, a coffee mug in one hand and piece of toast in another. With a last bite he finished off his toast and looked at her meaningfully. "Morning," he said matter-of- factly, gesturing to Clary with his now empty hand. "Before anything else, would you care to explain how a boy could magically appear in your bed at three in the morning?" he asked, his tone modulated but unaccusing.

Clary cleared her throat. "It's not like what you think," she said quickly, mouth going dry. She wanted to kick herself for being so careless. "No worries," Luke said, holding his hands up. "I was just wondering. So, explanation?"

Clary inhaled deeply before starting. "Well, Jace and I had had a fight, and I can't believe it either when he showed up at your gate at midnight, and I rushed downstairs to get him and we just talked for awhile and I guess he was tired and I was too, and we just drifted off to sleep after that and... that was what happened." She said all of this in a rush, her heart pounding.

Luke nodded slowly. "So you hadn't bothered to send him home after you talked, I take it?"
Clary bit her lower lip. "No- no, I guess I hadn't considered that." She carefully avoided Luke's eyes.

He clapped his hands together. "Alright then. I believe you. Go wake him up so you can have breakfast."

Clary blinked and stared at Luke, not believing her ears. "That's it? I- I'm not in trouble or anything?" her voice was surprisingly high- pitched. Luke frowned. "Were you expecting me to ground you? I thought you were too old for that." With a chuckle Luke added, "And besides, you kids are better off figuring things out on your own. Assuming," he paused and looked at Clary. "Nothing serious between you two happens, and you know what I'm talking about." Clary raised her eyebrows at Luke. "You can count on it," she said, breathing a sigh of relief, knowing that it was over. As an afterthought she added, "And you know that Jace is not like that." Luke nodded his approval at that. "Of course." But deep inside Clary highly doubted it. She knew Jace could go all the way if he wanted to.

Luke stood up, walking towards the counter and picking up the phone. "Now go wake up your boyfriend," he said slyly, with an edge to his tone. "How are you two up for pizza for breakfast?"

"Sounds great," Clary said. She turned around and went back inside her room, leaving Luke to his newfound humor and wondering what on earth what was it he found interesting about her and Jace. She's not unallowed to date anyone now, is she? Especially now when they've made absolutely sure that nothing was wrong with her and Jace finding their relationship to be more than just friends.

She looked up and found Jace sitting at the edge of the bed, staring innocently at her. A smile had crept up his face. "I thought you'd come back," he said, trying his best not to sound amused. "You didn't have any trouble with Luke out there, did you? Cause I won't bother explaining." Clary leaned against the door. "Not really. He's pretty understanding, you see."

Jace nodded and stood up, walking over to the window. "What time is it? I think I need to go back to the Institute."

Clary crossed the room to the window, reaching for his hand. "Luke invited you for breakfast. Can't you stay for awhile?" she said in her pleading tone. She flinched. She almost never talked like that. It seemed to have an effect on Jace though.

"What? Of course I can," he said quickly, turning his head to face her. His golden eyes, tinged with amber, looked very bright. "Would you like to come to the Institute with me? Isabelle said she misses you. And Max wants his manga back," he said, pointing to a stack of books on Clary's bedside table.

Clary laughed. "I almost forgot about that," she said. "Okay, I'll go with you."

A knock on the door startled the both of them as they heard Luke's voice from the other side. "Your breakfast's here," he called out. "Coming," Clary prompted back.

She crossed the room with Jace, not letting go of his hand.
She opened the door carefully, glancing around, and realizing Luke wasn't there led Jace out of the room to sit on the kitchen table. A pizza box lay in the middle of it.

They sat across from each other, Jace staring idly up at her. "What?" she asked, feeling hot in the face. Jace never stares at her like that.

"I'm just glad we're not fighting anymore," he said, opening the lid of the box and grabbing a slice. Clary grabbed one after him. "It gets tiring after awhile, I think," she said, looking at him over her pizza. Jace swallowed before saying, "What gets tiring?"

"You know, the 'trying to stay mad' business when all there is to it is we just want to catch each other's attention when things get quiet."

Jace raised an eyebrow at her. "What makes you think I'm intentionally trying to catch your attention? Not without you naturally giving it to me, anyway," he added as she opened her mouth to say something. Clary frowned. "You're unbelievable," she said, unable to hide her smile. "It's true!" he said, grinning. "Or am I just that eye-catching? Sometimes I feel that my charm is too much for you, don't you agree?"

Clary groaned. "If it weren't for your being so thick all the time, everyone would've liked you. I'd have a much harder time keeping you to myself." Jace laughed. "Don't you worry about that. Even if that were the case I wouldn't give any girl out there a second glance."

Clary rolled her eyes. "Don't even think about it." As much as she'd hate to admit, gorgeous girls like Isabelle were always on the top of her things-to-worry-about list.

He looked at her amusedly. "I won't. They don't have anything against you, anyway." Clary's eyebrows shot up. "And what makes you think so?" she asked, wondering if Jace was making fun of her.

"Because you're perfect," he said without a moment's hesitation. "You're beautiful, kind, smart. You're undeniably talented, and you're the only one who understands me. Sometimes I think you're too good to be true," he said, smiling a crooked smile. "But then I realize I'm too good to be true too, so I guess we're just fairly matched."

Clary broke into a grin, then laughed. She shook her head. "I never thought you'd get down to saying that," she said. Jace frowned. "What part? The one where I tell you that I'm perfect? Cause I'm pretty sure about that."

"Ok, that one I believe, but not that thing about me. I'm not perfect, for the record. I know you are and that's why you're a perfect catch, but I never think the same way about myself. And that's why I'm so lucky to have you."

Jace looked at her, disbelieving. "Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. And don't even think about doubting my judgment. When I mean something, I mean it well."

Clary blushed deeply at that short speech of his. What was she supposed to say? Now that Jace had allowed himself to give away something up to that extent, and Clary knew it wasn't that easy for him. Saying things like that, she knew, was a huge effort. Though at that moment, it seemed as if all the words he'd said were heartfelt.

"Um, thanks," she said sheepishly, just as Luke entered the room, sparing her a moment to collect herself. Luke was looking right at Jace.

Jace had to tear his gaze away from Clary. "Hey, Luke. Thanks for... everything."

Luke looked rather apologetically at the two of them, sensing he must've walked in on something private. "Don't mention it," he said, shrugging. "I just came in to tell Clary that Simon's downstairs."

Just as Clary expressed her initial surprise and Luke went back out, Jace's face hardened. What could the mundane possibly want from his girlfriend at such an early morning? He knew he had to stop being hostile with him just because she still cares for Simon, but with that kind of behaviour Jace thought Simon was making it quite hard for the both of them.

Clary noticed Jace's expression at the mention of Simon's name and rushed to his aid. "Don't worry about him," she said confidently. "He's still my best friend, remember." Jace paused for a moment before saying, "I know. But I'd rather go down with you."

Jace stood up and offered her his hand and she took it without hesitation. They went out of the kitchen, downstairs and into the sitting room, hand in hand just as Simon's face came to view. Outside Clary heard the rev of Luke's truck.

She peered out the window, seeing him peel through the driveway. "Luke says he's got some errands to take care of," Simon said, following her gaze.

He was standing by the door awkwardly, as if deciding whether to sit down or not. With his vampire grace Clary realized he wouldn't look uneasy even if he was, and right now was no exception. "What is he doing here?" he said, pointing at Jace, his tone harsh. "It's 7 in the morning."

Clary frowned at Simon's unusually rude attitude. "He spent the night here," she said boldly. "And I don't think it should be any of your concern. What are you doing here, anyway?" she retorted, her temper flaring up. She might have known him for more than half her life, but it wasn't any excuse for him to treat Jace just as he wanted to.

Simon was taken aback. He hadn't expected himself to be that arrogant. He ignored Clary's question and said, "I was just surprised, that's all," his tone becoming more even.

"Surprised at what?" Jace spat, not a hint of friendliness in his tone. "That Clary would think of letting me sleep beside her at night? You should get used to it," he drawled.

"No. I was just surprised that someone's already taken my place beside her in bed, that's all," he snapped back.

Clary took a sharp breath. "Simon, I think you need to shut up. And maybe you're forgetting, but the last time we did that we were ten," she said, irritation in her voice. "And that hadn't meant anything, in case you were wondering."

"I think you should leave, mundie. You're still just a mundane to me," Jace added before Simon could speak. "You've ruined our morning quite enough."

Clary was reluctantly feeling the same way about Simon. She trusted him to be the one to understand, but right now it seems as if he needs some growing up to do. Had he even intended to make Jace jealous? Clary shook her head in disbelief and disappointment, shooting Simon a venomous stare. "Do whatever it is you need to do, don't even bother spoiling your good day's sleep visiting me. Come to think of it, I don't even know how you managed to get out of your lair when the sun's out," she pointed out, not realizing it before. Jace looked at her before interrupting. "Don't worry, hun. They have ways of keeping themselves in the dark."

That did it for Simon. 'Hun'? What was he playing at? "I know. But you didn't have to be such a bastard about it."

Clary's face fell. What the hell has happened to Simon? It's as if she doesn't know him anymore.

Jace let go of her hand and darted to Simon, pinning him to the door. "Don't you dare call me that," he said through gritted teeth. Simon was staring at Jace with a look of surprise and apprehension. After a few seconds Clary was suddenly beside him, grabbing his arm. "Jace, don't. Simon, please leave. Now."

Simon straightened up just as Jace let go of him. With a glare he opened the door behind him and went out, slamming it shut. Clary saw him cross the lawn and step out the gate, ducking into the nearby alley, not even trying to avoid the patch of morning sunlight. She wondered wearily how he was able to stand such brightness without burning up.

She reluctantly looked back at Jace. "I'm sorry. I still can't believe he'd act like that," she said shyly. Jace's expression softened as he looked at her. He reached out his hands to cup her face. "Hey, it's not your fault. Let's just forget it and go to the Institute, shall we?"

This story is supposed to end here, since I don't know what should happen next and continuing on to the Institute would be quite pointless, unless I come up with another idea of course, or you guys do. Anyway hope y'all like it. ;)