A week after the very eventful Thanksgiving, Teddy and Addison were being thrown a baby shower by their friends. Like all the other baby showers the group ever had, it was held at the hospital. In the middle of the baby shower, Addison's phone went off. She had a very worried look on her face after checking the caller ID; the look was noticed by Teddy, who joined her in the hallway, away from the commotion of the party.
"Is everything okay?... How's she doing?... One of us will be there as soon as we can… We'll let you know what the plan is once we figure it out," was what Addison's side of the conversation sounded like.
"That was Amelia. Haley's in labor. I know it's early, but she's young, it's not uncommon for someone her age to go into labor a few weeks early. Amelia is with her, but they want one of us there as soon as possible," Addison explained.
Running her hands through her in disbelief that their son was coming, Teddy replied, "You go. You know all the baby stuff. I'll be fine with Kynlee for a few days. She and I can fly down this weekend and we can all fly home together."
"I think you should go. I got to have those special moments with Kynlee from carrying her and everything. You should have something special with him. Besides, you don't have any patients the rest of the day, I do. You go home, pack a bag quick and I'll get you on a flight and call you with the details."
"Okay. Give Kyn a hug and kiss for me. I'll miss you guys. Call me as soon as you have me on a flight," Teddy said as she took off towards the locker room to grab her purse.
Six hours later, Teddy was making her way through LAX to pick up a rental car as she called her wife to let her know she had arrived safely. She also called Amelia to get an update on how Haley was doing. Haley still wasn't ready to push, but would most likely be by the time Teddy got to the hospital. Of course, it was rush hour, so what was normally a forty-five minute drive took Teddy well over an hour. Amelia had told her what room Haley was in, so she made her way straight to the room. By the time she neared the room, she could hear Haley screaming and knew that she was pushing.
As she entered the room, she was greeted by the sounds of a new baby's cries as the doctor placed him on Haley's chest. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. How'd it go?"
"She did great. Does the little guy have a name?" The nurse asked; Haley had filled them in on the situation.
"Logan Micah Altman-Montgomery. I wanted Addison to come, but she insisted that I come and be the first to meet him," she said as she stroked his face. "She's going to talk to the chief about us getting some time off. We're both taking maternity leave at the same time for the first month or so, but that wasn't going to be for a few weeks. She's hoping she can come down with Kynlee soon."
Logan was perfectly healthy. The doctors incorrectly predicted Haley's due date, so he wasn't as early as they thought he would be and was able to leave the hospital a few days after he was born. The social worker from the adoption agency met with them at the hospital to get Haley to sign the papers that couldn't be signed until after she had the baby. The adoption wouldn't be finalized for about three months, but Haley terminated her rights and Teddy and Addison were given legal guardianship.
As much as Addison had wanted to join them in California, she wasn't able to, which meant that Teddy would be flying home with a newborn by herself. They didn't have any baby stuff at Amelia's house, so as much as Teddy wanted to stay a few days longer, it was going to be easier to head back to Seattle right away, even if that meant fighting the airport crowds with a newborn and everything that went with him.
Teddy lucked out that Logan slept most of the flight to Seattle. Addison was going to meet them at the airport with Kynlee. Kynlee was still too young to understand what was going on, but she did know that her momma had been gone and was coming back. They were waiting for Teddy and Logan in the chairs just outside of the security check, in an area where Addison could easily see the arrivals board to know when they had landed, even though Teddy was going to call once the plane had landed.
Hearing her phone chime, indicating she had just received a text. She checked her phone, then looked at Kynlee. "Momma's here, and so is your little brother." Kynlee began to scan the crowds, looking for her Momma.
Twenty minutes later, Addison saw Teddy walking towards them. She put Kynlee back in her stroller and moved to a spot where she was sure they would be seen. Teddy spotted them and quickened her pace, glancing down at her son every few steps. He was awake now, taking in the atmosphere of the airport.
Before Addison had a chance to take Logan from her, Teddy knelt down next to Kynlee's stroller. "Hi, sweetie. This is your new brother. His name is Logan. Were you good for mommy while I was gone? I really missed you," she said as she let Kynlee look over the baby in her arms.
Addison gave Kynlee a few minutes to take in the baby before she insisted on taking the infant from her wife's arms. "Hi, Logan. I'm your mommy. I might not have carried you like I did your big sister, but that doesn't mean I love you any less. You were always supposed to be ours. Now let's get you home."
It was clear that Addison was not going to give up her son anytime soon, so Teddy took over pushing Kynlee's stroller as they made their way to baggage claim to pick up Teddy's suitcase and Logan's car seat. They had already purchased one for him, but in the hurry to leave, Teddy wasn't able to take it with her and bought another one in California.