Midnight Vampires: No escape

Hi lovely people. MERRY CHRISTMAS BY THE WAY! Hope you had a good one! Thank you to everyone who reviewed and Im so sorry to everyone who reviewed at first and thought there was a mistake; yes I accidentally uploaded my other stories chapter. But I did send a PM to everyone, telling them that the real chapter is up.

Anyways, enjoy chapter 5!

Chapter 5: Welcome food, you're cursed




Sakura thought that she had died, that she had ceased to exist. In a way, she was hoping that she had died, at least then she wouldn't have to go through this torture. The torture of never knowing what was about to happen next.

She wanted her friends the most right now. She needed them to comfort her, to stick close together. But from the way things were going, her chances were very poor. Never had she felt so alone before, the very feeling of loneliness scared her.

Guilt instantly washed over her. Now she knew how all those people in school felt, the ones who were always bullied. She hated bullies, the very thought of them sickened her. She hated the fact that they made everyone feel so inferior next to them.

"I want to know where my friends are" she hissed to the figure in front of her. She hated how she sounded so weak even though her initial intention was to shout and order it.

"Do not shout in my presence girl! I already warned you, you address me with Mistress Karin!" Exclaimed Karin.

The flickering of candle lights created many shadows, but it was clear to Sakura that this 'Karin' was more than mad. The deep scowl on her face was unmistakably visible despite the little light that was given off by the candles.

Yet Sakura couldn't give a damn. How dare she order her around like she was some dog? If Karin though she was scared of her, then she was obviously wrong.

"You still haven't answered my question. I don't know who you are, or where I am, but I want to know where my friends are" Repeated Sakura.

Karin's eyes blazed dangerously at her, but Sakura was determined to hold her gaze.


"Who do you think you are, you filthy peasant? Do you not know who I am? I am Karin, Sasuke Uchiha's fiancée and soon to be mate!" She bellowed.

Sakura was suddenly infuriated with this mad woman's actions. She wasn't going to take another slap from her. Who does she think she is, threatening her with the same line, 'I am Sasuke Uchiha's fiancé and soon to be mate!' It annoyed her to no end, and the urge to spit in her face was suddenly becoming irresistible.

"I don't care if Sasuke Uchiha was your father; I still want to know where my friends are! I don't even know who Sasuke Uchiha is!" Insisted Sakura, instantly finding the courage to shout at Karin.

For the first time since she had woken up, Sakura took time to briefly take not of Karin's image. A sort of oval/triangular face complimented her pale complexion. Red, almond shaped eyes stood out against her skin, pursed scowling lips making her look unapproachable.

But what caught Sakura's attention the most was Karin's hair. And it wasn't because of its unusual cut; long but slightly spike, it was because of its colour- fiery red like her eyes. Not ginger, but full red. She wasn't one to speak though, pink hair was one of the most unusual she'd ever seen.

She quickly skimmed down to Karin's attire. A long-waisted stay which was strapless and cut high at the armpit. She could tell it was tightly laced due to the posture Karin was using. The black, satin gown was a low-necked one, which flowed all the way down to her ankles. Red silk embroidery filled the back-sack gown all the way from the closed bodice to the bottom of the dress, making it look extremely expensive yet gothic.

Sakura knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. Back-sack gown and a bodice? She thought, but they only ever existed in the 18th century, this isn't the 18thBut that's when a wave of memory instantly hit her. 'You're in the 18th century now, whether you want to be or not' She recalled Temari's words.

Yet she didn't want to believe them. She was hoping all of this was a nightmare, Infact, she still was. Not even the 21st century could explain time travel, it was still considered near impossible. The whole process of time travel was unexplainable, there were too many complications and so it was proven it couldn't be done.

Nonetheless, here she was, in the 18th century. She was instantly drawn out of her thoughts with a hard shaking over her shoulders.

"Listen peasant, Sasuke Uchiha is one of the greatest Vampire leaders, and is also heir to the Uchiha throne. They are some of the most powerful Vampire clans to ever exist, they have been going on for generations, but lately, their numbers lessened. He is currently living here, with 4 other heir to the clan leaders, as part of an alliance. And understand this, he loves me." Finished Karin.

Sakura stared at her in complete bewilderment. "I don't care about Sasuke Uchiha or the fact that you're his lover, I want to know where my friends are. What have you done with them?" Asked Sakura impatiently.

Karin instantly smirked. "Ah, your friends; the other peasants and that traitor. Do not worry, they are right here in this room, they are safe."

Sakura instantly felt like a ton of weight was lifted off her shoulder's as she sighed in relief.

"For now." Hissed Karin, smiling wickedly when she saw Sakura tense up again.

Sakura immediately scanned the room for her friends. She took the chance to take in how the room actually looked. Windows were covered with grime and dirt; the calm moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness, creating sharp shadows around the room. Black wallpaper lay curled on the floor. Dust swirled around in the air, making it difficult to breathe. The room's walls showed black decay, as cobwebs covered the now mouldy ceiling. Blotches of dark red covered the empty walls, most likely dried blood. It was as if someone had replaced her spine with ice as she shivered in fear and disgust.

Slightly squinting, she tried to see if the misshaped silhouettes belonged to her friends. To her relief, she could make out that it was them, thanks to the little light that was being given off by the melting candles.

"How come they're still not awake, but I am?" Asked Sakura.

The wooden floor boards moaned and creaked as the Clack Clack of shuffling footsteps were heard in the distance. Sakura tilted her head towards the direction of the sound, trying to get a better view of who it was. She was petrified, who knew what these people were going to do to her.

The sound gradually got louder, until it came to an abrupt stop outside the door, a few metres behind Sakura. Swallowing hard, she dared herself to turn around and take a glance at the newest arrival. But she just couldn't, the sense of paranoia was taking over her.

"Mistress Karin, Master Sasuke has arrived from feeding and wishes to see you. Do not worry; the other Masters shall take care of these…peasants in a moment." Spoke a female voice. She hated the way this girl referred her to a peasant as well.

"Ok Mistress Shion, thank you for informing me about his arrival." And with that, the 2 walked out of the room, leaving Sakura alone.

Not long after, shuffling noises were heard in the corner of the room, making Sakura tense up in fear. She forced her feet to push her body away from the noise, but she instantly stopped when an unfamiliar yet mesmerising voice stopped her.

"Trying to escape now are we?" He asked. His voice sounded deep and smooth; nevertheless it had an unmistakeable hint of danger in it.

When there was no reply, he spoke again. "Karin was telling me how disobedient you were to her, I suggest you try and cooperate with my soon to be bride next time, unless of course, you want to end up dying painfully."

Sakura balled her fists behind her back in anger. So this is the so called infamous Sasuke Uchiha his idiot of a girlfriend was talking about, she thought.

"Your bride wasn't cooperating with me. I just want my friends." She answered, though it was barely above a whisper.

"Hn. I see, you want those petty little mortals with you, am I correct? Do not worry, when we kill you, you'll be able to see them clearly." He mocked.

Sakura's eyes started watering, but she refused to cry in front of him. Right now she needed answers.

"Why are we here?" She demanded. There was a brief pause, before he spoke again.

"You still don't know, do you? Pity, and I suspected you to be a little bit smarter than the others. Guess I was wrong." He hissed.

"Just answer the damn question." She repeated, sounding more frustrated now.

"Hn. You fool; you and your idiotic friends are here because of your own stupid mistakes that you did. How dare you mock me by dancing on my tombstone? Thought it was funny back then? Well tell me mortal, do I sound humorous to you right now?" He asked, venom seeping through every word.

Sakura gulped in fear. Before she knew it, a flash right before her eyes sent her crashing back into the room's back wall. She winced in pain, she was sure her skull cracked from the impact of the push.

"You said you wanted to be with your friends, well here they are, right next to you," He continued, but Sakura wasn't sure where he was roughly standing now. She didn't care though; her priority right now was to see to her unconscious friends.

She suddenly thanked her medical skills, and her teacher, Tsunade, for teaching her about occasions like these.

Not long after trying to wake them up, Hinata fluttered her eyes open and let a small moan escape her lips. She tried to lift her head up, but it only went crashing back down. Trying again, she realised that using her hands wasn't an option, since they were tied up behind her back. Thankfully, her feet weren't bound by rope, so she used them as support.

Slowly, she tried again and to her relief, was successful. She blinked a couple of times, trying to regain eyesight, but the darkness surrounding her wasn't helping. She didn't know where she was or how she got there. Turning her head to the side, she suddenly saw a flash of pink before her eyes.

"S-Sakura, is that you?" She stuttered. She instantly heard a sigh of relief and before she knew it, Sakura was laughing.

"You're alright!" She heard her say. Hinata found herself smiling at Sakura's words.

"Yeah, of course I am. Hey Sakura, do you know where we are?" She asked. Sakura just shook her head in reply.

"You are in my castle girl." An unfamiliar voice spoke. So we're not alone, she thought to herself.

"The others shall arrive here soon, where we shall proceed with this matter at hand." He continued. More shuffling was heard towards Hinata's and Sakura's left. Tilting their heads to the side, they recognised the shifting figure as Tenten.

"Tenten!" They both exclaimed.

"Ugh, where the hell am I?" She said, trying to use her hands to rub her aching head. She suddenly found out that she couldn't, due to the fact that they were wrapped up tightly by some sort of rope, the same rope as when they were getting dragged. Cursing under her breath, she tried to break free, but found it close to impossible.

"Do not try to break free, you will only fail. The rope is unbreakable, the more you struggle, the tighter it will get." He smirked.

"Who the hell are you?" Shouted Tenten. A few seconds passed before the shadowed figure walked forward into the light.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha" He said. Sakura was more than hypnotized by his looks. A pale face complimented his sharp looking onyx pools, in which Sakura found herself drowning into. His raven hair was oddly styled as it spiked backwards from the back, but his straight fringe fell effortlessly onto his face. It almost reminded Sakura of a chickens butt, but in a good way. His tall, firm frame created a dangerous atmosphere which surrounded him, making long shadows that cascaded to the ground.

All in all, he was one of the most handsome guys Sakura had ever seen. Infact, he was too handsome, he almost looked unreal. Even his 'friends' looked dreamlike too. Or in this case, nightmare-like.

She didn't know how much time had passed, but to her it felt like hours, no, days even. She shook herself out of her trance, since when did she ever start feeling like this?

"Well, it seems like your other friends woke up at the right timing, because the others have arrived" He suddenly spoke. Sakura instantly froze in her spot. Sure she was more than glad that Ino and Temari had woken up, but the fact that the other guys had just arrived only added more fear in the air.

"Hn. You took your time." Said Sasuke. The blonde haired boy with piercing blue eyes suddenly cracked up laughing.

"You see? I told you he was going to complain about us being late. You each owe me blood." He said. The other 3 chuckled lightly, while Sasuke scowled in rage.

"Let us just finish this, I've had enough, just the sight of them makes me sick to the core." Growled Sasuke impatiently.

"Wait, what do you mean 'Let us finish this'? What are you going to do with us?" Asked Ino, suddenly becoming more frightened than ever.

She wanted to slap those smirks off their faces, how they made her sick to the core. If only she could use her hands. But even if she did, they would be of no use to her. She was too frightened to move, let alone get up and slap one of them.

"I usually don't waste my breath on mortals, but I'll make an exception this time." Started the paled eyed one, Neji was it. He was interrupted with who Sakura recognised as Shikamaru.

"You actually don't have any breath Neji, we're vampires." He stated lazily.

"I know," was Neji's only reply, "You mortals are here because of a reason. Let me introduce ourselves properly. I am Neji Hyuuga, the only Hyuuga vampire alive. The one to my left is Naruto Uzumaki, heir to the Uzumaki and Namikaze Vampire throne. The one on my right is Sai; he is also another heir to a distant vampire clan. Shikamaru Nara is the one standing next to Naruto, he is heir to the Nara vampire Clan and the person next to him is Sasuke Uchiha, heir to the Uchiha vampire clan." He said.

"We are the greatest living vampires yet to live. We are the 'Vampyr Children" Finished Sai.

Sakura stared at them in complete disbelief and bewilderment. They really do exist! She thought.

"Wait a minute, Vampyr Children? No, that's impossible, you were dead and I saw your graves with my own 2 eyes, heck I danced on your graves!" Exclaimed Tenten.

But that was when it suddenly hit Sakura. Dancing. 'You must have mocked them in some way to make them so angry at you' she remembered Temari's assumption.

It all suddenly made sense to her. They should have never danced on their graves. They should have never laughed at their graves either. Infact, they should have never even touched the graves.

Sakura blamed herself for it. If she had never mentioned that tree, they would have never gone up to it, Ino would have never been scared and they would have never teased her about it. She would have never even danced on the graves. It was all her fault.

"And it was because of that stupid reason that you are here right now. Anyone who dare take us, the 'Vampyr Children', as a joke, suffer the consequence of it. You 4 are cursed now; you were cursed from the very first moment you set foot on our graves." Said Shikamaru.

"W-wait, you're telling me that you are the 'Vampyr Children'? Ok, this is going way too far. Im sorry, but im not buying this crap. First we are chased by women claiming we're witches, then Temari tells us we're in the 18th century and then we got kidnapped by Vampires, who now are telling me they are the 'Vampyr Children'. Just who are you?" Demanded Tenten. It seemed like she still hadn't believed in what Temari had said, or didn't want to.

"You do not have to believe this. But let me tell you now, you are in the 18th century and we are the Vampyr Children. You will soon see for yourself" Said Naruto, taking a step forwards.

"W-what do you mean?" whispered Hinata.

"He means we're food!" Exclaimed Temari, instantly using the wall for support and lifting herself to her feet.

"My my, you're quiet the feisty one aren't you?" Asked Neji. Shikamaru instantly used his Shadow Possession Jutsu and held her in place. She cursed under her breathe for being so careless.

"Let's get this done with. Sai, would you like to choose your feeding victim?" Stated Sasuke.

The girls instantly tensed up in fear and self-consciously huddled up together. Sai stared intensely at each one of them.

"I want to taste your blood the most for your disgusting actions earlier." He said, glaring at Ino. Her eyes suddenly widened in fright as she shuffled as far away from him as possible.

"The pink haired one is my feeding victim, it seems like Karin has taking a certain disliking to her" Continued Sasuke.

"Aw, and I was going to choose her, she seemed like the most sensible choice to have. No matter, Neji, you don't mind if I have the Hyuga girl do you?" Asked Naruto. Neji shook his head in reply, in which Naruto only smiled to before focusing his attention back onto Hinata.

Said girl felt like she was on the verge of fainting. "I'll show you how it feels to have a knife slashed right across your body, insolent wrench!" He hissed. Hinata instantly regretted hurting him earlier, when she soddenly noticed that his attire was different and that his wound was hardly even visible. Either Vampires healed instantaneously, or this guy had extreme supernatural powers, she thought.

"Shikamaru, you stay with Temari, your Jutsu seems like it's the only thing capable of keeping her in place" Said Sasuke.

Shikamaru glared at Sasuke. "Since when did you start ordering me around?" He asked. When Sasuke merely replied with an 'Hn', Shikamaru stared at him some more before speaking again.

"How troublesome, this woman is such a hindrance to take care of." He said.

"I guess that leaves you as my feed, excellent. I was hoping to kill you now but it seems like I'd have to wait until feeding day. Waiting for 2 full weeks is a bit too much for me to take, but it seems like I could do with you as I please until then, except for killing you." Said Neji, glaring at Tenten.

"Impossible! Im not your belonging, so don't try and tell me I am!" She barked .

"Hn. Take them away." Said Sasuke. In a flash, Sakura found herself in intense pain and felt as though she was getting carried by her hair.

The last thing she heard was the cry of her friends, and what she soon came to realise, herself.

Before she could process what was going on, Hinata found herself forcefully slammed into a wall. She moaned in pain as she slid down the wall. But it seemed like whoever had slammed her hadn't had enough.

"Stupid bitch!" Roared Naruto. He picked her up by her wrists from behind and pushed her forward into the other wall, sending her crashing down to the floor. Blood trickled down her mouth as she collapsed to the ground.

But that immediately caught Naruto's attention. The smell of her blood wafted through the air sending a spine-tingling sensation down Naruto's spine. His sky blue eyes suddenly turned bloody red as his fangs grew longer and sharper. He took one dangerous step towards Hinata.

Never had Hinata felt so petrified in all her life. She tried to move, but her body wouldn't comply with what she was asking. How she wished her friends were her to help her, but they weren't. She didn't even know where she was or how she was going to get out of this mess.

He was a mere metre away from her now, his piercing glare never leaving her sight. He walked further towards her, now only half a metre away. Licking his lips, he took the last step forwards, before grabbing Hinata by the neck and lifting her up, slamming her hard into the back wall.

She struggled for a bit, but found out the more she struggled, the harder his grasp around her neck got. "Please…," She pleaded, "Please stop."

He moved his fangs closer to her neck, but stopped as soon as she spoke. Growling in fury, he tried to bite her again, but found that he just couldn't do it. He didn't know if it was because of her begging, but he instantly released her and went back to his normal state.

She stood there, shaking. Nonetheless, she looked right into his eyes and gave him a light smile. "Thank you" She said, before she fainted and collapsed into his arms.

Sakura found herself in a completely different room then she was before. This one was neater and much more…humane than the one earlier. But it still had that same dark or gothic theme about it. Before she knew it, she was sent crashing to the ground.

"You are filthy; I don't want to see you in my room." Said Sasuke. He walked towards his large king sized bed and sat on the soft, satin-like material.

Sakura snorted in reply. "Yeah well if you really didn't want me to be in here, you wouldn't have bought me in your room, would you?" she asked.

She knew that it was wrong, that her words were going to get her into a lot of trouble, but she didn't care at the moment. It was bad enough she was going to die, she might as well just get it done and over with. She knew she was sounding selfish, but she couldn't care less right now.

But what about all her friends? What was going to happen to them?

"Be quiet peasant. You're annoying," He grumbled. He didn't want her to be his feeding victim, he would have rather had the quiet Hyuuga girl; her death would be quick yet enjoyable.

"I have a name, and it's not peasant, its Sakura." She said.

"I do not care, peasant. I have no interest in finding out your name." He replied, before standing up and brushing his black frock coat.

Sakura decided not to say anything after that. She watched him walk past her and towards the door.

"So you're just going to leave me like this? What a bastard" She blurted out. He stopped, and then turned his head around to face her. She didn't know if the shadows were playing tricks on her eyes, but for a second, she swore she had seen them turn red.

Sakura suddenly became aware of the Katana that was placed on the wall in front. She only remembered blinking, but somehow, during that one blink, Sasuke was able to place the tip of the Katana at her throat.

"A mere human like you dare call me a bastard? You're parents upbringing of you is a disgrace" He hissed. He moved the katana off her throat and brought it up to her cheek. "Karin is going to have such a hard time disciplining you. Hn." He made a light slash across her cheek, making fresh blood ooze out of the newly made wound. She winced in pain, allowing a light cry escape her mouth.

He stood as calm as ever, glaring at her, before lifting the Katana away from her face and wiping it clean with a handkerchief. As soon as he finished, he placed it neatly back in its position on the wall.

Sakura glared at him all the time. "How can you be Vampire and yet still be ok around blood?" She jeered.

"Oh, it's not that I'm ok with it, your blood just doesn't satisfy me as much." He said, before turning around and walking towards the door again.

"You think you're so great and powerful, but you're just a coward. If you're really as incredible as everyone says, you wouldn't be afraid of untying a harmless little human girl." Sneered Sakura, emphasising greatly on the last word.

She saw him clenching and unclenching his fists, a sign which meant anger. Nonetheless, Sasuke clenched the handle to the door and forced it open, before slamming it shut behind him.

The sound of slamming echoed throughout the room, shaking the candle lit chandelier above Sakura. She looked down and saw that little droplets of water were below her. She stared in wonder at the floor, where did they come from? She thought.

More seemed to be hitting the ground. Tap. Tap. But that's when Sakura realised that she was crying.

Tenten didn't know what was happening, one second she was shouting at the so called 'Vampyr Children', the next she was in some sort of bedroom. She whipped her head back and found that Neji was leaning on the door, arms crossed.

She instantly stumbled up to her feet, though it wasn't exactly easy with her hands tied up, and stood still to regain her balance.

"Get out of my way," She ordered, glaring angrily at Neji. He didn't move, not even flinch. She gritted her teeth in fury. "I said, get out of my way!" She exclaimed while charging at Neji, and used her feet to try and kick him.

But her moves were sluggish, she was too tired and so her kick had no effect on him. She realised that without being able to use her hands, she wouldn't be able to do anything. She cursed herself for not bringing her pocket knife with her. She didn't even have that broken piece of glass with her; last thing she recalled was throwing it to Hinata.

"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face or would you rather I did it for you?" She murmured.

Neji scowled at her before straightening himself up. "So you want to fight me?" He hissed, "Very well then. But let me tell you, you've just dug your own grave."

In an instance, Neji was behind her and ripped the ropes free of her hand. Wasting no time, Tenten balled them into fists and tried to land a punch in his face. But it doing so, she lost her footing at tripped forward right into Neji. And did the least thing she had in mind.

Tenten had just kissed Neji Hyuga.

Sakura found herself waking up, yet she didn't remember sleeping. A wolf howled in the distance, making her instantly rise up in awareness. The chandelier above her shook uncontrollably, and before she knew it, the chain holding it up snapped and gravity pulled it down to earth, towards her.

She shrieked in panic and closed her eyes, waiting for the endless amount of pain to hit her and end her life. But it never did. Instead, she heard it fall and crash into pieces, but not a single scratch was placed on her.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked. And to her shock, found that Sasuke Uchiha had just saved her life.

Finally, it's finished. Don't get me wrong, I do like writing, but not when I'm ill. Anyways, hope you had a wonderful Christmas and holiday, I know I did!

So tell me, did you like this chapter, or should I have done something different to improve?

Please tell me when you review; it really helps, trust me.

With much love,
