This will end up a being a collection of Klaus/Rebekah stories. I obviously own nothing and only want to entertain the few people that might read it. Have fun and hopefully enjoy.

She still heard Nik whisper those damned words, could still see the scared look in his eyes, feel his cold hands carress her face, his breath on her neck, his lips on her skin.

Anyone who isn't us is an enemy.

While she had been able to grasp the concept of people outside their family being enemies after even their friends had closed their doores in their faces it had taken her long years accept that the same thing applied to their family.

Their father had never been an easy man to please and all of them had been afraid of him but he had become an enemy when he had taken their lives. It should not have been his decision but what had maybe been worse he had seen his error and had started to hunt them afterwards. Their own father had wanted to kill them, all of them.

Their mother had always been nice and tried to protect them. When she had given in and done what Mikael had asked her to, she had betrayed them. When she had killed the innocent girl to curse her own son she had broken his heart. She had damned them to eternally walk the earth and watch everything they loved die.

Their siblings had scattered around the world after the death of their mother, afraid but still oh so dangerous. Running hadn't been what had hurt the most, what really had hurt had been the times when they had found them selling them out to Mikael or hunting them down. They had taken forever to choose a side but they had not chosen for their family but for survival.

Elijah had left them after Katherine had run away. In a way his betrayel had hurt the most. He had always been there and in a way he had always been the good brother, the guardian and the light. His betrayal had not been in what he had done afterwards; his betrayal had been leaving them when he had known they had needed him, when he had known that with him his morals and diplomacy would leave.

After all this time, this hurt and betrayal Rebekah had understood what Nik had meant that night. It was why she understood his betrayal. He had lied to her because with all his lonelieness she had been the only one he had trusted and thus he had been unable, was still unable to be her enemy. And Rebekah forgave him because she could not be his enemy either.

Now it was her, hands softly stroking his face, her lips ghosting over his neck, her breath warming his cool skin and her words binding them together forever.

Anyone who isn't us is an enemy.