A/N: Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I thought it might be a good idea to start posting my Christmas Story now to ensure I actually got it all up before Christmas =P I hope you enjoy!

A Christmas Carol
Parody written by ElodieKumari94

Prologue: Christmas Eve with Grandma Jackie

"Grandma Jackie! Grandma Jackie! Will you tell us a Christmas story?"

Jacqueline looked up from her scrapbook and smiled at her grandchildren. There were six of them, two from each of her own children, and they were all gathered around her table with bright, excited faces. It warmed the old woman's heart to have them so close during Christmastime; it reminded her of how special Christmas had been to her own father and namesake, Jack Atlas.

"Alright, I think I can tell one story before you go to bed," Grandma Jackie answered them as she stood. "Let's go into the living room and sit around the fireplace."

"Yaaaay!" the children cheered, rushing ahead of their grandmother to the living room and sitting around the rocking chair that sat next to the fire place. They waited patiently as Grandma Jackie sat down in the chair, her violet eyes gleaming just as they had in the old woman's youth. She pushed back a lock of her once-black-now-gray hair and peered down at the children over her spectacles, her aged face wrinkling more than ever as she smiled at them.

"What story would you children like to hear tonight?" the grandmother asked.

"How about Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?" suggested Piper, a sweet six-year-old girl with blonde piggy-tails and a stuffed Dark Magician Girl tucked under her arm.

"No, I want the Nutcracker!" exclaimed Piper's older sister, Addy.

"Ew, no lovey-dovey story, please!" Charlie, a spunky little fifth grade boy, argued in disgust. "How about A Charlie Brown Christmas?"

"No, we just watched that on TV!" interceded Hannah, who was easily the most realistic of Jacqueline's grandchildren.

"Frosty The Snowman!" cheered Joseph, the youngest of the children at five.

"Let's hear a new story, grandma," requested Amber, Hannah's sister. "One you haven't told us before."

"Yeah!" agreed the other children.

Grandma Jackie sat back in her rocking chair and hummed in thought. "Well, let's see… what story haven't I told you…" Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she clicked her fingers. "Oh, I know. How about a story about your great-grandfather's most special Christmas?"

"Yeah!" cried Joseph. "Papa Jack story!"

The other children nodded in agreement, leaning in close to listen. Grandma Jackie chuckled and reached over to pick up the scarf she was knitting; she always told her best stories while she was knitting. As the needles began working the thread, she thought about how to begin the story.

"Alright, children. This is a true story, one that Papa Jack told me many, many times with his own mouth."

"Is this before or after he met Mama Carly?" asked Hannah curiously.

"Oh, I'd say it was just a few months before he met her, not long after he began making his fame as the Master of Faster."

"You mean back when he was a jerk?" Amber interrupted, her face scrunched up in dislike.

Grandma Jackie chuckled. "I suppose you could say that. In fact, you might say he was a bit of a Scrooge. Now let's see, where to begin… Ah, yes, I know. It was the night before Christmas in the year 2057…"