In case you're lost, allow me to summarize what has happened so far. Eddy Prince is a dick, and everyone knows it. He loves to pick on Alice for some apparant reason, and for giggles, he tried to humiliate Alyssa by 'inviting', and turning her away at a party. Alyssa, knowing that this would happen, cursed him and told him he had a year to find true love or he would forever be a beast. It has been a week since he was human, and he saw Alice in a different light. Now he's at Kanker hotel... what will happen now?

Eddy walked into the hotel, to find a large halloween party going on. Everyone he was friends with was there, and looked very happy. It wasn't hard to tell who was who, and he looked around more to find his girlfriend in the mix somewhere. He took off his hood, and sunglasses. Since it was halloween, he didn't need to hide. People looked at him and weren't afraid, in fact, they thought he looked pretty cool.

"Ohohoho... Double D..." He heard someone say. Following the sounds with his much more sensitive ears, he found both Marie and Lee falling over Double D. Lee was kissing at his neck, Double D all tied up and absolutely terrified.

"Lee! He's mine!"

"Too bad! I haven't seen Eddy in a week after he's been said missing, and I haven't been so relaxed now that I don't have to fake being so mean." She stuck out her tongue, and whilst they argued, Double D managed to slip away into the crowd wearing his phantom of the opera tux.

"I didn't know he did drugs- Dreamboat!" Marie cried out, and gave chase with Lee running after them both. Eddy was very much surprised. Lee faked being a bitch just for him? He thought, somehow wandering into the crowd of dancing people. Then, his eye caught something very familiar. He turned, and found himself face to face with the very woman who cursed him.

"Hello Eddy~" She said, dancing in her gothic faerie dress, clear plastic wings on her back.

"Alyssa, I've seen how bad and how wrong I was, so please change me back!" He said, only half sincere.

"Sorry Eddy, you know the curse, you've got a year to find someone to truely love you, and for that love to be said out loud~ I can't reverse it." She grinned.


"One year Eddy, one year." She then twirled out of sight in the crowd. Eddy tried to follow her, this time wanting to use more rough ways of making her reverse the curse, but ended up bumping into a girl wearing a short sleeved black dress that went midthigh with stockings and sneakers, and had black cat ears with a matching tail with painted whiskers on her face. Two blue ribbons sat in her hair as bows. She held a platter of cookies and had a nametag, but was too occupied at the moment to look.

"O-Oops! I'm sorry!" She said, that voice very familiar to him.

"Its fine-" A pair of blue eyes settled on his, and his jaw went slack as he saw that the girl was totally hot. He was about to try to say something suave, but his eyes laid on the nametag. 'Alice' His eyes widened. The girl he had been insulting and picking fun at for the past five years had the sexiest body he'd ever seen.

"Would you care for a treat sir?" She asked, her eyes apologetic. For once, his tongue was completely dry and not a single word could come out of his mouth. "Are you ok?"


"Yo! Cat chick!"

"Coming sir!" Alice yelled, and smiled at Eddy slightly before walking off, his tongue still very dry.

"Wait-" He tried to grab her, but accidentally took one of her ribbons out. He held it, and sniffed it. It smelled of her shampoo, and he reveled in it. Pocketing it, he sighed and turned around, leaving through the front door.

-A Week Later-

Eddy was grumbling in his room, Nazz going in and picking up his dirty clothes on the ground. She had already found out about his 'condition' from Eddy's brother, so seeing his fur around the room didn't surprise her.

"You know, there's more to life than just appearances." She said.

"Yeah? And how would you know that?" Eddy snarled. "This is reality, everybody just judges on the first glance."

"True... but inside, I know you are a good soul. My father was the same way until my mother came along."

"And why the hell did you come here instead of staying with your good parents?"

"The pay your brother gives. They wanted the best for me, saying I have better chances of a future." She said, and found a blue ribbon on the floor. "Erm... Eddy?" He turned, and his eyes flashed wide before a clawed hand snatched it away. She bit back a small chuckle, and left him. Eddy inhaled the scent on the ribbon. The smell of her shampoo was almost gone.

"...This is ridiculous." He grumbled, and pocketed it. There was a knock on his door. "Yeah?"

His brother opened the door, not coming in. "Hey... Guess what? I got you a surprise." Eddy looked up, half interested.

"...?" Eddie showed the deed to a new house that he bought on the edge of town.

"I bought a new place, it's on a more isolated plot of land, and just outside the city, so you won't be bothered by onlookers." He said, trying to lighten his younger brother's mood. Eddy was silent for a while, before looking at his brother with the same cold eyes he had been giving him ever since the doctor's appointment.

"So... you don't want me living in public anymore either? Are you even going to live with me?" Eddy asked.

"Well, yes. But I need to keep the apartment if my job keeps me up for late hours." Eddie said, avoiding looking at his brother. There was a long period of silence before he spoke again. "Nazz is coming with you to the house, I gotta head to the office soon. Oh, and I'm hiring a teacher." He said, and without waiting for a reply, Eddie shut the door before Eddy could voice his opinion on that.

9:30AM; The Next Day

Eddy walked into the seemingly rustic, large house. Though it was more of a mansion than anything else. The walls were solid stone with pillars looking like they were holding up the second floor. The basement was large, and seemed to already be converted into a working room with a tv, desk, computer, and lots of bookshelves filled with books, a leather couch in front of the tv.

The living room was brighter, green curtains on the walls. A large brown couch sat in front of the plasma screen tv with a caramel colored recliner, and the kitchen and dining room an easy 6 feet in distance.

"Well, I see you're going to like it here. I even got you that motorcycle you always wanted." Eddie said, turning his back.

"...Why don't you have any bags?" Eddy asked as Nazz took his and hers upstairs.

"I still have some work to do in the office, but i'll come by when i finish up." He said, and shut the door.

"Goodbye then..." Eddy muttered under his breath.