In school, we started doing "Where I'm From" poems. They're simple, and you just string together places, people, moments, etc from your life that have been important to you. I decided to make one for my screwed up interpretation of Lea (came from a different world, ended up in Radiant Garden alone, met Isa, was later taken in by Cid and his gang of strays, knew little Kairi, blah). It may not make that much sense, but it was really fun too write, and I hope it's fun to read.

I am from human touch

From bustling, lively siblings at every turn,

From warmth and life.

I am from long, silent nights under the stars

And noisy mornings in crowded kitchens.

I am from racing across roof tops and climbing trees

And falling asleep beneath branches, leaning against someone that you love.

I'm from laughter that makes your sides hurt,

Tears, brushed away by comforting hands,

Hand held and hands dropped, forgotten.

I am from yelling and screaming, from fists and pain,

From shielding and fighting for those worth protecting.

I am from heartbreak.

From mistakes.

From destiny.

I'm from hazy summer days

With long grass tickling my nose.

From icecream and fireflies and nights spent in cardboard boxes.

I am from crazy adventures and riding bikes downhill,

From breaking and entering, and tapping on second story windows in the middle of the night.

I am from early mornings and late nights.

From hunger, from loss, from loneliness.

I am from alleyways

From Frisbees and baseball bats

From shooting target with rifles out in the woods.

I am from werewolves and ninjas,

From daring rescues and tea parties, dress up and flower gardens.

The scent of Bellyful Stew,

And patchwork quilts tossed over me at the end of a long day,

When I've long since collapsed from working on That Damn Roof.

I'm from the country, the farm. I'm from the house full of lostlings, now all found.

I am from the lonely boy in the plaza who could not speak his mind.

The silent young man with the rifle and the scar across his face.

From the gruff old man with the house full of baubles,

Who took in the wild child with dreams of becoming a ninja,

And the flower girl, with the curly locks and the bow in her hair.

From the young princess living with her grandmother

And the dreams of a world, dead and forgotten.

I am from castles and Clock Towers, and roving fields of never ending skies.

I'm from dreams, from hopes, from hands still held tight, even if I can't see them.

I'm from broken fences and sparkling fountains,

Two worlds with the same heart.

I'm going to make more. For other characters I like or have a vague background idea of. For now, the character will just say Lea :3