A/N: Here's the epilogue, just a very short bit of fluff based on that scene at the beginning of Army of Ghosts :)
A few of you lovely people seem interested in more winged Doctor stories so there will be more in the foreseeable future
A week later….
Rose gripped the Doctor's hand, a huge smile sat on her face.
She wasn't sure what planet this was but it was so beautiful.
Huge arches of rock climbed towards the clear cloudless sky before dipping back down into the ground.
Alien suns glowed on the horizon making the water glitter. Pterodactyl like creatures flew through the sky screeching as they chased each other across the sky.
Rose turned to grin at the Doctor. His eyes were on the sky watching the creatures with that new found respect he had for anything that flew. He was dressed in his brown suit, he'd finally given in and cut slits in one of his jackets, just one.
His wings were now folded loosely on his back a grin plastered across his features, he turned to meet her haze.
"How long you going to stay with me?" he asked, his tone soft and curious
She squeezed his hand tightly letting her grin grow as she leaned her head against his shoulder