A/N- So in case you didnt read my profile, I have writers block on this story, but I'm forcing myself through it. I dont really know where I stand but I'm committed to finishing this before starting any new stories. So I persevered and I think I have where I might want to end it. It's winding down. It's not been beta'd like the other versions so bare with me, I suppose. And enjoy. If there is anything that you want answered that you feel havent been in answered as of yet just send me a message or a review, I have an outline for this story but like I said I'm not feeling it anymore.
Chapter 29
Sirius nodded silently to his healer, clutching the parchment in his hand that the man had given him like a lifeline. He wasn't totally sure how he was going to do this if he was being honest with himself. He had never really done anything on his own, his parents or James's family had been there for him. But now he couldn't count on anybody but himself and it was a very scary feeling. He felt very adult for the first time in his life and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. He just felt incredibly lonely. He shook the thoughts away, snapping his eyes up to look at the man who had cleared his throat.
"You have the best chance of not getting caught by changing into your Sam glamour and then traveling the muggle way to one of those Countries I informed you of," Braden told him gently.
"I don't know which one to choose," Sirius admitted quietly, his shoulders already slumping in defeat.
"Good thing I do; go to the Americans Ministry and you have the best chance for claiming Asylum. They are very appalled at their British Counterparts and the way they handled the last Dark Lord. Not to mention it's safety in numbers and the Canadian Ministry won't be too far from that one, so you will be very well protected," Braden told him firmly.
"There's still the matter of me being an escaped convict," Sirius said softly. He didn't want to admit that he had absolutely no clue on how to even travel the muggle way. He didn't want to seem even more incompetent in front of Braden.
"You still have your vault key as well as your family ring, that will work in your favor. You are the Lord of a Most Noble and Ancient house and you were wronged by your home country. They didn't provide you a trial and even if you ended up guilty you would have already served your term. The Americans like to do things their way, and they will end up as a very good Ally to have," the healer told him honestly.
"Okay, then I will go there," Sirius said having decided the moment when Braden stated that it was the best solution.
"Now the matter of the transportation, I will arrange someone from the Ministry over there to pick you up from the Airport and escort you to it. I will also arrange your flight, and everything that entails. Have you packed up, and said your goodbyes?" Braden asked him kindly.
"I've told it to Remus but you know Harry isn't allowed to see me," Sirius said wistfully.
"I know he's technically not but I think in this moment we might be able to make an exception," Braden told him slowly.
Sirius looked up at the man in shock, unsure that he had heard correctly. "Pardon?"
"You will be gone for quite a long time, and we are unsure of when you will be able to return. This you must tell him in person as he needs to see with his own eyes that you have changed. Not to worry, I will come with you when you decide on the day you're going to go," Braden promised him.
"I actually wanted to go as soon as possible," Sirius replied with a sigh pretty sure that he would have to prolong his trip. A part of him wanted to just go, but the big part of him didn't want to leave his godson, and he didn't want to put this off. He knew the longer he did, he would never leave, and then what would that mean for his relationship with his godson?
"Alright, it'll probably be better for you if you did it soon then. Though you need to find out when Harry will be at Hogwarts, I might also be of help to that as well. I just need to speak with Albus Dumbledore," Braden informed him as he set the parchment down on his desk and grabbed his traveling cloak.
"You're going right now?" Sirius asked skeptically, unsure how this would all fall into place.
"I am, it's still the Holiday the Headmaster will be at the Castle," Braden said with a shrug.
"What am I supposed to do while you go?" Sirius asked plainly.
"Put your glamour back on and stay here, I plan to be back in about 20 minutes and we will know from there what we can do," Braden said easily as he grabbed the floo powder off his mantle.
"Before you go Braden, I meant to ask if you went to Hogwarts or not?" Sirius asked biting his lip nervously. He had been wondering this for quite some time, but it didn't seem like an appropriate thing to ask.
"I did up until my fifth year, and I was in Ravenclaw," Braden said fondly as he thought back to his former house.
"Why did you leave?" Sirius asked aware that it might be breaching the personal range but he just was curious to know if they had gone to school at the same time.
Braden gave a rueful grin in return at the man's question before he sighed. He could not answer he knew that, but he believed in honesty like he had been constantly telling his clients and he would answer this one. "My father came to visit me at school and on that particular day he saw 4 students go unpunished after humiliating a fellow year mate in a different house. He didn't want me underneath a Headmaster who refused to explain to his pupils that every action had a consequence whether it was good or bad," he explained quietly.
Sirius frowned, a feeling of shame appearing in his stomach at the man's words. He could bet anything that it was he and his friends and that the victim was probably Snape. He shook his head, he knew his actions had consequences, look what happened to him. He had always been reckless and had inadvertently caused this man to go to school elsewhere.
"I'm sorry about that, we were all very dumb and stupid," Sirius said with a frown as he watched his shoes. He couldn't bear to see the disappointment on the man's face.
"You were, but you're learning now and that means something. It doesn't matter anymore, my father was right, my next school gave me the qualifications to become what I am today. So I have no regrets," Braden said as he carefully walked into the fireplace giving the man an impatient look in return.
Sirius frowned before he suddenly nodded as he quietly placed his glamour charm back on his face as he realized what the man wanted. He flopped on the comfortable couch before watching his healer disappear into the green flames in the fireplace.
!*!*!*!*Line Break!*!*!*!
Braden smoothly landed in the Headmasters office, giving the man a small smile as the old man seemed to be giving him one in return. He was still dressed in his work clothes so it was obvious to the other man that he was a Healer or at least someone in that field.
"Can I help you?" Albus asked kindly as he looked over at the man, gesturing for him to have a seat. He felt not ill towards the new comer, and he faintly recognized him as a former student.
"Perhaps, I need to have a conversation with you regarding patient of mine and a pupil in your school. However, this needs to stay in-between us only and I don't feel comfortable disclosing the identities of any of the involved while we are in your office," Braden stated calmly even as his eyes looked pointedly at the portraits who were being quite obvious in their staring. What he had to say only did need Albus's ears and no one else's. This didn't need to get out to anyone before Sirius himself was ready for it to.
Albus frowned, his eyes glancing around the office at the portraits before he calmly stood up. He didn't have an issue with that suggestion, whatever it was it was clearly something serious. Albus didn't want to jeopardize anything that the man, who was obviously a healer needed to say.
"That's fine, what is the password to your floo?" Albus asked just as easily as he grabbed his cloak.
"St. Mungo's Mind Ward, Healer Braden," Braden replied calmly before he grabbed the floo powder to floo back to his office. He stepped out the fireplace quickly, quirking an eyebrow as he saw what Sirius was up to now. The man was sitting in his chair behind his desk clearly imitating the things Braden himself had done. The healer himself had to stifle a grin as he turned to look at him. "What are you doing Sirius?"
Sirius gasped softly, he had been into his acting to notice the floo had flared, but he turned to look sheepishly at his healer. "I was just, ya know trying to get a feel for what you do," he stated calmly ignoring the twin patches of red now adorning his face. He was slightly embarrassed before he realized something. "You said you'd be gone twenty minutes, you were barely gone five," he grumbled out.
"Yes, I wasn't aware until I got there, that his office was littered in portraits. What I have to say they don't need to hear and gossip about," Braden replied non apologetically.
"Alright," Sirius said slowly before running a hand through his hair. He stood up, as the man's floo flared again but he wasn't worried. Not just anyone could floo in here. He watched impassively as Albus Dumbledore entered the room. "Hello Headmaster," he stated quietly.
Albus wasn't sure who he had been expecting to see in the man's office, but it clearly wasn't Sirius. He knew the man was seeing a Healer, but he hadn't been told the details of what his sessions consisted of. He was a very confused man as he took a seat on the offered chair, quietly accepting the offer for tea. "What is going on Sirius? Are you alright?"
Braden didn't even twitch as he ordered tea from the hospital's kitchen through the floo. He knew from earlier sessions that the old Wizard knew who Sirius was. This just made it a bit easier in the long run. He brought the tray back and took a seat, waving his arm for Sirius to come closer to them.
"What is it you both need my help with?" Albus asked curiously, unsure of what just was happening here.
"Headmaster, I will be going abroad for a while to find my freedom. I cannot live like this anymore," Sirius stated out bluntly.
"Alright, I see and I understand Sirius of course you can't. What do you boys need me to do?' Albus asked thinking they needed some of his influence which he would gladly give them.
"I just need about 10 minutes with Harry, to speak with him to explain what's going on with me. I just want to know how much I love him and how much he means the world to me. Not to mention of course let him how sorry I am to have treated him in that way. There's no risk of me repeating my earlier mistakes, Braden will be right there with me," Sirius added quickly just in case the man decided to say no.
The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully before he nodded, he did need to speak with both Severus and Harry anyway. Not to mention the boy's cousin wanted to see the raven haired child and Albus wanted to help that relationship flourish anyway he could. "Would tomorrow suffice?" He asked casually.
"Tomorrow would be perfect Headmaster," Braden said with a bright smile. "What time would we need to come?"
"Come around noon, I'll have Severus in my office and Harry will be in the corridors with his cousin. You should have ample time to say what needs to be said," Albus said with a twinkle in his eye.
Sirius blew out a breath and gave a sad smile to the man before he stood up and walked over to him with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much for this Albus," he whispered out softly.
"Of course my boy, you just go get your freedom. I'm so sorry I didn't fight more to see to it that you get a fair trial," Albus replied regretfully.
"That's okay, we should have told you that we switched secret keepers anyway. We're all at fault," Sirius said with a sigh.
"I wish you the very best on your travels Sirius, do come back to us when you can," Albus said sadly.
"I will, when I can. Don't tell Remus, just let him think I died," Sirius said with a sniffle at the thought of his once best friend.
"No I won't tell him but I also won't let him think you died. He doesn't deserve to grieve yet again for you. He'll know eventually what's happened to you, they all will," Albus replied firmly.
Braden watched the emotional exchange silently letting the two speak, before finally the Old man headed towards the fireplace. After saying their goodbyes Headmaster Dumbledore flooed back to Hogwarts. The healer quickly turned to the man beside him to gauge his reaction, his hand coming to rest over onto the man's shoulder.
"What do I do now? I can't go home, Remus is there. I can't see him," Sirius said with a sigh as he sat back down dejectedly on the chair.
"I've got that covered too, you can home with me," Braden said easily as he started getting his stuff together. He would be taking an early day today as tomorrow; the hard stuff would begin, and they would need to be ready for whatever it might bring to Sirius. It was going to be a very emotional day but Braden was going to be there to help him through it.
~&~&~&~Snape Manor&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&
Harry frowned as he stared at the fireplace in annoyance, trying to figure out if he had done something wrong. Snape hadn't even brought up the incident last night regarding the mirror nor what Remus had said. And he wasn't going to be the idiot to bring it up himself, he did have some self-preservation instincts. What was currently confusing him was the man in question had said that he could have Ron over for the day yet again and Harry was ecstatic. He wanted to show Ron some of his Christmas gifts as he knew now that the other boy wouldn't be too jealous like he would have been before. Not to mention, they had gotten him a few items for Christmas when they had gone to the Burrow on Christmas day. The floo wouldn't allow him to floo the Burrow so he could let his mate know he could come over. He was still glaring at the fireplace when Severus made his way into the floo room, quirking an eyebrow at the child questioningly.
"What are you doing Harry?" Severus asked slowly, unsure if he was missing something here.
"The floo won't let me call Ron," Harry said with a frown as he gave the fireplace another glare.
"Glaring at it won't make it comply Harry, and if anything it means that something important is hindering it from calling. Now doubt it's Albus, I need to floo to Hogwarts for a small chat with him," Severus said as he unlocked the floo to release the message he had received via Phoenix only moments before.
"Can Ron still come over here?" Harry asked with a sigh, having no desire at the moment to head over to the school even though he kind of wanted to see Dudley. That was a weird thought all around but he really did like his cousin now, he just wished they could have been like this all alone.
"Yes he can, just remember my rules," Severus told him firmly.
"Don't leave the house, and call Missy if I have a problem," Harry recited easily.
"That's a good boy, I'll be back in a few hours," Severus said gently as he reached forward to pull the child to his chest in a quick hug, his lips brushing the top of the soft raven hair before pulling away and disappearing into the green flames a moment later.
Harry smiled softly, his hand unconsciously coming to touch where Snape had kissed his hair. Even now he why he himself was still getting used to receiving such gently touches. The man himself was getting used to giving them. It was with a big dopey smile on his as he bent down on the hearth to call his friend to come over.