DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the Vampire Diaries characters. This takes place after the second to last episode of Season Two.

She arrived at the old Salvatore boarding house and froze for a minute. It had been so long since she had interacted with other vampires that the idea shocked her. A barrier hit her at the very edge and she knew that this was the right place. She heard a small sound as the front door opened and out stepped a man with short brown hair that tapered to a point. He walked over towards her and looked at her.

"What do you want?" he asked. She held her hands up.

"I mean no harm, I promise. I need your help and I think you could do with mine," she said. She saw a girl walk out of the door. Her brown hair was straight and she walked with a slight limp. "You must be Elena; I wish to apologize for what you have been through," she reached the edge of the barrier.

"How do you know me?" she asked, her voice showing the signs of strain.

"Word travels when you listen carefully, please I mean no harm, and I really do want to help you," Elena grabbed Stefan's arm.

"I believe her Stefan, go tell Bonnie to let her in," he looked at her before running inside to tell Bonnie. The barrier was lowered and she stepped past. She stopped at the doorway and Elena stepped inside. "Um, what's your name? I need to know to invite you inside the house," Stefan walked up to her side.

"Rosa, my name is Rosa," Stefan stepped back one step before stopping Elena from talking.

"Elena, this is the girl Elijah told us about with Klaus," Elena stepped back as well.

"I won't hurt you; I haven't spoken to Klaus since I was turned. Please let me explain," Elena nodded. "It's a long story spanning a long lifetime. I doubt what Elijah told you is the full truth so I will start at the beginning. My parents died when I was a teenager, about thirteen. A man took me in with the aims of raising me old enough to sell me to some rich family for marriage. When he heard a family with eligible sons had moved into a large mansion nearby he immediately took me to see them. The moment they saw me the man and their father went to talk over a sum. I was introduced to all the sons, including Elijah and Klaus. Those two seemed different from the rest, especially Klaus there was just something about him. A deal was made and the man left me there. I never knew how much he paid, but probably nothing with them being able to use compulsion. I moved into one of the rooms and for months was showered with dresses and lovely meals, as though I was royalty. I never suspected anything was wrong with them although I should have. Elijah was the only brother who didn't have an obsession with me so we quickly became good colleagues and I looked forward to our conversations every day. However things began to change. I found out later that the brothers had made a pact not to use compulsion on me whilst I was a human unless it was to relate to blood. They had not drunk from me, until one morning I was walking through the gardens with Klaus or Niklaus as he was then known. He just couldn't resist and bit into my neck but stopped before all my blood was gone. He did not want the others to know so he forced me to drink his blood, before compelling me to forget that it had ever happened. That night three of the brothers, the three eldest visited me in my room and also force fed me their blood and did not make me forget it. I ran out into the garden scared witless and I thought I had lost them until I saw the eldest brother standing in front of me, he grabbed my arms. I screamed and tried to escape but his grip was iron tight. Another shadow appeared and suddenly Klaus was standing right in front of me as well. He stared at his older brother a deadly look upon his face. As Klaus stepped nearer his brother put out a hand. I still squirmed and his grip tightened.

"Let her go," yelled Klaus but his brother just laughed.

"She will never leave our sides now," and with that he bit into my neck. The pain was indescribable, his fangs were so sharp they pierced my skin with ease, and I could feel the blood leave my system and went faint until I blacked out and went limp in his arms. I awoke on the grass, apparently only minutes later. Klaus was kneeling by my side before his brother pushed him to one side and opened my mouth. He tipped down blood, human blood. Without me even saying a word I became a vampire. My gums hurt and I opened my mouth to find a new pair of fangs. A ring had appeared on my finger and I noticed it was the same ring all the brothers and their father wore. When Klaus saw me he flew into a rage. Before his brother could react Klaus had reached into his stomach and ripped his heart out. I was shocked and before I knew it I was running faster than I ever thought possible. I learned my way through life over many centuries and until recently had no contact with any other vampires. There was a reason no one visited me. Most never knew I existed but a few felt the draw of my power. See, there was a reason why I wasn't made a vampire the moment I arrived, because I was the first they created. The combination of four originals' blood in me meant I had powers like them and more. About three months ago I found I had a visit from someone I knew. Elijah had tracked me down. He explained everything and told me what was happening. I can get ahold of him but I need your phone," Elena was confused.

"Wait why should we help you?" she looked at Stefan.

"Because Damon is dying, and I can save him. A little known fact is that Klaus' blood has the ability to heal a werewolf bite," Elena and Stefan turned to look at her. "Please Elena I know you have his phone number and I want to help," Elena handed her phone over to Rosa before stepping back. She dialed the number and waited. The first time she rang no one picked up so she rang once more. After the first three beeps someone picked up.

"Elena I did not expect you to call my brother, why after what happened," Klaus sounded the same as he always had. His voice still held the cockiness but she could hear the sadness that still was in his voice.

"Niklaus, I did not expect you to pick up," her voice was broken and she croaked near the end. She could tell he was shocked.

"Rosa? Is, is that you?" he faltered on the last few words. "Are you in Mystic Falls?" she looked at Elena.

"Yes, and I will come with you but first I need you to do something. I will not fight or try to escape and you can compel me but you must first heal Damon," she was forceful but she could tell that as they spoke he was running back to Mystic Falls. She knew that at most she had one hour.

"Anything just stay right where you are," she hung up and turned to them.

"He is coming. He has agreed to heal Damon as long as I go with him afterwards. I know I cannot say sorry to you Elena enough but I hope this will help," Elena looked at Stefan and took his hand in hers.

"Rosa, you may come in," she didn't step through the door.

"No I can't. I will go to his flat and meet him there, but should he try anything I will make sure it does not end well. I must go, goodbye. Please trust me," Stefan nodded.

"Fine but you will need Alaric to invite you in," she stopped moving and nodded.

"Alright then, I will make sure he gets back safely," Stefan ran to get him.

"Why are you willing to do this for us?" Elena asked and Rosa turned to look at her.

"Because I know what it is like, watching people you love die in front of you. I know the pain it creates and I know that it is almost impossible to deal with. All I know is that I can save him and I will do exactly that," she heard footsteps. "Elena, please be careful. Don't let what happened to me happen to you," Alaric arrived at the doorstep, clearly drunk.

"Let's get this over with," he stepped outside and started to walk away. She took his hand and in an instant they had vanished.