A/N: So I had a couple ideas for a new HP story as did my cousin and we chose to incorporate the ideas together… We are having fun writing it… This is the first time I've been able to type anything up in a long while and that includes updates for my other stories… But the good news is not only will I be posting this story but my other HP stories will be getting updated also… I finally got my new laptop and am able to type things up again without the laptop crashing… Lol…

So this story is going to be a Draco/Hermione story and this is the first time I've wrote this pairing so it really has been fun… Severus will feature in this story a lot because I really do love Sev… This story does take place after the final battle but that doesn't mean there still won't be drama because there is quite a lot of it… LMAO! So hold on to your seat folks you're in for a ride…

Disclaimer: I don't own HP and neither does my cousin! Although I do claim Severus! Hehe…


Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be. ~Robert Brault


Hermione Granger sighed as she walked towards her favorite spot. She only went there when she needed to think or when she needed time alone. This time around she needed both time alone and time to think. Her mind was running every direction and had been since she read the letter from her Mother two days ago. She sat down on the ground and leaned against the bolder that she has claimed as her own and once again pulled the letter out of her pocket.

She really couldn't believe what she had been told in the letter. Not only was she a pureblood and not a muggle born like she had thought but she was also an heir to one of the four founders of Hogwarts. Besides all that she had been informed of the different powers she could and would come into in two days time when she turned seventeen. She needed to talk to someone but she wasn't sure who. She sighed again and her eyes flew open. She knew who exactly to talk to. She stood up and quickly made her way back towards the castle and then in.

As she walked towards the Dungeon's she couldn't help but wonder why she thought of Severus instead of Albus. She shook her head to clear it as she neared the door to Severus' classroom and office. Without realizing it she raised her hand and knocked and then walked in before she even heard him tell her to come in. She took in a deep breath and let it out when she saw him sitting behind his desk looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry to bother you today Professor Snape but I needed to talk to someone and you are the only one I trust enough to not tell anyone until I'm ready."

Severus quirked an eyebrow and said "Miss Granger what on Earth are you talking about?"

Hermione sighed and then put a hand in her pants pocket and pulled out the letter she had gotten. "Here Sir read this."

Severus scowled but stood up and took the letter from Hermione. His eyes widened as he read what it said:

Our Dearest Hermione,

I know that you have many questions daughter and I will answer what I can. For now just know that your Father and I love you very much. This letter will tell you the things your Father and I have kept from you from the time that you were born. We just hope that you can forgive us in time. As you read this please keep in mind that we love you Darling and we always will.

Hermione you are not a Muggle-Born as you have always thought. Your father is a Wizard and I am a Witch. We left the Wizarding world to make sure that you would be safe. Yes, we know that you weren't safe once you started Hogwarts because of Voldermort but you would have been in even more danger during that time if people had known who you truly were. Now we know that Voldermort is gone for good, however daughter you will still need to keep on guard. When you turn seventeen your powers will come into play.

Yes, we know that you have already turned seventeen because of the use of the time turner you used in your third year but the powers that we are talking about will not come in until the day that you would have originally turned seventeen. What powers are we talking about you are probably asking yourself right now. Well when you turn seventeen the Veela in you will come out as will the Angelus side of you. You see dear your father is part Angelus and I am part Veela and your father is my mate. You will also be able to do wandless magic, have telepathic powers, empathy powers, you will be able to tell when someone is lying and you will be able to see the future. Besides all that you will have more powers but we won't know what they are until they manifest themselves on your birthday.

The most shocking news you will learn is that you are an heir to one of the founders of Hogwarts. I cannot tell you which one but you will find out in five days time. That will also be when you find out what our real last name is. Please make sure that you are not alone when the changes take place. We will be at Hogwarts during supper time on your birthday. Please don't hate us too much dear. We love you and never forget that.


Mom and Dad.

Severus' eyes flew to Hermione when he finished reading the letter. "Miss Granger what exactly do you want me to do?"

Hermione clasped her hands together and looked Severus in the eyes. "You read the letter Sir. I'd like your help. I really don't feel comfortable telling Harry or Ron and in all honestly I don't think they would be much help anyways. I don't know what to do or think and I feel as if I don't even know myself. I don't even know who I am now and I don't like feeling as if I never knew who I was."

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Miss Granger I'll help where I can but we are going to need to let the Headmaster know what is going on. I'm not sure what to expect when it comes to the powers it talks about in this letter. I really must say I'm surprised that you haven't gone to Potter and Weasley with this but then again I can understand why you can't. Why don't you have a seat in my chair while I go and get the Headmaster. You look as if you are about to fall flat on your face and I really don't want to have to pick you up from the floor."

Hermione gave a small chuckle but did as she was told while Severus walked through his office and into what must be his quarters. She sat down in the chair and leaned her head back on it and closed her eyes and sighed. As she tried to relax she took in deep breaths and let them out as she waited on Severus to come back with Albus. Her mind was still racing but she felt a little better since sharing her letter with someone. She opened her eyes when she heard footsteps. She groaned when she saw who it was. "Malfoy."

Draco smirked when he saw Hermione. "Mudblood. Did the Head Girl get detention for something?"

Hermione glared at Draco. "Hush up Ferret. If you must know I'm waiting on Snape to come back with the Headmaster. Did the ferret forget how to talk civil and have to come ask Snape for a potion for it?"

Draco stepped forward and withdrew his wand but before he could say anything Severus walked back in with Albus and said "Mr. Malfoy did you need something?"

Draco turned his head to look over his shoulder. "I was just coming to see if you have heard from Mother or Father recently. When I came in the Mudblood was here."

Severus quirked an eyebrow and drawled "You calling Miss Granger that is going to come back and bite you Draco. Besides that you just lost twenty points for Slytherin and detention with Filch tomorrow night. The war is over Draco so start acting like it. As for your parents the last I heard they were revamping the Manor."

Draco looked at his Godfather in shock. He couldn't believe that Severus had not only taken points from him but had also given him detention. He knew that the war was over but calling Hermione a Mudblood was a habit. He looked from Severus to Hermione and nodded. "I know that the war is over Godfather. I know that better than most especially since it is mostly because of Granger that my family is not rotting in Azkaban. Calling Granger, Mudblood is a habit and I will work harder on breaking it. Thank you for letting me know about Mother and Father. I'll leave now."

Albus stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Actually Mr. Malfoy you should stay."

Hermione's head snapped towards Albus and she snarled "I don't want Malfoy to know anything, Headmaster. If you're going to tell him anything then I will just leave and find someone else to help me. The war may be over and I may have helped the Malfoy's but that does not mean that I like Malfoy or trust him and I won't have him knowing my business."

Albus sighed and looked at Hermione. "Miss Granger I can understand that but I'm afraid with everything Severus has told me that we will need Mr. Malfoy. Surely you can put aside your differences for a short time. Your life could very well depend on having Mr. Malfoy helping us with what needs to be done."

Hermione shook her head and stood up. "I'm sorry Headmaster but I'll take my chances alone. Right at this point I could really care less if my life hangs in the balance. I will not have Malfoy helping me with anything. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and pack my things and find a place that I can go to and be on my own."

Severus took a step forward and stopped in front of Hermione and blocked her from going anywhere and he frowned and then said "Actually Albus, Miss Granger has a point. I also think it would be best if we use Blaise Zabini instead of Draco since Blaise is Head Boy. It would only be fair if we use someone Miss Granger is comfortable with. As much as I hate to say this if Miss Granger leaves then you will need to find a substitute Potion's Professor because I will not allow her to go on her own."

Albus looked at Severus in shock and then thought for a second and finally nodded. "You do have a point Severus but so do I. I understand that Hermione may not want Mr. Malfoy to know what is going on but I have to stand by what I said. Mr. Malfoy can still be of some help at least and we don't have to tell him anything."

Draco frowned and then scowled as he looked at Albus and then to Severus and Hermione and back to Severus. "What in the bloody hell are you three talking about? Why is Granger's life hanging in the balance?"

Hermione sighed and then looked at Severus and Albus and gave a small nod. "I am only saying this once. It depends on what you have in mind Headmaster on telling Malfoy. I do not want him knowing anything and if I think for one second you are going to tell him anything then I will leave and take my chances. I don't trust Malfoy for many reasons and you should understand that. What exactly do you think Malfoy could help with that Professor Snape nor Blaise could?"

Albus sighed and looked at Draco. "Hermione I do understand why you don't trust the young Mr. Malfoy. As for what I think he could help with would be the wards. We have no clue really what to expect and Mr. Malfoy is as good as you when it comes to wards but if you make the wards then you will be able to get passed them. If Mr. Malfoy makes the wards then you will be safe. The reason Severus and Mr. Zabini wouldn't be able to help is because they will be too busy making sure that you are okay. Severus will need to work with Mr. Zabini on making sure that everything is arranged in a way that you don't get harmed. I will have to make wards to block off both ways so that nobody else can get to the Head dormitory come tomorrow night."

Hermione sighed but nodded again just as she swayed on her feet. "I can understand now why you want Malfoy to help but I really don't want him learning why. I'm not ready for anyone to know but I know that we will have to tell Blaise."

Draco looked at Hermione and then Albus with a raised eyebrow. "So I'm expected to help without knowing why? Why would I do that?"

Severus stepped forward and glared at the boy he thought of as family. "You will help Draco because you owe Miss Granger big time. You will also help because as much as you pretend to hate Miss Granger I know for a fact that you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. I also know that you will help because you have no choice in the matter. If Miss Granger does decide to tell you what is going on then you will keep it to yourself and you will not speak of it to anyone."

Draco swallowed hard and nodded. He knew that everything Severus just said was the truth. He looked at Hermione and he frowned when he saw her sway on her feet again. "Are you alright Granger? You keep swaying on your feet."

Hermione sighed. "Can we go to my dormitory please? I don't feel so good all of a sudden and we should talk to Blaise. As for telling Malfoy I need to think on it. He hasn't made my life easy and I know that my life is going to get even harder now and I don't really want him making it worse than it already is."

Severus looked at Hermione and could tell that she was in pain and that something else was seriously wrong because she was even paler than she had been when she first came into his office thirty minutes ago which caused him to frown. "Miss Granger exactly how long ago did you get the letter?"

Hermione swayed a little but didn't fall as she looked at Severus. "Uh three days ago Sir. My birthday is the day after tomorrow. Why?"

Severus exchanged a looked with Albus and then swore as he looked back at Hermione. "You idiotic girl! You should have come to me or one of the other Professors's as soon as you read that letter. Some of the changes happen before your seventeenth birthday. I'm going to grab some potions and bring them with me. I want you to let Draco carry you back to the Head dormitory Miss Granger. The Headmaster will walk with you two."

Draco's eyes widened when he heard that and his eyes flew to Severus. "You can't expect me to carry her Godfather! She's a Mud- Muggleborn. Besides that why can't she walk?"

Severus' eyes flashed as he looked at Draco. "It wasn't a request Mr. Malfoy. You will carry Miss Granger back to her common room. As for why she can't walk it's because if you look closely at her you will see that she is barely standing up and staying on her own two feet. Don't try anything because the Headmaster will be with you. Now get to it Draco and get her back to her common room quickly. I will be with you guys shortly."

Draco glared at Severus and then took the remaining steps to Hermione and picked her up and then followed Albus out of the classroom. He looked down at Hermione and sighed when he saw the pinched look on her face. He was surprised that she wasn't cursing him for carrying her but then again he also knew that she wasn't doing it because Albus was with them. He looked over at Albus as they walked up the steps from the dungeon. "Headmaster, what is wrong with Granger?"

Albus who kept looking over and checking on Hermione sighed. "I cannot tell you Mr. Malfoy. I'm surprised I didn't even know of this until earlier. Suffice to say young Malfoy that within the next two days everything you and everyone else in this school have thought will be proven wrong. Now lets get Miss Granger to her common room before Severus gets there. I really don't want him yelling at us for not getting her there quicker."

Draco nodded just as they came to the portrait guarding the Head's dormitory. He shifted his hold on Hermione while Albus gave the password and then followed him into the common room. As he walked towards the couch he heard Blaise's bedroom door open. He put Hermione on the couch and then looked up when he heard footsteps rushing towards them. "Calm down Blaise."

Blaise dropped down to his knees by the couch and looked Hermione over and then looked up at Draco and Albus and demanded "What happened to Hermione?"

Albus gave Blaise a smile when he heard the worried note in his tone and said "Hermione is alright Mr. Zabini. Once Severus gets here with her Potions we will talk."

Blaise scowled and then snarled "If Hermione is alright then why does she need Potions? She's even paler than she was earlier so something happened to her and I demand to know what! Draco what did you do to her?"

Draco glared at Blaise and sneered "What makes you think I did something to Granger?"

Blaise scoffed but before he could say anything the door opened and Severus stepped in and said "Is Miss Granger still conscious?"

Hermione who had her eyes closed and trying not to scream gasped out "Yes, Professor. Please tell me you have a pain relief potion with you. My whole body feels as if it is on fire."

Severus quickly walked over and handed the pain relief potion to Hermione after taking the stopper out and then helped her take it. He made sure to help her take the other two potions he had brought and then he looked around and sighed when he saw Blaise and Draco glaring at one another. "What is your problem you two? Blaise if you think Draco did something to harm Miss Granger you're wrong. Now both of you calm down so we can come up with a plan. We have a little over twenty four hours to come up with something that will work."

Blaise looked at Severus and then at Hermione and back to Severus. "What kind of plan? What did you give Hermione? What is wrong with her?"

Severus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I gave her a pain relief potion, a modified calming draught and a muscle relaxing draught. As for what is wrong with Miss Granger we will talk about that later. For now we need to talk about wards and where we are setting them up at."

Hermione let out a sigh of relief when the pain she was feeling eased. She pushed up into a sitting position and then looked around and sighed again. "We may as well talk about everything. Malfoy knowing will lessen the burden that will be placed on Blaise's shoulders. However I want him to make a vow that he won't tell anyone what he learns neither by mouth nor by parchment. I won't take the chance that he can write about what he will be learning tonight and tell others."

Draco scowled. "My word should be good enough for you Granger!"

Hermione snorted and shook her head. "I don't think so Malfoy. It's either a vow or you leave and I have Blaise ask Nott to help."

Severus looked at Hermione in surprise. "You get along with Nott?"

Hermione gave a curt nod. "Yes, I do. Actually even if Draco decides to help I think I still want Nott in on this. He could help Blaise out."

Severus nodded and then called for Winky and told her his instructions and then looked back at Hermione. "While we are waiting for Nott I do have a question. Why did you wait so long to come to me?"

Hermione sighed and leaned her head back on the couch. "I thought I could handle it on my own. I kept re-reading the letter thinking I was reading wrong but today I knew that the letter held the truth in it. I wasn't able to hide from it any longer and since my birthday is the day after tomorrow I knew that I needed to talk to someone. Like I told you when I first came to you I knew that I could trust you to keep it quiet until I was either ready to tell someone or until it would become obvious to everyone. Not only that but the pain I've been feeling has gotten worse in the last couple of days and today I just couldn't handle it anymore. I hate having to ask for help but I know that if I want to survive what is going to happen then I need all the help I can get and people I can lean on because I have a feeling Harry and Ron are going to kill me for not coming to them."

Blaise looked at Hermione in concern. "Mia, what is going on? As for Potter and Weasley I promise I won't let them hurt you."

Hermione shot Blaise a smile just as a knock sounded on the door to the Head dorm. "You will find out soon enough Blaise. Will you let Theo in?"

Blaise nodded and stood up after giving Hermione one more look before he walked over and opened the door. "Come on in Theo."

Theo gave Blaise a nod and then walked by him and into the common room. He frowned when he saw Hermione and how pale she was. His frown grew bigger when he saw Draco, Albus and the person who had sent for him. "You sent for me Professor Snape?"

Severus nodded. "That I did Mr. Nott. Have a seat if you and then we can get started."

Theo nodded and walked over to the couch where Hermione and now Blaise were sitting. He took the seat on the left side of Hermione since Blaise had just sat down on her right side. "Are you okay Hermione?"

Hermione looked at Theo and gave a small smile even as she nodded. "I'm okay Theo. I haven't had any more spells since this morning."

Severus and Albus both looked at Hermione but it was Albus who asked "What kind of spell did you have this morning Miss Granger?"

Hermione sighed and shook her head. "It was nothing Sir. Now before we start I would like for you Headmaster or even Professor Snape to do the vow with Malfoy so that he can't talk about what goes on in here. If he doesn't consent to the vow then he leaves."

Theo looked at Hermione in shock but before he could say anything Severus cut in with "Miss Granger what type of spell did you have this morning? If you will not tell us I will ask Mr. Nott. It obviously was something or you wouldn't have said you had any since this morning to Theo. Now will you be telling us or does Theo need to tell us?"

Hermione sighed as she rolled her eyes. "It really isn't important Sir."

Theo gave a snort and said "Hermione you blacked out for no reason. If I hadn't been walking down the stairs with you, you could have been seriously hurt."

Severus and Albus both frowned at this and Severus said "What were you doing before you walked down the stairs Miss Granger?"

Hermione shook her head. "Look I'll tell you anything you want to know after someone has Malfoy make the vow. We've already said too much in front of him."

Draco scoffed. "I'm not making a vow Granger."

Hermione glared and then snarled "Fine then Malfoy you can leave. Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. I don't have the time or inclination to deal with you so leave."

Draco glared at Hermione and sneered "You can't tell me what to do Granger."

Hermione stood up so fast that she fell right back down and it was Severus who said "Draco you will either make the vow or you will leave. If you keep baiting Miss Granger like you are then I will be forced to give another detention. This is a serious matter there for you will take it seriously. Do I make myself clear?"

Draco's eyes widened even as he said "Does Blaise and Theo have to make a vow also?"

Severus looked at Hermione who shook her head and said "No they don't. I trust both Blaise and Theo with my life so I know they won't say anything about what they hear. You on the other hand Malfoy I don't trust any further than I can throw you and let's face it I can't throw you at all so you will either make the vow or leave. Will you just decide because I'm feeling weaker every second that passes."

Draco frowned but nodded and looked at Severus. "I'll take the vow but this had better be important."

Blaise and Theo kept looking at Hermione and then everyone else and back to Hermione. They had no clue what was going on but they wanted to know. They didn't like how pale Hermione was getting every couple of minutes.

Severus nodded and took out his wand and said "Okay Miss Granger and Draco touch your wands to one another. I'll do the spell for the vow and the questions."

Hermione nodded and stood up slower than she had so that she could stay on her feet. She took out her wand and held it out and then gave a nod to Draco when he did the same. "Okay Professor I'm ready."

Severus nodded and then looked at both Draco and Hermione. "Draco, do you vow not to speak a word of what you hear in this room to anyone other than those who are in this room."

Draco nodded and said "I vow."

Severus nodded. "Do you vow to not write about anything you hear in this room and show others?"

Draco snorted and said "I vow."

Severus closed his eyes "And do you vow to make sure that nobody finds out about anything that goes on in the next couple of days with Miss Granger unless she tells them herself?"

Draco nodded and said "I vow."

Severus nodded as he opened his eyes up and flicked his wand and watched as the vow took. "Okay Miss Granger sit back down before you fall again. Now tell us what you were doing before you blacked out."

Hermione once again sighed and then sat down. "I wasn't doing anything before I blacked out. I had just come out of History of Magic and Theo was waiting on me so that he could walk with me to the Great Hall. As soon as we hit the stairs and started down them a sharp pain went through my back and my head and I blacked out. I came to a minute or so later in Theo's arms."

Severus frowned and said "Why didn't either of you tell a Professor?"

Hermione shook her head. "I didn't think nothing of it. I thought maybe it was just the stress getting to me of finding out that my whole life was nothing but a lie. I did promise Theo that if I had another spell like that, that I would go and see Madam Pompfrey."

Blaise cleared his throat and said "Mia what do you mean that you thought it was stress getting to you because you found out that your whole life was nothing but a lie?"

Hermione groaned and then turned to look at Blaise. "You would pick up on that Blaise. This is why I had Malfoy make the vow. Nothing I am about to say goes any further than anyone in this room."

Blaise nodded and so did Theo and both said at the same time "We won't tell anyone Hermione."

Hermione sighed and looked at Severus who gave her a nod and then she said "I got a letter from my Mother and Father three days ago. My Mother wanted to make sure that I wasn't alone come midnight on the day that I turn seventeen."

Blaise frowned and said "Why Mia?"

Hermione gave a sarcastic laugh and said "Because apparently come midnight I'm going to change in more ways than one. It turns out I'm not a Muggle born like I had been told and like I always thought. I am actually a Pureblood. Besides that according to the letter my Mother and Father sent my Veela powers as well as my Angelus powers will be kicking in and some others that they are not sure of. My Mother is a Veela and my Father is an Angelus so I get both of their powers. Lucky me! Oh and if that isn't enough apparently I am an heir to one of the founders of Hogwarts but I won't find out whose heir I am until the morning of my birthday."

Blaise, Theo and Draco all stared at Hermione in shock and then Draco started laughing and said "Good one Granger. You almost had me believing that I took this vow for a good reason. What in the bloody hell have you been smoking to make you think that everything you just spouted was the truth? What are your parents on?"

Hermione glared at Draco and just as she opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind Severus cut in and said harshly to Draco "I assure you everything Miss Granger just said is the truth Draco. If all you are going to do is be a git then you can leave and we will plan without you. The more I think about it the more I think that Albus was in the wrong for saying you could be a great help because everything you have said and done so far just proves that you can't do anything or say anything nice to be helpful. Everything Miss Granger just said is the truth. If you look close enough you can see that in some ways she is changing already. For one her hair is getting lighter and her eyes are changing colors. Not to mention the pain that she has been having is probably due to both the Veela and the Angelus in her. What Miss Granger didn't mention is the other powers she will be getting besides those that come with her being a Veela and Angelus. She will have quite a few new powers that we know to expect and some that we have no clue how they will manifest themselves in her."

Draco's eyes widened and then he really looked at Hermione and his mouth dropped open because by staring at her he was able to see the changes that Severus had noticed. He swallowed hard and then looked back at Severus. "So what do we do?"

Severus looked at Albus who said "Tomorrow I want at least one of you three boys with Miss Granger. I don't care if people talk because they are not use to seeing you with her but at all times she is to be with one of you. If she looks as if she is going to blackout or she looks as if she is in pain then you are to get her to Severus or myself. I will tell the other Professor's that Miss Granger is sick and that if she says she needs to be excused that she is to be let out with no questions asked and that one of you three are to go with her. We need to rearrange this common room so that it is spacious and then set up wards around Hermione in a space that she chooses. We will set wards up out in the corridor that leads to here so that nobody can approach the Head's dormitory. Tomorrow night Mr. Zabini and Hermione will be excused from their duties and I will find someone to cover for them. Severus and myself will be here tomorrow night at nine and make sure that everything is set up."

Blaise and Theo both nodded as did Draco who also asked "What about meal times?"

Albus thought for a moment but it was Severus who said "Miss Granger can sit with Blaise and Theo during meals. If anyone asks tell them that the Headmaster came up with a school unity project or something or refer them to me. In the morning Blaise, I want you to bring Miss Granger to my quarters so I can check her over and give her another pain relief potion if she needs it."

Blaise nodded. "I'll do that Sir."

Hermione groaned as a sharp pain went through her back and then looked up and when she saw everyone looking at her she shook her head and said "I'm fine but I need to sleep I think. My back is hurting."

Severus stood up and took his wand out and walked around the couch and said "Sit forward Miss Granger."

Hermione did as she was told and then asked "Is this far enough Sir?"

Severus nodded and waved his wand saying a spell and then he sighed. "That is what I thought. You may not get your powers Miss Granger but it appears as if your wings are growing already. If you need anything tonight call for Winky and send her to me."

Hermione sighed but nodded. "Okay Sir. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you all in the morning."

Blaise and Theo both stood up and then reached down and each one grabbed a hold of one of Hermione's arms and pulled her up and then walked her to her room. They gave her a hug and then walked back down to the common room.

As soon as he sat back down Blaise looked at Severus and Albus and asked "How bad is this going to be for Mia?"

Albus shook his head. "I honestly don't know Mr. Zabini. I have never heard of a Veela and Angelus pairing before let alone them having a child that will have both Angelus and Veela in them. I do suggest that tonight unless you are tired that you and Mr. Nott and Mr. Malfoy read up on Veela and Angelus. This way you have some understanding of both types. I know that I will be researching it as well. I didn't want to worry Miss Granger but I'd appreciate it Mr. Zabini if you allow Mr. Nott to stay the night in case anything happens tonight."

Blaise nodded and Theo said "I was already planning on it Headmaster."

Albus nodded and then stood up. "If any of you need anything tonight just use the floo and call out for Headmaster's quarters and summon me."

Blaise nodded and then looked at Severus. "Will the pain relief potion last all night?"

Severus shook his head. "It should last but I am not sure if it will or not. If it doesn't like I told Miss Granger send for me."

Blaise nodded again. "Thank you for helping Mia then, Sir."

Severus nodded and then said "Come along Draco we need to have a talk."

Draco stood up and then gave a nod to Theo and Blaise and followed Albus and Severus out of the Head dorm.


Hermione fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow only to wake up screaming not even two hours later.

A/N 2: *looks of chapter and drops jaw* OMG! I can't believe how long this chapter is! LMAO! Sorry all but I couldn't really find a place to end it that would have been good... Now hopefully I can work on my other HP stories now without Draco popping in and demanding I write him... Lol... Click the button and let me know what you think!