
It was an average day in the Pride lands, the lions were hunting, gazelle were grazing and the birds were flying; speak of the devil it appears that a certain red-billed hornbill named Zazu is surveying the area for something important. Apparently he had been informed of a rogue lion hunting and killing the animals of the Pride lands and he is going to investigate. While he was flying, he noticed something below him and landed to get a closer look and apparently he found what he was looking for, because he was looking at the back of the lion as he was feasting on an antelope.

"Excuse me sir, you are in restricted hunting grounds and I must ask you to leave." He said politely.

The lion paid no attention to him and just kept eating the poor animal that was in front of him.

"Sir, I'm speaking to you, would you mind turning around please?" He asked a little annoyed.

Again he paid no mind to the bird and continued to eat and Zazu was getting a little mad.

"Now listen pal, I'm talking to you, you are in the domain of king Simba, and I'm here to tell you to get out!" He yelled.

The instant the name Simba reached his ears, the lion sat up, showing Zazu his impressive stature.

"Simba?" He said with a low menacing growl.

"Um, yes, he is the king of these lands, and you are trespassing upon them." Zazu said a little scared of the lion's size.

Then instantly the lion turned around and grabbed Zazu with his claws and Zazu were horrified by the sight of his menacing face; he blood red eyes, a large jaw full of razor sharp teeth and sinister scowl that almost made him faint.

"What about Simba?" He asked bearing his teeth.

"S…Simba is the king of Pride Rock and of the Pride lands." Zazu answered obviously terrified.

"So that's what he's been up to for so long." He said to himself then he turned back to Zazu.

"Okay listen birdie, fly back to Pride Rock and tell Simba that Makto is in the neighborhood and that I'm ready for the rematch!" He said.

He then released Zazu and he quickly flew back to Pride Rock to give Simba the news.

Back at Pride Rock, the king Simba sat at the ledge to better observe his kingdom, he still remembers the day he came back, defeated Scar and returned it to its former glory.

"Now this is perfect." He said admiring the Pride lands.

"Simba, are you out here?" Nala asked.

Simba smiled when he heard her voice, the very sight of her makes him happy because she is the love of his life and the mother of his child.

"I'm over here Nala." He answered.

"There you are," She said and she gave him a quick nuzzle.

"Have you seen Kiara or Kovu, I can't seem to find them." She said worried.

"No, and honestly I'm worried about what could happen." He said.

"Don't worry Simba; ever since we made peace with the Outsiders, nothing seems to be causing problems." She explained.

"I know, but I'm worried what those two can do…alone." Simba said.

"Relax, I'm sure Kovu wouldn't do that to Kiara, he loves her enough to know when it's appropriate." She assured him.

"Well, I wouldn't put all your faith in their abstinence." A voice said behind them.

They both turned around and saw Timon and Pumbaa standing around.

"Timon what are you talking about Timon?" Nala asked.

"Well you know how kids are when they're in love; we left you two alone for 5 minutes and badda-bing badda-boom." He explained.

"I think it's different than that Timon." She said.

"Alright but, I warned you." He said.

"Warned them about what?" Pumbaa asked.

Just then Vitani came to them with a confused look on her face.

"Hey Vitani what's wrong?" Simba asked.

"Well you see, I was out hunting, and I found another lion in our territory and he claims that he knows you." She explained.

"Well then, bring him up and I'll see if he's telling the truth." He ordered.

"Right." She obeyed.

After a few minutes, she brought up a lion that was the same age as Simba and was pretty skinny for someone his age; he had a light brown mane and a little beard on his face.

"Simba?" He asked.

"Hofu?" Simba asked.

"In the flesh my friend." He stated.

"Oh my god, I haven't seen you in a long time." He said.

"How do you think I feel?" He asked.

"Hold on, Timon, Pumbaa come over here." Simba said.

"Well slather me in sauce and throw me to the hyenas. Hofu, how you been?" Timon asked.

"Timon, you sight for sore eyes." Hofu said.

"I haven't seen you since…actually, I'm not sure when the last time I saw you was." Pumbaa said trying to remember.

"Pumbaa, still as clueless as ever." He commented.

"Simba, who is this?" Nala asked.

Before Simba could explain Hofu to her, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home." Kiara shouted.

They turned around and saw Kiara and Kovu walking up to them.

"There you two are, I've been looking everywhere for you." Nala said worried.

"Relax mom, Kovu and I were just at the watering hole." She explained.

"And nothing happened over there right?" Simba asked, giving Kovu and threatening look.

"No sir, nothing happened." Kovu said a little scared.

"Hey who's this?' Kiara asked noticing Hofu.

"Well your father was about to explain right Simba?" She asked.

"Yes, now everyone this is Hofu, he's an old friend to me and Timon and Pumbaa." He began to explain.

"How do you meet him?" Vitani asked.

"Now that's an interesting story." He answered.


A month before Simba went back to the Pride Lands, he was walking through the Oasis and he stopped by a tree to relax.

"Man, what to do during a whole day of nothing?" He asked himself.

As he was relaxing a twig fell on his head and he looked up to see a lion hanging by the branches.

"What the hell?" He shouted.

"Oh thank goodness you're here, can you be a sport and help me?" He asked.

"How did you get up there?" Simba asked.

"How about a little less questions and little more help me down." He shouted.

Simba climbed up the tree and helped the lion down with no incident.

"Thanks man, I don't how long I would have been stuck up there." He said.

"Yeah no problem, by the way, my name's Simba." He introduced.

"The name's Hofu." He said.

"Where are you from?" Simba asked.

"I'm from a small pride just outside the Oasis, but I don't think I'll be going back." He explained.

"Why is that?" Simba asked.

"I'll explain later, but right now, do you know where I can find a place to stay for the night?" Hofu asked.

"Don't worry, you can stay with me and my friends for the night." He said.

"Thanks man."


"Well that was an interesting story." Kovu commented.

"So Simba, are you going to introduce me to your family?" He asked.

"Right, this is my wife Nala, my daughter Kiara, her husband Kovu and his sister Vitani." He said.

"Nice to meet you all." He said.

"So what brings you down here Hofu?" Nala asked.

"Actually that's thing, I got some news Simba, and it's not the best news in the world." Hofu stuttered to say.

"What is it?" He asked.

But, before Hofu could say anything, Zazu flew in clearly exhausted and a quite scared.

"Zazu what's wrong?" Kiara asked.

"Sire, I just found the lion who was killing the other animals, and he told me you give you a message." He explained.

"What is it?" Simba asked.

"He said his name was Makto and that he was coming back for the rematch." He said.

Once those words left his beak, Simba suddenly stiffened and the others looked at him and saw his eyes were filled with pure horror.

"Yeah, that's the news I wanted to give you…surprise." Hofu said.

"Simba, what's wrong?" Nala asked.

"This is bad." Simba said.

"What's bad, what's going on, and who the heck is Makto?" Kovu asked.

"Now that…is another story." Simba said with a grave look on his face.