Disclaimer: I am in the process of buying Pokemon with the 3 cents I have, located in my back pocket. Yeah right.

Author: CloudySkies14

Author Notes: Hello one and all, my name is CloudySkies and this is my first fanfiction. The inspiration for this came when I slipped and fell in my shower. Go figure right. Anyway this fanfic is of course Poke shipping. (Sorry to those other shippers out there.) I am turning this into a chapter fanfiction (that's what you call it right?) It is, for the most part, told from Ash, Misty, and the unlucky passerby that was the victim of one of their arguments points of view.

I never intended this to be full of fluff. One part may show them fighting while another might show them making up. Then there are the miscellaneous parts here and there to further advance the plot. Bear with me, this is after all my first fanfiction so be nice. I would like you guys to review this, but if you're like me then you probably read for enjoyment. I thank those who are going to read my work. I hope that you review so I can have some type of confidence to post chapter 2. As always enjoy.


Title- "A helping hand"

Chapter Title- "Stupid Map"

Summery- Ash, Misty, and Brock are both travelling to Cerulean City. Ash and Misty of course are having one of their daily arguments. As things escalate, an unlucky passerby is caught up in everything. Will he help them realize the love they have for one another or tear everything apart.


Chapter One

"Stupid Map"

It's sunny, hot and we're lost. This was going through the young trainers mind as he sighed wondering if he made the right chose to travel without a map. Turning to the Pokémon on his shoulder, he asked a question he already knew the answer to. "Hey Pikachu, you wouldn't happen to know where we are, would you? It seems like we've been walking for DAYS!" The trainer said. The ribbon wearing Pikachu shook her head.

"Pika, Pika CHU!" said the Pokémon, annoyed at its master. "It wasn't my fault the map got destroyed! How was I supposed to know maps are flammable? Said the trainer. "PIKA, PIKA!" She shot him a dangerous look, contemplating whether to shock him or not. "I…well you see…come on it was…FINE, it was my fault the map got destroyed. Happy now?" Pikachu nodded her head, satisfied by her master's answer. "Your just like my mo-" He stopped himself, not wanting to remember anything to do with his past.

Pikachu sensed this and gave him a worried look. The trainer sighed and looked ahead, trying to avoid making eye contact with his Pokémon. He heard shouting and wondered what the commotion was all about. In front of him were three travellers. The tallest of the three, a guy, looked calm, like if the shouting going on next to him was as normal as normal can be. The other two, a boy and a girl, looked like they were in a heated argument.

"Hey that guy has a Pikachu too" Thought the trainer. As he got closer he heard parts of the argument. "YOU JERK" shouted the red-headed girl. She looked like she was going to attack the spiky haired boy any second. "It wasn't my fault the map got destroyed!" shouted the boy.

The trainer chuckled. "Hey Pikachu doesn't that sound like us a couple of minutes ago?" "Pika…" said the observant Pokémon. "Yeah that girl does sound a lot scarier right." Agreeing with his friend. As he approached the group, he saw buildings that belonged to a city. "Look, buildings. Looks like I didn't get us lost Pikachu" He never did hear his Pokémon's response. A large object came flying at him, colliding with his head. He was sprawled out on the ground, in a pool of his own blood, knocked out cold as his Pikachu panicked.


Blackness soon faded to white as the trainer got up and brushed himself off. "Where am I" He thought, looking around. "Pikachu?" He called. "Are you there buddy?" He said. The trainer saw a group up ahead and began to walk towards them. "Hey, sorry for interrupting you, but could you tell me-." The trainers eyes widened in surprise and shock. "MOM, DAD! I…I can't believe your hear…I've missed so much!" He ran towards them to give them a hug, but something stopped him. It was like an invisible wall just appeared, cutting him of from the group.

"You're no son of mine! Your nothing but a FAILURE!" said his dad. "What?" said the confused trainer. "I don't think you mean that da-." "Of course he means it!" shout his mom. "Your nothing but a worthless failure, a good for nothing piece of SHIT! You're such a disgrace to this family. I should've never given birth to you." She said.

The boy stood there in shock. He looked towards the girl standing next to his parents. "Rose…rose is it really you?" He was on the verge of crying. "Rose…where have you been…I've been looking for you for so long" he said. Rose laughed. Her laugh sent shivers down the trainer's spine. "It's true you know. What your parents said, it's true. I blame you for everything. You failed me more than once. I was stupid to ever believe in you."

The trainer just stared at her. His heart was broken. "Well…well forget YOU!" He shouted, anger clouding his judgment. "I have my Pokémon. The love and trust me." Rose laughed again. "You mean like Pikachu?" Pikachu came running out from behind her. "Pikachu…Pikachu what are you doing there buddy…come on let's get out of here." Instead of running towards its master Pikachu did something that destroyed any hope and happiness in the trainer. She took the red ribbon off. The ribbon he gave her when they first met. The ribbon that was the basis of their friendship.

"No…." The boy said as he fell to his knees. "Please, I…I didn't mean to… cause you all any grief" He said to the group. "It's too late" said Rose. They started to walk away. "PLEASE DON'T…don't go!" He tried to get up, but something was holding him back. "I'm SORRY OK! WAIT…STOP…PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! He shouted, crying his heart out. Blackness soon swirled around him.


Author Notes: There you have it folks. I did not give the mystery trainer a name just yet. If done this for the advancement of the plot. Everything will be explained next chapter in one form or another. Please give me your honest thoughts about this story before I post chapter 2. Oh and be honest about them reviews :). As always, enjoy your day.