I do not own PJO or HoO, that's all Rick Riordan. Thank the gods for that.

The Mark of Athena



Percy quivered with anticipation.

He watched as the giant battle ship, the Argo II, made its descent into Camp Jupiter. For eight months, Hera/Juno, had kept him in a magical sleep until he was needed to aid the Roman camp in a quest that would eventually stop the goddess Gaea. It had been eight months since he had seen his family and friends from Camp Half-Blood. He wanted to see them so bad it hurt. Especially Annabeth.

Percy looked behind him to see most of the Roman campers staring in awe at the ship. Well, everyone except Octavian, who was scowling and holding his teddy bear so tight, Percy thought it would rip in half. Frank and Hazel stood on either side of him for support.

"Wow." Hazel mouthed. Percy silently agreed. The ship was magnificent. It was made entirely of wood and bronze. Shields' gleamed along the sides of the ship. Percy could see hatches in the sides for canons. One giant maroon sail gathered the wind, a white flag of truce flapped madly in the wind. The masthead was the head of a giant bronze dragon, one that Percy recognized from one of his summers at camp. He remembered that the bronze dragon had once tried to kill him. Finally, with a huge BOOM that echoed across the valley, the Argo II landed.

Reyna came forward to stand beside Percy.

"I really hope you're right about this, Percy. Remember your promise. If they attack, you fight with us. " Reyna whispered. Percy nodded in return. He knew his promise. But he also knew, in his heart, that Annabeth was on that ship. She wouldn't attack. He couldn't answer for the other campers, but he was sure that there would be no fighting.

There was a lot of shouting on deck. Percy was still too far away to see faces clearly. Finally, after what felt like another eight months, a bridge extended down from the side of the ship. He could hear everyone around them holding their breath in anticipation. The first person down was the curly haired kid from the video scroll, Leo Valdez, the one who Hazel thought was her old friend, Sammy Valdez. Percy looked over at Hazel and saw her pale at the sight of him. Percy turned his attention back to the ship when Leo spoke, "Greeting Romans! The name is Leo. No need for applause." Leo shouted, grinning like a madman.

They're not gonna clap Leo. And you were supposed to wait." the other girl he recognized, Piper, grumbled.

Ah, chill, Beauty Queen, they're coming." Leo replied, still smiling like crazy.

Realizing that the people coming off the ship weren't attacking, some of the other Camp Jupiter campers lowered their weapons tentatively. Minutes later, Annabeth walked down the plank. Percy's heart did a crazy dance when he saw her. He watched as her stormy gray eyes scanned the crowd in search of him. When her eyes found his, she smiled and ran towards him, completely ignoring the crowd of armed soldiers. Percy met her in the middle and grabbed her in a tight hug, spinning her around.

Thank the gods you're alright." Annabeth whispered into his shoulder. "I missed you so much. If I see Hera again, it'll be to soon. She-" Annabeth cut off as Percy kissed her right in front of everyone, sending the crowd roaring. Even Reyna cracked a smile.

More campers from Camp Half-Blood poured from the ship. All the Roman campers had sheathed their weapons and started introducing themselves to the Greeks. Travis and Conner Stoll with some of their siblings, some Hephaestus kids, Clarisse and Chris, Thalia and some other Hunters, all of them had come to the aid of demigods they didn't even know. Percy was ecstatic. He grinned from ear to ear the whole time, greeting all his old friends. Percy shot a smug smile over to Octavian, who proceeded to rip his bear in half, as the two camps converged into one. Then, suddenly, someone shouted,


"Look, it's Jason!"

"Jason?" Reyna said. She swung herself around. Percy watched as a tall, blonde guy, about his age, came down the plank, a sheepish grin on his face. Cheering burst out from the Romans, even louder than when Percy had kissed Annabeth. The old praetor was bombarded with an odd mixture of hugs, questions, and flirting girls. Reyna pushed through the crowd and gripped Jason in a hug that sent the crowd roaring once again. Jason opened his mouth to answer some of the questions being thrown at him, but it was two chaotic and loud for anything. Percy tried to calm them down, but no one could hear him. Suddenly, he was off the ground and on Tyson's shoulders. Tyson gave him a toothy grin.

"Everybody quiet down!" he shouted again. Then, Percy put his fingers to his mouth and gave his best and loudest taxi cab whistle. Everyone quieted down immediately. "Hey, everyone. Look, I know you're all happy to see Jason again. Believe me, I would like nothing more than to catch up with my friends, but we have to remember why they're here. We have a war to fight. We need to head to Rome, then Greece, as soon as possible so we can stop Gaea. We have to remember what's important here. I'm sure that Reyna and Jason agree."

"Percy's right. We must call a senate meeting immediately. Everyone involved on the quests for Juno is to attend. We need to discuss the matters of who is to join in on the quest. I want everyone to go to the senate house immediately. No formalities required. Senatus Populusque Romanus!" Reyna shouted, raising her sword. Everyone brought up the chant. Even the Greeks.

That was my first FanFic, i hoped you liked it. Please reveiw! i want any suggestions that you think will make it better. If the reviews are good, I'll keep writing
