A/N: This story will be approximately 10 chapters long and will feature characters from Kelley Armstrong's Darkest Powers, Darkness Rising and Women of the Otherworld series within the Harry Potter universe. I'm focusing on the Darkest Powers characters though, so its not necessary to have read all of Armstrong's books! For now I'm posting it in the Darkest Powers archive (because I know no one ever checks the crossover section) but it will eventually be moved.

Chapter One

Chloe Saunders learned at a very early age that she wasn't like normal children. Normal children, her father had explained to her at the age of eight, didn't hold conversations with people who weren't there. Normal children weren't able to sense that their neighbour's pet cat, Toby, had died before it had even been reported missing. And then there was the babysitter incident. Normal children, the babysitter had shrieked as she ran from the basement drenched from head to foot in Coca Cola, didn't cause explosions whenever they were scared or angry.

So when the letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry arrived, Chloe had been relieved. At least, until her aunt drew her to one side and whispered the words Chloe knew she would never forget. The words she could never tell anyone.

Her aunt's final words to her had haunted Chloe for five years now. She wasn't just different. Chloe Saunders was unique. And that made her dangerous.


"Excellent wand work, Miss Saunders! Ten points to Gryffindor!"

"Thank you, Professor Winterbourne," said Chloe, looking up from her newly-mute gerbil to smile at her favourite teacher. The plump and pretty Charms professor smiled back as she moved to the front of the classroom and clapped her hands together to call the class to silence.

"Now then, class," she began, "I've seen a vast improvement in your practical application of the Silencing Charm, but it's clear from some of the simple mistakes I've seen today that some of you still haven't quite grasped the theory. Remember, you have to understand the basics if you want to pass your O.W.L.s this year."

Everybody groaned. Professor Winterbourne was an excellent teacher, but her enthusiasm for the subject always led her to set extremely difficult end-of-year exams. She insisted that in order to perform more complex magic – the magic everyone was most eager to start practising – one first had to have a solid understanding of the many theories and studies behind each spell.

Chloe's friend and fellow Gryffindor, Rae Rogers, nudged her and whispered conspiratorially, "I've heard Professor Winterbourne's husband is one of our examiners this year. Cortez. You know, the rebel son of the Minister for Magic. Brady told me he's even stricter than Winterbourne. Ugh." Rae made a face.

Chloe frowned. She'd met Professor Winterbourne's husband last summer when she'd run into the two of them examining an ancient book of grimoires in Flourish and Blotts. Lucas Cortez had been pleasant enough, if a bit formal.

Professor Winterbourne announced their homework – "Two scrolls of parchment on the importance of proper enunciation!" – as the students started gathering their belongings. Rae sighed happily.

"Finally!" she said as they exited the Charms classroom and followed the stream of students heading in the direction of the Great Hall, "Dinnertime!"

Somebody sniggered. "Surely dinnertime is the one timetabled period you can afford to skip, Rachelle." Chloe whipped around to see Victoria Enright, a sixth-year Slytherin girl, smirking at the back of Rae's head. Rae's dark skin was tinged pink as she too turned to glare daggers at the older girl.

"Tori," she spat looking venomous. "Tell me, how's Moaning Myrtle doing these days? I only ask because I hear you've been spending so much quality time with her recently, both of you sticking your heads down the toilets after every meal – "

Tori paled and her hand went to her wand. "You watch your mouth, Rogers."

"C-c'mon, Rae," Chloe said, tugging on her friend's sleeve. "Ignore her. S-she's not worth your time."

Tori grinned. "Yes, do as C-C-C-Chloe says and run along. Tell me, Saunders, why did the Sorting Hat place you of all people in Gryffindor when everybody knows you're too spineless to string more than two syllables together at wandpoint?"

"B-bravery comes in many forms," Chloe replied hotly, inwardly cursing herself when she heard the tremor in her voice. She couldn't help it. Her stammer emerged whenever she got even the slightest bit flustered or angry.

Tori's friends cackled with glee. Rae raised her wand. In a flash Tori had raised hers too and they stood a few metres apart, each waiting for the other girl to make the first move.

"N-no," Chloe hissed. "I m-mean it Rae. Let's just go, before – "


Tori's sneer faltered and she lowered her wand. "Liz," she said in a much friendlier tone.

The newcomer frowned. It was Liz Delaney, a bubbly Hufflepuff prefect from Chloe's year. A little naïve but extremely good-hearted, Liz was adored by everybody, students and teachers alike. Not even Tori and her friends were resistant to Liz's charm.

"Tori, Rae," said Liz, looking from one girl to the other. "Would either of you like to explain what's going on?"

Both girls shook their heads. No one liked to upset Liz. It was worse than getting on the wrong side of Professor Danvers, the temperamental Ancient Runes professor.

"Just a misunderstanding, Liz," said Tori in a voice as sweet and thick as honey. "But it's over now. It won't happen again."

"Yeah," Rae mumbled, eyes still fixed on the back of Tori's head. "A misunderstanding."

Liz beamed. "Glad to hear it. Wouldn't want to be late for dinner. I'm starving."

Rae raised her eyebrows as though daring Tori to respond scathingly, but Tori simply smiled at Chloe and Rae and linked her arm through Liz's. The girls walked away, Tori's entourage of friends trailing behind. A few of them sneered at Chloe and Rae as they passed.

"I hate her," Rae said finally, when Tori was out of earshot.

"Hate is a strong word," Chloe said – it was her automatic response. "But I don't like her much, either. C'mon, let's get going."

She tugged Rae's sleeve again and pulled her forward, only to find her path obstructed by a student exiting the nearest classroom. Chloe slammed into him before she could stop herself.


"Oh!" Chloe exclaimed as her books tumbled from her hands. "S-sorry –"

The student chuckled and stepped back. "It's quite all right."

She looked up. It was Simon Bae, Liz's fellow fifth-year Hufflepuff prefect. Like Liz, there wasn't a single student or teacher who didn't instantly fall for Simon's charm. It wasn't hard to see why he was so well liked – he was the perfect pupil, son of the universally liked Herbology professor and the school's star chaser. Between Simon and Liz, Hufflepuff were well on their way to winning the House Cup this year.

"It's Chloe, right?" said Simon jovially. "I remember you. We were partnered up in the Duelling Club in second-year!"

"Um, yeah," Chloe said, surprised but pleased that someone as popular as Simon would remember such an insignificant event.

Simon beamed. "I was bruised for weeks after that meeting. Never bothered to go back." He glanced at Rae. "And I don't believe we've met."

"Rae Rogers," she said shortly. Her tone was sour and Chloe stole a sideways glance at her friend. She couldn't blame Rae for her mood – rumour had it that Tori had her eye on Simon Bae. Simon's sudden appearance probably wasn't helping Rae forget about their recent run-in with the ice queen.

"Ah," Simon cocked his head to one side, still smiling. "Rogers. I recognise that name! You're Gryffindor's new Beater, right?"

"Yeah," said Rae.

"Well, hey, congrats on your last match against Slytherin. That bludger to Rafe's head really did some damage!"

The corners of Rae's mouth twitched in response to the compliment, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

But Simon didn't seem to notice. He tugged on the strap of his satchel and turned back to Chloe. "You two heading to the Great Hall?"

Chloe nodded.

"Great! I'll tag along."

"Great," Rae muttered, folding her arms. Chloe wanted to comfort her friend, but Simon's presence prevented her from saying anything Rae might not want overheard. Rae was a good friend, but very private.

"So," said Simon as they walked, "You two got any plans for the next Hogsmede weekend? Because my brother and I…"

Chloe tuned out Simon's chattering as they walked down the staircase and into the Entrance Hall. Before they reached the doors to the Great Hall Chloe reached out to Rae and pulled her back, just out of Simon's earshot.

"Hey," she said, "are you sure you're okay?"

Rae nodded, her dark eyes lowered. "I'm fine."

"Listen, just ignore Tori. She doesn't mean it. She's just trying to get you riled up. It's not –"

"Chloe," Rae snapped. "I mean it. I'm fine, okay? Let me go."

Rae wrenched her arm out of Chloe's grip, brushed past Simon who was still obliviously chattering away and stormed through the doors into the Great Hall. Chloe watched her friend go and frowned. Rae's privacy had never struck her as odd before, but it wasn't like her friend to be so harsh. Unbidden, a sense of unease spread through her as a single thought rose to the foreground of Chloe's mind.

Perhaps I'm not the only one keeping secrets in this school…

A/N: If you leave a signed review I'll send a preview of the next chapter!